Next Week I am Rick Warren

I have been invited to speak at a church that is doing the ’40 days of Purpose’ and my job is to speak about evangelism, using Rick’s outline and sticking pretty closely to his stuff.

I have been sent a 12 page sermon which I am to work off.

I have never worked off someone else’s notes before so it’ll be interesting to use it and tailor it to what I sense God is wanting to say. ted bundy online

BTW – what Rick had to say was for the most part really good stuff and well presented. But its just not me, so I’l need to do some shaping!

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I’m starting to wonder what is ‘normal’ for a church community?

What should we expect of each other as we call ourselves a church?

How critical is the whole experience of gathering together?

My musings have come out of the last few months where we haven’t had one single meeting where every person has been able to attend. There’s something in me that wants to have everyone there all the time… but is that normal?.. Is that really just a silly expectation?

I have a feeling it might be…

To have everyone present all the time at team meetings is an ideal, and one of the things we are grappling with is the tension between ideals and reality. The pursuit of ideals can leave you very frustrated, because they are just that – ideals. When you have to live in reality it requires some compromise and some acceptance that ideals are rarely going to get lived out.

Tonight it looked for a moment like there were going to be 5 of us – total – out of 18. That sounds pretty lame but the simple fact was that everyone else was unavailable.

One family are on holidays

One bloke had to work late

One couple are sick and we didn’t expect to see them – but they did make it along.

Another couple had an important ‘one off’ meeting on.

The students were studying for exams…

We finished up with 7 of us – if you count Ellie and Sam (which we do!)

We actually had a very significant time of prayer for each other and for the team as we met together. It was a great night.

I remember in my last church of 300 people or so we would notice when ‘numbers were down’. There would be 200 of those 300 there on any given week, and then some weeks there would only be 120 or so and we would wonder what was happening. Where is everybody???

I guess its just life. In this microcosm of that big church scene, we are actually able to account for each person. No one sat home and watched ‘Idol’ because they couldn’t be bothered coming – they just couldn’t be there. I imagine its often similar on a Sunday at ‘big church’.

I know!… I’m rambling a bit, but I guess where my mind is wandering to is the thought that we really do have to be about much more than a once a week meeting. If we are hanging everything on the weekly meeting then we are really going to struggle. Church must happen in the rythms of every day life.


Is it just my ingrained evangelical heritage that says the weekly gathering really does matter and we need to be there, or does it really matter as much as I feel it does?

I have a sense that if we don’t actually prioritise meeting with each other then it won’t happen. We will just hang out with the people we like or are close to – and that definitely aint a church.

So… we live in the tension.

Its not all about the gathering – we have always said that and now we are trying to live it. But, the gathering is still really important to our corporate well being, to our sense of identity as team.

I haven’t articulated all this very well. I guess I’m just trying to figure out how we function as a small fragile group who are focused on being a missionary team, but who have many other real and pressing demands on life.


problem child 3 junior in love divx download Last night I went to the wedding of the very lovely Rachel Harris. Rachel is a local legend and now she is married will be heading off to Sydney. We will miss her!

While there I met someone who was interested in what we are doing and he asked me to describe a typical day…

I began to answer him and found myself fumbling for a description. I listed some priorities and tasks that I wanted to accomplish, but I really don’t have a typical day…

As I began to try and articulate how my life was organised he reflected back ‘it sounds like you are paid to be available to people’.

divx prophecy the What a great summation!

Number one priority is to be available to people as they seek God. You can’t schedule that.

Its What a Community Should Be…

So goes the Brighton advertising jingle. Every time I preach somewhere I tell people I live in ‘Brighton…. Its What a Community Should Be…’ and they laugh, because they have heard it and laughed at it too!


Maybe it can be that…

Maybe we can be part of creating a totally different community where there is a real sense of connection and ownership and involvement…

Tonight I was feeling particularly hammered after a busy weekend, but it was also the night of a concert in the park. We decided to head down just for a short while. It felt important.

As I was walking there I wondered what it would feel like to be there tonight. I remembered our first ‘community event’ we attended about this time last year felt a bit flat as we didn’t know anyone and it felt almost ‘lonely’. I wondered if we would notice the difference 12 months on?…

Tonight as we spent just an hour or so there it struck me that we have developed some great connections in the last year – that the time spent intentionally putting ourselves in places where people are, has been time well spent.

As we arrived we bumped into S & A, we had met them at birthday party a few weeks back. He knows how to fish and is going to teach me… Yeeha! M & M were there – we have become good friends with these guys over the twelve months. P & J rocked up with C & D. P & E were sitting near us as were F & D. K came over to say g’day…

You get the picture. On the way home G phoned to see if were going to the concert… Sorry!

It was really encouraging to see the difference in our experience this time as compared to last time. Friendships forming – connections broadening – it felt good.

The key?

Are people more friendly this year than last year?

Hardly. The difference is that we have conciously chosen to get amongst people over the last twelve months and gone out of our way to spend time with them when we could have kicked back with the telly or a book. Of course people are friendly when you are friendly to them!

If I were to ever write a book on church planting I reckon the first chapter would be entitled ‘getting off your arse’, because at the end of the day that’s where it starts.

Taking initiative – making contact – putting yourself out.

Its still not rocket science!

End of the Road?

Over the last year I have made a point of dropping in at our local tavern each Friday afternoon to hang out there and maybe make some connections with local people.

elephant man the movie This activity began well as I found myself meeting people each week and a regular crew were forming who I was feeling a part of.

Over the last 4 months I have been more erratic in my own time spent there, but the familiar faces have also seemed to disappear. Its as if there is a different crowd each week now and I feel a bit dislocated.

Up until my last two visits (today being one of them) I have always been able to easily strike up a conversation with someone. Maybe I’m just tired… Maybe its just not an easy scene… or maybe its time to explore some other places to find connections…

The jury is out, but I am wondering about the merit of continuing this regular Friday gig. Perhaps when the Brighton tavern finally goes up next year I can start it up again – perhaps when I finish teaching and don’t feel so reclusive on a Friday afternoon I will have some energy.

Perhaps… I dunno… I’m just not sure what to do here.

Head Down Bum Up

Ok that’s enough public embarrassment for ‘Bec the chuckler’. I will take her off the top of my blog now with a new post… Sorry Bec!!

I have 5 different talks I have been preparing this morning… Yes that is difficult! But different ideas hit me at different times for each talk so I keep moving between them. As you can imagine I haven’t been very focused.

This Sunday I head out to Chidlow where I have been asked to speak about the difference between the incarnational and the attractional church. Then the others are for our Forge intensive later this month on Pioneering Leadership.

They are:

‘The Wild Frontier’ – with the geographical missionary settings pretty well accounted for now this one looks at the pioneering challenge of reaching the whole new world of post-modernity/christendom etc etc…

‘Good to Great in Missional Communities’ – looking at Jim Collins book and how it applies to pioneering new church plants. Some great insights there!

‘Pioneering Discoveries’ – just the stuff I have learnt in the last 2 years.

‘Blah Blah Blah’ – the final session challenging people to not just talk but act – to follow the calling wherever it leads – to ‘just do it’.

Some days its hard to lock myself away and prepare stuff – but when I don’t do it I always regret it one or two days before the event!backwoods the divx online

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