Its All Worth it for The One…

So goes the evangelism self talk we hear about evangelistic events that see just one person respond – sometimes because they are the only ‘non-christian’ present anyway…

Rod commented on this in my previous post – and it is a thought I actually wanted to address myself.

Is it really all worth it for the one?

Ought we think that way?

I wonder about the time and energy that goes into running evangelistic events for ‘the one’. I wonder if time would be better spent out amongst ‘the one’.

Actually I don’t wonder.

A decent evangelistic event where people who don’t know Jesus actually front up and are engaged is a valuable thing, but they’re as rare as Tasmanian tigers. Having run plenty and spoken at plenty I know its more often than not preaching to the converted.

And it is all worth it for the one? Maybe we could use our resources more effectively and reach 10 or 20 or 50 even?…

Boys and Toys

When we first moved to Brighton there was talk of a road going straight thru to the beach from where we live. We thought this would be great!

There is still talk but no road…

However there is a well worn sandy track. I’ve been down it a few times when my father in law has loaned us his four wheel drive. It leads to an open outlook that is sensational and a great place to pray, walk the dog etc.

So… I decided if they aren’t going to build a road I’ll buy a four wheel drive…

Just last week I got an old 1982 Landcruiser for bashing around in the local area and for making my own road with. She’s not pretty but she’s in good mechanical shape and is on LPG gas which is even better.

Now I don’t want them to make a road because it’ll only make the place crowded!


It wasn’t often that I used to preach twice on a Sunday – I do it less these days! But yesterday was one of those days.

There was a morning gig where I was asked to do an evangelistic message and then an evening one where I got to have a rant about my favourite theme – Christians living in the world rather than separate from.

Its been a while since I have done an evangelistic message so I found that one a stretch, but the other fits very well with who I am these days.

Of course the irony of the evangelistic message was that there were maybe two or three people present out of 70 or so who weren’t Christians. So 68 people put on an event for the two…

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“Bullshit… I’ll kick their arse…”

Education minister Alan Carpenter is in trouble for ‘swearing’.

The issue at stake is whether kids from lower socio economic backgrounds are less likely to do well at school. Some school principals have been using this as a reason for poor TEE performance.

Mr C has told them this is ‘bullshit’ and that he would ‘kick the arse’ of any principal who held that view.

He has refused to apologise for his choice of words and has copped a barrage from everyone.

Why is it ok for everyone else to use similar words but not Alan Carpenter? Is it ok for us but not for him?…

Why have we missed the point of his comment?

Why do people who use much more colourful language get offended when a public figure makes a bold statement like this?

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Blogging Mate

A mate from ‘hobbiton’ has decided to have a crack at blogging. He’s a good bloke and a very sharp missionary.

I think he might wish to remain anonymous so I’ll just call him ‘D’. You can see what he has to say here.

Home Alone

Its Friday evening…

I am home alone. Danelle and kids have spent the day out and are waiting for the traffic to ease before heading home.

I ate pizza.

It always looks so good at the start and leaves you feeling so bad at the end!

At the pub today I met another boxer – an ex english champion – what is it with this pub and boxers?… We chatted for quite a while trying to ignore the obnoxious drunken idiot who was hanging around and delivering his meathead monlogues.

I can understand why people would thump a drunk.

I went to work today.

Nearly stayed home sick… sore throat, losing my voice, cold etc, but thought I should rock up as I have an easy day with a guy coming in to take all my classes for golf. Of course when I get there I discover he has double booked and won’t be fronting.

There goes the easy day.

Saturday looming – sabbath… rest… nice…


Yesterday I caught up with an old friend – a bloke called Mark Wilson who is senior pastor at Whitford Church of Christ, one of our biggest local churches in Perth. Mark and I did youth ministry together when we were in our teens, both did a teaching degree, moved into youth ministry, then both switched roles in the churches we were in to become senior pastors. At this point our stories changed as Mark continued to lead a large church and I sensed a calling to pioneer new kinds of churches.

I am in the process of moving around some of our big church guys and talking about Forge with them. In the past there has been animosity between established big churches and emerging new churches – with each being threatened by the other to some degree.

Pretty sad really…

I really enjoyed the time we spent sharing what God is doing in each of our lives, families and ministries. As I sat in the foyer I flipped thru the Whitford literature and saw that they are doing a lot of good stuff in the community, they are involved with a lot of mission projects and Mark told me that at some stage they may even plant another congregation that looks nothing like Whitford.

I am very hopeful that as I get around the guys we might be able to establish a healthy mutual respect rather than any kind of adversarial relationship.

I sense the kingdom will benefit from many kinds of churches and if we can work together to that end then God would be pretty cool with that.

What the?…

I rolled up to our local boat ramp this morning only to see that they have closed it for the next three months while they do some work nearby.

You’ve gotta wonder about how people pick their times… all of winter to work and these noddys wait until the start of spring/summer…

Crayfish season starts in November and we were going to give it a crack this year… not so sure now…

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Give Me The Meat

I just wonder what people mean when they say this?…

What is the difference between ‘milk’ and ‘meat’?

It seems often people want to be challenged more intellectually. Yet I have a feeling we aren’t doing half of the stuff we already know, so what’s the point in learning more stuff to not do?…

Give me a break.

Maybe the difference betwen meat and milk is that the meat challenges us to action and the milk simply warms us up.

Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.