Is the name of a weekend retreat for potential church planters in our denomination (Baptist)
The absolute lack of planters has been a huge concern. I have been working at developing the ‘church planters task team’ over the last year – but because there are no new church planters coming up we have been twiddling our thumbs (not something I am good at!)
So this is my attempt to unearth some of these folks.
The deal is we are seeking to take between 10 and 20 men and women away on a retreat who have potential as church planters / missionaries to Australia. Over the weekend we will present some challenges on the mission front as well as hearing from them how they are seeing things. We will present church planting from both an atrractional and an emerging point of view recognising that not one size fits all.
Maybe out of it we will unearth a new missionary or two? I hope so!!
We intend to cover the cost by paying half of it denominationally and asking the person’s local church to pay the other half – so it will be FREE for those who are sniffing around this area.
What’s more it will be at a decent hotel / function centre – not a cheap campsite! It will be a great weekend of inspiration and discussion.
Why ‘red pills and rabbit holes’? Watch The Matrix! It will all make sense…
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