Changing Community Rhythms

We are still on the journey of figuring out a rhythm that works for us as a team when it comes to meeting and spending time together.

Recently we agreed to continue with weekly meetings – but move them to Monday nights and start at 7.00pm so we could engage with the kids to some degree. We had been on Tuesdays and had no specific way of including our kids.

We also agreed to have a number of smaller groups of 3 or 4 meeting during the week for spiritual formation/encouragement/nurture etc. These are same gender groups and have just got under way.

It feels like a healthy rhythm… but only time will tell.

Over the next 5 weeks we will be exploring the sermon on the mount and each small group will be responsible for taking the night. They will need to engage the kids in some way, lead us in worship & prayer, help us connect with one another and learn from the scriptures and encourage or inspire us in mission.

I think ‘experimentation’ is a huge part of our journey and if we accept that, then we can enjoy it!

Over the last three weeks Kim Hammond and Herdo have led us thru some very valuable team building and affirmation experiences and it feels like we are in a healthy place as a team

Perhaps you ask ‘how is any of this different to normal church?’

The answer is in many ways its not – and nor should it be. We all need to worship, learn, connect etc. But… I am hopeful that where we may differ is that we are grappling with the reality of the missional setting we are in and that our gatherings are a reflection of this.

By that I mean, rather than saying ‘this is what we do – take it or leave it’. We are seeking to develop communal practices that will be true to scripture and yet resonate with the people who we hope will one day join us. And we will figure it all out on the run and change it as we go.

Ironically its pretty much the same thing Bill Hybels did so many years ago in Chicago…

I doubt as many people will copy us though!

Techy Mumbo Jumbo – Help?!

Our first year in Brighton is almost up, which means we lose our free broadband – now we have to pay for it.

So… I am trying to figure out the best way to go.

We have a cable connection, but our current ISP has been pretty disappointing with regard to download speed. They call is 256 – I call it slightly better than dial up. We can access cable or asdl.

If I change ISPs it means a whole email change over again… Blech…

But I am wondering if we can do better than what we have. We are with e-wire who have decent priced plans, but just lousy speed.

Would we be better going ADSL or is it luck of the draw there too?

National Emerging Missional Church Gathering


I think I have to agree that although ’emerging church’ is getting tired as a way of defining new expressions of church – and although ‘missional’ means so many different things to different people, its the language we are stuck with…

So here’s some news on our first Aussie ’emerging missional church’ gathering. It’ll be happening next year June 24-26 in Melbourne with Hirsch and Frost as locals and some overseas visitors in the form of Gerard Kelly (UK) and Tom & Christine Sine (US). We are hoping to pull as many people as posible from all around Oz and maybe even a few from overseas (Tasmanians welcome) so stay tuned for all you need to know.

Emerging Church?

Is it just me or is this already becoming a tired expression?

Even though we may recalibrate it as ’emerging missional church’ I am feeling it is a phrase that is going going the way of ‘missional’ and ‘postmodern’. Everybodies using it everybody means something different.

I’m sure its being said” ‘If I hear that word/phrase one more time!”‘

Then again what else do we use to define / describe the movement?

The crazy irony, is that every day I am bumping into more and more people all across the denominations who are genuinely exploring the area and seeking new ways of doing mission and being church.

Discovery Tour

I have been thinking about coordinating a ‘Discovery Tour’ around the middle of next year, the idea being that we grab a few potential church planter/missionary types from over here and do a ‘tour’ of a range of new ‘churches’ on the eastern seaboard to observe what is happening and to learn from their leaders.

I am thinking tying it in with the National Emerging Church Conference that we are running in June (25th – 26th) would be a good plan.

Maybe 10 guys – 3 days in Melbourne – 2 days at the conference – 2 days in Sydney and then 2 in Brisbane.

It could be an inspiring and valuable learning time. There are a heap of really imaginative and effective approaches to mission and church being implemented in those places.


School is getting harder again.

I had been starting to enjoy it, but some different factors are combining now to make it increasingly difficult.

A simple issue is the very cold weather and the fact that we are outside doing netball and athletics. Most of the guys don’t get into these two sports – but the girls love their netball.

A second issue is the struggle I am feeling to do all things well. Forge is gathering steam and next year I expect to work between 2-2 …½ days as we seek to develop it more. And the need for more time invested in Brighton is very evident now, both in the community and with the team.

When 4 days of the week are already heavily committed with Forge and school it only leaves 2 for Brighton and it also means that Brighton tends to get the left over hours – the time when I don’t have to be doing other things.

That shouldn’t be.

Its not quite that cut and dried, but I am noticing some real frustration in my desire to do more both with team and community and the simple lack of available time.

Danelle and I have been talking it thru and it seems I might need to finish teaching at the end of the year if I am to be true to what I have been called to do. It means trusting God for some $$ again and it will probably mean living at a lower standard again. We were just enjoying having a few $$$ this year!free predator 2 movie download

Two Days in Melbourne

Tomorrow I head to Melbourne for an overnight stay. I am on a national Baptist team called Crossover that is focused on evangelism and we meet four times to discuss strategies for ‘reaching Australia’. So far I am a little underwhelmed by the whole experience but I am hoping it will change in the future.

While there I’ll be having dinner with Phil and Dan and meeting up with one of their 13th warrior the

Forge National Newsletter

One of my jobs in the Forge network is to put together and distribute the national newsletter.

We haven’t had one so far so this will be the first effort. We’re keen to share the stories of missional communities around Oz as well as including articles, book reviews etc.

If you’d like a copy of it then drop me an email and I’ll add you to the list. I’m expecting no.1 to be ready to around early September.

Does anyone know of an email program that can be used for sending (legit) bulk emails, but does not get caught by the spam cops? My ISP now has a limit of 35 recipients per email, which means a loooot of emails to send this list out!