If Image is Everything…

ned.jpg download cry wolf free from dusk till dawn dvd “Today on American college and high school campuses, the name most associated with the word Christian-other than Jesus-is not the Pope or Mother Teresa or even Billy Graham. Instead, it’s a goofy-looking guy named Ned Flanders on the animated sitcom known as The Simpsons. The mustache, thick glasses, green sweater, and irrepressibly cheerful demeanor of Ned Flanders, Homer Simpson’s next-door neighbor, have made him an indelible figure, the evangelical known most intimately to nonevangelicals.”


Its been a while between decent surfs. This is what I am dreaming of.

The pic (click on it for a bigger version) was taken on a surf camp I ran for Scarborough High School boys when I was a phys ed teacher there.

It was one of the best days ever in the south west. A spot called Windmills – offshore all day and 4-5 foot. If you’re not a surfer then all that means nothing to you…

If you are… heaven!download deep end of the ocean the movie

I’m not convinced

liquid_church.bmp I am currently about 2/3 of the way thru Pete Ward’s Liquid Church and really enjoying his thoughts. He blends insightful sociology with some excellent theology – but I’m not convinced yet!

If I read him right it would seem that he is advocating church as simply an informal network of relationships that exists any time people come together in 2’s or more. His ideas flow out of the fluid interpenetrating nature of the trinity.

I agree that we are the church everywhere all the time – a refreshing thought – but so far there doesn’t seem to be any scope in Ward’s imagination for the ‘gathering’.

I appreciate he is seeking to wildly re-imagine church – with a missional focus but I think there is a biblical case for ‘gathering’ as an expression of church. I will keep reading!

Looking at Luke

Yesterday afternoon I spent a few hours reading Luke and asking the question – ‘how did Jesus connect with his local community?’

A few observations from that reading:

– He does a lot of preaching and dealing with demons!
– Much of what happens in public places in the ebb and flow of life – Jesus seemed to be quite visible to the loal community and ministry flowed out of the shape his life was taking.
– He used the synagogue as a forum for teaching and communication – even if his teachings were unplalatable
– He was often in people’s houses eg Martha/Mary, Simon, Zacchaeus – but I can’t remember seeing anyone in Jesus’ home… Does that anything in particular?
– People sought him out when he was out in public
– He spent time in non-Jewish contexts with non-Jewish people (Samaritans)

I’m not sure what to make of it all – perhaps I need to preach more and cast out a few more demons! Jokes aside I’m sure the demonic issues are just as real for us in our rational 21st C world, as in his but it seems to be a difficult matter to broach.

“Excuse me, I don’t think its an eating disorder I think its a demon!…” Maybe not…

Anyway that’s what I saw FWIW!

How Did Jesus Connect?

JesusSoccer.jpg This afternoon I am reading Luke (again) but this time thru a different lens.

I am skimming and looking at how and where Jesus connected with people – the different ways he engaged with society.

I’m up to ch 8 – so far he does a lot of public preaching.

Maybe that is a clue to what I should be doing here in Brighton?…

You think?…

“Don’t be Afraid”

I read recently that this is the most common phrase in the entire Bible. (Christian speak would have me phrase it as ‘fear not’!)

What does that say to you?

For me I think maybe it suggests that when walk with God he places us in situations that require courageous faith – perhaps if you never experience fear you are either a supremo spiritual giant… or… you never do anything risky.

Is there potential in your life to be afraid right now – even if you’re not?