When Enough is Enough

The last year I have been on long service leave, and while it was a great break it has played havoc with my spiritual disciplines.

The chaotic nature of that period actually made it harder for me to regularly connect with God than easier. I think I need a structured approach to life to help me practice the disciplines. If I have lazy days I just never seem ‘to get around to it’. When I am busy I can always seem to find time. Ironic hey?

Just this week I have been trying to bring some order back to life and have started practicing a form of the ‘examen’ again as a regular morning discipline.

In 2002 I developed a pattern where I did this almost every day for an hour or so and I experienced some significant shifts because of it. In that year I really enjoyed the time with God and felt my own spiritual health increasing as I did this.

I know some are suggesting we forget about ‘reading your Bible and praying every day’ and I understand that it is about trying to remove the guilt motivation.

However for those of us who really enjoy and benefit from regular time with God in a structured way that is a very unhelpful suggestion.

I’d suggest you do what works for you to connect with you with God – but whatever you do – do something


My fear for those who chuck out regular engagement with scripture and prayer is that it doesn’t get replaced with anything of substance. And if that’s the case then spiritual health must suffer

37 Weeks to Go…

Today I completed my third week of teaching… only 37 to go.

I wish I felt different but that’s just where its at.

We had a swimming carnival today where I bumped into a lot parents who I hadn’t seen for ages. They all wanted to know ‘so what brings you back to teaching?’

My answer?… ‘I need the money’.

How inspiring and encouraging for them…download rules of engagement free

I Like It…

Two quotes from Martin Robinson’s latest book ‘Invading Secular Space’

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“What would it look like for a church to function in such a way that the primary goal of church life was not to attract more people into attendance and membership, but to produce people who had a profound sense of their personal relationship to God, their resource in Christ and could take that reality into the world with them” p.111.

“In this system the sacred represents a refuge from the secular, as compared to a resource with which to inhabit the secular.” P.111

I’ll be speaking about this on the weekend…


Life still feels very chaotic as I navigate the path between three paid roles, a voluntary position and regular preaching around the place.

I’m also aware that spiritual disciplines are floundering as is my exercise and diet.

Two days given to teaching actually feels like a big slab of the week at present. I’m not sure I like the way my life is shaping up at present – may need to make a few changes…

On that score you will have observed that blogging has taken a different place in the scheme of things as I try and find a rhythm in the chaos.

Some life shifts needed…

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So What?

kiss.jpg Now that the first Forge intensive is over people are asking me was it a ‘success’? Or was I happy with how it went?

The short answer… yes.

In terms of a valuable learning experience and life shaping encounter, for many of those present I’d say it was definitely those things. For some I’d say it was very stimulating, but maybe ‘not their bag’. I’m not sure anyone would have considered it a waste of time.

The word that comes to mind to sum up what I saw people feeling is ‘disturbance’. I know several people who were disturbed, by what they heard and its implications for their life and ministry. Someone once said “you can’t unsee something once you’ve seen it”. I feel for these folks who are committed members of established churches, but disturbed at some of the undergirding philosophies that drive those churches. (Which is not to say that all is bad)

It raises the question – is it healthy for us to disturb people in that way?

If I answer that for myself I say ‘most definitely’ – I have appreciated the disturbance and wouldn’t be here today without it. Often growth and pain go hand in hand.

I’ll be praying for those who are feeling disturbed.young frankenstein dvdrip download

Thoughts on Superstar Speakers

Ever had one of those people come to your place how is a well known / world renown communicator?

I’ve met a few over the years – some who do their thing, then ‘take the money and run’ and some who seem to be actually interested in what’s happening.

One of my fondest memories from our four day Forge intensive is of the Saturday night session. Mark Sayers spent two hours presenting his stuff and did a great job. There was no expectation that he would do anything more, but Mark helped with dishes and with clean up and my final image of that night is of the guest speaker making his way across the carpark to deposit two large green bags in the dumpster. No one asked him or expected it of him, but he did it.

Now I’m not having a go at those who do their thing, get paid and leave. However Saturday night we saw a bloke who wasn’t just a great communicator, but someone who in his own quiet way showed that he was one of us download batman gotham knight free .

Carrying the rubbish is as powerful a way of communicating as being articulate with ideas. In fact Mark’s actions probably said more to me than his words…

Brown Underpants and Spaghetti arms

After a very very busy week, preparing for the Forge intensive, teaching and all that goes with that, I decided to take today off.

As usual I woke at 6.00am… gone are the days of sleeping in until 11.00!


The plan was to jump in the Kingswood (my boat) and head out to a break called the Alkimos, to get some waves.

Yesterday the surf report described it as ‘psycho Sunday’ – the biggest swell we have seen in months. I was hoping it might have dropped off… it did – from 5 meters… to 4 meters!… Still in the ‘bloody huge’ category.

We bounced our way over the swells, the 10 km to the wreck of the Alkimos. Somewhere out there was the wave we were seeking. We negotiated our way between breaking waves and anchored out the back – well out – these were big waves.

loges.jpgDespite feeling way out of our depth, Sephto and I decided to paddle across and give it a shot. We made it to the take off area and sat on the shoulder as these monsters thundered thru. Perhaps 20 years ago I would have paddled in and ‘to hell with the consequences’. Today… no!

After 20 mins out there Loges was waving at us to come back. Turns out the swells were rising and he was feeling pretty vulnerable in the boat.

We paddle back and made our way down the coast a bit. Somehow we stumbled on some quality head high waves and spent the next two hours surfing ourselves silly.

Its about as close to heaven as I can imagine!


That’s just how I feel today!

Sounds like the Forge intensive has been going really well and I’m bummed at missing so much of it. Such is life when you’re a bivocational missionary church planter!

Looong Days

Currently I am running hard to try and teach at school as well as being involved with overseeing the first Forge intensive. Today I went and got things under way then headed back to school – taught in the steam box (gym) for 5 hours and then drove back to hang out with the guys and speak at the night session.

Phil Baker beverly hills chihuahua online surfed in here the other day and dropped an email, so tomorrow Alan and I head down to Subiaco to have breakfast with him before repeating the whole thing again!

The intensive is going well, but I reckon come Sunday arvo we’ll all be a little tired!