Going Up Bush

I have another weekend up bush at a place called Katanning where we will stay with Danelle’s folks. We’re heading off tomorrow and coming back Monday.

In that time I’ll be kicking back and relaxing, as well as meeting with the Katanning Baptist leadership team and preaching there on Sunday morning. The associate pastor there is considering doing an internship with Forge daddy s little girls divx online so I am going to make sure the church and leadership team are both well aware of what it could mean if their pastor gets (more) serious about mission. It could mean quite a lot – from painful change to pastoral resignation to amazing freedom.

I wonder what will happen?

Apparently Sunday night is Carols by Candlelight – one of those events I’d happily miss – in fact I’d rather drown in a bucket of vomit… I’m not a big fan of carols!

Wanna Come?

Last night we had two friends around for dinner and in the conversation I asked them how they would feel if I invited them to come to church with me (which I can’t do at present – so it was a harmless suggestion!).

It generated a good discussion.

The guy said he would be very apprehensive because of past experiences of family geting involved and some very ugly stuff happening – separations and suicides. He said he would likely tell me to ‘back off and let me find my own way’. The girl said she felt like it would be on a par with being invited to an Amway meeting… But at the same time she also said she has such respect for my wife that she would probably say ‘yes’ anyway.

These are not ‘church goers’ so it is good to hear their feedback.

I sense we need to hear more from the people who are not coming to our stuff. If we do then we might just figure out how to connect with them and help them connect with God.

Too Much to Say

I’ve been preparing a ‘sermon’ all day.

Its been both inspiring and difficult. Preaching is where my perfectionist tendencies show up! I can’t stand up and waffle – I work on the principle that if it doesn’t grip me, it sure as hell won’t grip anybody else.

I am speaking at Katanning Baptist Church this weekend and I am looking for a new angle on the theme of mission and church. I have many angles, but I am bored with them…

I am bored with the sermon I have preached the last 8 times! Its got some great content, but it just isn’t firing me and I sense God wants me to head in another direction for this crew.

I am also finding that I have way too much stuff I want to say to try and contain it in 25 minutes.

My head is in a fug after so many hours of looking at a computer screen. Tired, headachey…

Some days I hate preaching.

Ok enough whinge – back to it…

Survivor Tonight

Danelle and I are big survivor fans! Its about the only television I watch at present.

Tonight we have three hours of it – yeeha!!! It hasn’t been the best series ever, but that little scumbag, weasle, dropkick, loser, airhead Johhny Fairplay has at least made it interesting.

I am not going to read the CBS site to see how wins – (unlike one of my friends 🙂 ) so please don’t comment and give it away!

My tip?… hmmmm…. in the absence of any decent competitors I pick Darrah…

She is the least offensive of those remaining.watch bullitt in divx

Find Your Own Festival!

Last night I watched the annual Christmas pageant on TV – along with the Chung Wah association and the Hare Krishnas were all manner of people walking the streets of Perth to ‘celebrate Christmas’.

This Sunday we also have our local carols by candlelight (thankfully I will be away!) and the local churches have no participation at all in it, as it is being run by the developers.

I’m open to the possibility that somewhere in all of this people may experience God – but I’m also sick of seeing this dilution of the Christmas occasion to the point where its really just a pagan festival with some religious overtones.

Why don’t we stop this nonsense of calling it Christmas and call it ‘Family Celebration Day’ or something similar.

I actually don’t like Christmas much and I think its partly because I feel really ripped off when people lob in a day that could have real significance for me and turn it into a meaningless event – or worse still distort the meaning to make it into something totally removed from the original intent.

If we’re going to call it Christmas then let’s get real about it.

Otherwise call the day something else and let those who do find the time significant get on with what it means to them.

Not impressed…

download hell ride dvdrip


Yesterday we met as a Brighton team to discuss some form and structure for 2004. If you read a previous post of mine you would know that I am a fan of structure of some sort.

In previous meetings where we have discussed this, we seem to have ‘spun our wheels’ and got bogged – I was never sure why.

On Friday Danelle felt God was telling her that we needed to pray for clarity and pray that the atmosphere of ‘confusion’ we had been experiencing would lift. She felt the confuddled planning meetings we had been having were a result of a spiritual dynamic at work. We prayed Friday evening for that and the next morning we took time to pray again that we would have clarity and agreement on a way forward.

It happened!

We had allocated from 9.30-4.00pm to discuss and map out the plan for 2004, but amazingly we were all done by midday and people were very positive about the way ahead.

So we had lunch, hung out for a bit and had a cruisy afternoon.

Thanks God…

Over the next few days I’ll post some thoughts on what we will be doing as a team next year and some of the issues we have been working thru.

I am feeling relieved to have clarity as I have actually felt a significant sense of depression prior to recent team meetings as well as anxiety after them. I am not a melancholic person and I don’t get ‘down’ easily so I knew something was amiss.

It seems we are in a spiritual battle of sorts… (well hello!)


There were a few great comments left last night – read Emma on Back to School download breakfast club the dvd and James on How Liquid is Church

And ml says Pretty soon all that our kids will be able to do, when outside, at school is sit on a bench (one made out of plastic mind you…dont want to get splinters) and take turns talking about the good ole days their parents talk about when they were in school and played kick ball, battle ball, and climb rusty steal octagons…….

Back to School

I was very sad after my orientation day yesterday.

Life is becoming so dreadfully safe – I can’t stand it!!!

I discovered that schools no longer have the high jump as an athletic event – because people can hurt themselves. I used to be our school’s high jump champion so I am disappointed about that – its a great event!

Kids also have to wear shoes at all times on the oval and hats are compulsory. There are other laborious regulations that we must adhere to also. Why?….

So we don’t get sued.

A litiguous society may be a very safe society, but it is also sounding very boring.

Where will it end???

How Liquid is the Church?

I’m still mulling thru my response to Liquid Church.

I reallly like Pete Ward’s bold imagining and his attempt to earth things in both their theological and sociolgical setings.

Probably the only thing I am really pondering is his lack of emphasis on the need for regular gatherings which we would call church.

I re-read Acts last night to check out how the ‘ecclesia’ is expressed there and I have a feeling that it depends a bit on how you read it as to what you see. Was the ‘church in Jerusalem’ a group that all met together or were they a conglomerate of believers with some form of leadership / apostolic oversight who met spontaneously and regularly but without a set pattern?

Have we read Acts thru the eyes of our own ecclesiology?

I’m not sure but I sense we need to explore what Ward is saying and ask if we have had blind spots because of our conditioning, or if the church really needs to be a weekly gathering.

I feel uncomfortable messing with that idea – I feel uncomfortable with church as a network of communications – but is that just my prejudice?

I am so deeply conditioned that it is hard to imagine Ward’s ideas could be allowable let alone the way the church may function optimally in a missional context.

Still chewing!