Soccer, Eggs and a Cross

Today we had our first Easter Sunday celebration in the local park.

There were 2 families from our team as well as 6 families from the local area. With kids it meant there were around 35 of us in all. A big question was how to keep the integrity and significance of the Easter story when the majority of the group are not Jesus followers in the same sense as we are.

I am not one for imposing religious observance on anyone – we have seen the disastrous results of trying to make people conform to religious practices that their heart is not in. Yet… I sense the ‘kingdom is near’ to some of my neighbours and friends and we wanted to observe the significance of the Easter occasion.

We had a great brunch, had fun with easter eggs and had a pretty energetic soccer match then we created a simple reflective process for people to participate in. For those who are interested here’s what we did.

– I introduced ‘the cross’ by holding up a small cross and asking people what words they associated with it.
– I explained the significance of the cross – of Friday being forgiveness – of Sunday being hope
– We opened a bottle of red and broke a loaf of bread and as we did, spoke of the imagery of bloodshed and a broken body.
– People were invited to participate in communion if they wanted to.
– The cross was then placed in a nearby garden area with this image on it passion.jpg
and people were encouraged to take the bread and wine and then go there to reflect for a few minutes.
– Most people chose to do this
– There were many interesting conversations that emerged from this experience
– We left the cross & image in the park so that others might discover it today.

The hardest part for me was shifting the conversation from the social and fun to something more focused. I know it was expected, but I still needed a few deep breaths to do it.


These people have become my friends – good friends and people I really want to share life with. I don’t want to be seen as another religious guy trying to impose stuff on them.

It would be great if we could share the journey of faith together and in one sense we are already doing that – but I want to do things as Peter spoke of ‘with gentleness and respect’

Easter Experience

Tonight Jenny led us thru a brilliant Easter Friday experience.

It involved imagined readings from the people who were there – Peter, Pilate, a bystander, Thomas etc. They were not cheesy at all and really captured some of what it would have been like to be there. With the mix of reading and music I found myself very drawn into the scene and the question I found myself confronting was ‘where would I have been standing when Jesus was crucfied?’

It was great to spend our first Easter together as a team and to be part of such a significant experience.

Residual Christendom – A Good Thing or Bad?…

Over the last few days I have been aware of what I will call ‘residual christendom’, some residue of our Christian heritage showing up in the lives of our friends.

It showed today when the cafe owner questioned why I would eat bacon and eggs on Easter friday… ummm… because I like bacon and eggs… It showed when one of my friends didn’t know what to take to a barbecue – red meat (his much preferred option) or fish…

It showed when friends decided that they would have their child christened even though neither have any faith convictions…

My question relate to whether this works for us or against us as missionaries.

Should we be happy that there is some remnant of christian memory at work in people’s lives or is it actually to our detriment because it is a residue that has lost its significance and now is almost in the realm of superstition?

Residual Christendom shows up in lots of places, with people wanting their kids to grow up with good morals – hence Sunday school – people setting up nativity scenes at Christmas – the list goes on.

I’m interested in the question – should we seeing this as a foundation to build on or should we look to ‘put a broom thru’ and completely start over?…

25% Complete

Today I completed my first term of school. After several weeks of literally hating it, I asked my prayer team to pray that I would find enjoyment in my work, because I was about to resign.

That same week I went from a 2/10 in terms of enjoyment to a 7/10.

I’m still not loving it, but I am no longer coming home grumpy and obnoxious!

I talked with the principal today about next year. She has been very gracious and has understood my struggle – even suggested she would be willing to keep going with AH next year if he was willing.

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I might as well start smoking.

All the people I hang around now and the places I go seem to be full of cigarette smoke. A few weeks back a party across the road in a garage saw 7 people smoking and two of us not. What was the point?!

Today at the pub I got chatting with a guy who chain smokes. I might as well be smoking them with him! It was a great conversation – he was involved with the Ananda Marga sect and then the Bahai faith.

I asked ‘why?’

‘Well – I guess I was just pretty lost’

Sometimes people know when their lives are up the creek – when they need to reach out to a higher power.

Is Engels out of date?

The other night at Parkerville I was talking with the group about the Engels scale – a scale that shows where people stand in relation to following Jesus.

– 8 = a long way away – as far as Engels is obviously willing to imagine
+5 = a true disciple – +5 is about stewardship so maybe Engels is saying the discipleship rubber hits the road when you start putting your hand in your pocket!

+5 Stewardship
+4 Communion with God
+3 Conceptual and behavioural growth
+2 Incorporation into Body
+1 Post-decision evaluation
New birth
-1 Repentance and faith in Christ
-2 Decision to act
-3 Personal problem recognition
-4 Positive attitude towards Gospel
-5 Grasp implications of Gospel
-6 Awareness of fundamentals of Gospel
-7 Initial awareness of Gospel
-8 Awareness of supreme being, no knowledge of Gospel

As I was speaking I asked the young people there to try and place their non-christian friends on the scale. For most the scale didn’t go far enough…

Which seems to suggest that a scale conceived in christendom just isn’t going to make the cut in a post-christendom world.

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Purple Patch

I’m right in the middle of one of those periods where some very signifcant connections are sparking, and ‘God’ things are happening. I can’t say any more than that, but it feels like much of the stuff we have been doing round here is catalysing and moving to a new level. I feel very encouraged and it seems every time I turn around there is something new happening and a relationship deepening.

Wish I could say more…

What The?

Tonight I was speaking at a mates church in a place called Parkerville – over an hour and a quarter from Brighton, but still in the metro area! (Just!)

It was a great night with some very creative and significant ideas implemented in what it means to be and do church. One segment of the regular service is entitled ‘What The?…’ I’m not sure all of what it is about, but tonight the presenter (one of the regulars) showed a video she made at 11.AM today as she channel surfed. It was to highlight the gap between Christian culture and contemporary culture. A great idea – songs of praise meets Britney “Toxic” Spears and the football amongst other things. Made the point very creatively with no comment from her.

They also have a ‘What Now?’ segment where someone shares what they will do this week because of being there tonight. Last night a woman who had been part of the legendary Nine O’Clock Service in Sheffield shared some of what God had been saying to her.

My talk took her back to those days and the community she experienced there. What she said was only loosely related to anything I said (which is fine!) but its interesting to see how God speaks to people.

I have two more weeks speaking there – its great to be able to do things over three weeks as you don’t have to cram everything into 30 minutes.

Great bunch of people and I’m looking forward to the next two weeks!