Putting it Out There

Well done OI for a fantastic night last night!

These guys really are one of the greatest organisations I have ever come across. In the last 10 years they have created 2.4 million jobs in third world countries thru the establishment of trust banks (small local banks that make loans to local people so they can start small businesses). They report that 98% of loans are repaid on time”

Their founder – David Bussau was named Australian entrepreneur of the year last year for his services to the world.

The night itself reflected a commitment to quality. The venue was great, the food was excellent and the wine was even good quality! I have to confess that despote the $60.00/head price tag, I came with lower expectations. When Campolo did his thing they didn’t back off on asking for the dough either.

It was a fundraising night and they were bold enough to ask us if we would give $10K to start a trust bank in a third world country.

Campolo used the line ‘to whom much is given much is expected’ and didn’t hold back. I appreciated the forthrightness of the appeal. I felt significantly challenged and Danelle and I will pray thru what to do.

But if they had never asked so boldly I doubt we would have considered so boldly”

Something in that hey?

download if i had known i was a genius free

Crunch Time?

I am now 40 and have maybe 25 years to what is commony called ‘retirement’ – not that I actually intend to retire…

But the question of future financial planning is one that we can’t avoid much longer.

At present I have minimal superannuation and while we are part way to owning our own home there is little else by way of significant assets. We need to make some decisions.

What is the way forward?

‘Sensible planning’ would say pay off the family home and then get some investment properties… or invest in something. But I am constantly challenged by what is ‘sensible’ and what is right. I find myself asking ‘why should we accumulate truckloads of wealth while our friends (who have used money wisely – but have had less of it) struggle just to get out of the rent cycle?’

Why don’t we give some of our wealth to them?

Why should we retire comfortably when our good friends on current projections will ‘retire’ and struggle?

What would Jesus say to our situation?

Should we be accruing wealth so that we are not a burden on society in our old age? Or should we be sharing what we have so that those we love can also live a bit easier?

I have been delaying making a decision on this issue but I think its time Danelle and I bit the bullet and made up our minds which we way we are going to jump.

I don’t think it has to be either selfish greed or mindless generosity – but its hard to find the balance.if online download rocker the

Blah Blah Blah…

Its been a while since I have spoken anywhere, but its time for my annual ‘sermon’ at the Cottesloe Vineyard.

I have been there once every year for the last 4 years…

The senior pastor there – Stuart Wesley – is probably my longest standing friend – a really good mate who I went thru school with, did youth ministry with, and for the last 15 years have walked the ‘paid ministry’ journey with.

Hopefully he will be the overseer of our Forge coaching program from next year on.great buck howard the dvdrip

Looking Ahead

I always read the employment section of the paper – never know what might pop up!

Turns out these guys

mask of the ninja dvd

are looking for teachers….

I reckon it could be an interesting experience. A friend who is also a qualified Baptist minister taught there for a while and reckoned he had more conversations over lunch about issues of faith than he ever had at the Christian school he is now at.

Might give em a call…download hurlyburly online

The Pointy End

I have written before that I believe the critical ingredient of effective missional communities is the leadership.

This is something we have been working on over the last couple of months and now we are at the point of acting on what we believe the scriptures to be saying.

Listed below is our distilled summary of what we see the NT saying about leadership (in no particular order):

• Leaders in scripture seem to have a sense of calling to the task of leading
• Biblical leaders must be servants
• Character/integrity is an essential quality of biblical leaders
• There is a gift of leadership and also the function of leadership
• Leaders are usually teachers / communicators of vision/direction
• Biblical leadership is about empowering and equipping others
• Leadership is plural
• Regards APEPT we would see that there is a need for a balance of orientation within a leadership team
• Leaders need to have a clear mission focus

As we talked tonight we agreed that the type of leadership we need right now is leadership that:
* keeps the group focused on the key calling of being missionaries in this community
* oversights the direction of the group and ensures we do what we say we are going to do
* protects the theological DNA of the group and ensures we are faithful to scripture in all we do

The next step is for us to appoint a leadership team. This week we will be praying about that issue and then coming together on Tuesday to see what we feel God saying.

At this stage we don’t have a specific process in place (making it up as we go!) but we are looking to hear God and see where it heads.

I will really value having a small team of people to chew the fat with and pray with regularly.


Today I met with three different denominational leaders in one day – and even enjoyed it!

At one meeting I was putting my case for future funding for Forge (nice alliteration hey?!) and was given a fairly intense questioning by the guys I was meeting with. They were doing their job so don’t read this as me being upset at them. They are both friends and we had a really good and mutually affirming conversation.

The key questions were along the lines of ‘why should we invest in what you guys are doing? What’s to say this approach to mission and church has currency and will bear fruit?’ These are the most common questions I hit everywhere and I feel quite at ease with them now.

Perhaps 2 years ago I might have been feeling under fire and ducked for cover, but in the last 24 months I have become increasingly convinced of the desperate need for the church to re-examine its practices and ask ‘how are we doing missionally?’

Because hard cold reality is, the punters still aren’t flocking to our services no matter how we funk them up.

I like the concept of Forge as the R&D dept of the church – the people who experiment, try new things and report back what has been learnt in the process. What it means is, we make things up as we go and we don’t have ‘models’ to work from. It means we have to be well earthed theologically as we are constantly checking our assumptions. It means people who want definite answers and clarity will struggle in our settings because we are challenging the ‘clarity’ we have come from.

For true blue missionaries this is not an issue, but if you just want a church to go and ‘enjoy’ then I reckon the Forge concepts will not be up your alley.

I’m not sure if they’ll back us… but I am absolutely convinced they ought to!!