Churching No Longer…

I was at the swimming pool on Friday with Ellie and Sam and I bumped into someone I hadn’t seen since I was 20 and doing volunteer youthwork for YFC. We were on a team together.

She asked me if I was still going to church…

Notice the question?

Not which church was I part of, but was I still part of a church. I have often thought this is a more legitimate question for 20-40 year olds than mine. It shouldn’t be that way of course, but the exodus from our churches by that demographic is really disturbing.

I was at a champagne breakfast today for one of our team and while there I met several people who were part of our youth ministry at Lesmurdie who now don’t associate with any church, and aren’t all that concerned. I’m not sure who’s ‘fault’ this situation is, but we certainly can’t look away from it.

Will they go back?

Maybe, when their kids need some decent grounding etc, but somewhere in there we have missed something in the discipleship process.

3 Week Break Coming

This Thursday we head off to Margaret River for the start of a holiday. It was just going to be a one week break and we were going to take two weeks in first term next year.

However, with other committments that has become really difficult. So, we decided to add another two weeks on to the first week and take a decent holiday.

It means coming back to the city for a few days at Christmas time, but from there we will simply head off and kick back.

Probably some luxury and some camping… We’ll see, but you can expect this blog to be in dormant or caretaker mode fairly soon!

download omen the dvd

Review Preview

Yesterday we had our first ‘leadership team’ meeting since coming to Brighton. Basically it was one member from each family that came together to discuss the questions I mentioned in my previous post. Up to now the team hasn’t felt the need for a dedicated team of leaders, however in recent times it became apparent that to function healthily it was going to be a neccessity.

It was a really good time and we seemed to get some direction on the key questions we were hitting.

A significant issue was that of ‘how do we include people in what we are doing while still keeping the discipleship bar high?’ How do we avoid becoming simply another product of our consumeristic culture and producing weak, lame, self occupied disciples (if there can be such a disciple)?

We agreed that we need to both very inclusive and very exclusive. We need to do both at the same time…Up to now we didn’t really have a handle on how to do this well – it has always felt like a bit of an either/or. However I think we may have found an approach that may work.

It consists of seeing ourselves as:

a) a missionary team – completely exclusive – only those who have moved thru an integation/formation process and are willing to subscribe to the team covenant can join. I guess you could say it will be a low level mission order.

b) a christian community – completely inclusive – anyone can participate in these activities as there is no ‘membership’ demand whatsoever. People will still be discipled in these forums and they will not be intended to be funky whiz bang gatherings, but they may not see themselves as part of the mission in Brighton at this stage.

This shape came to me last week while I was flying to Melbourne and I drew it like this.

Teamcommunity_1Basically our team is set in the context of the community which is also set in the broader context of the local neighbourhood.

You might look and say ‘hmmm… no rocket science there’ and there’s not! But sometimes just having words and expressions to describe the form you take is enough to enable the next step.

At this point we are working to develop a new community rythym that will embrace this schema. It seems we may  meet fortnightly as a team and then on the other fortnight as a bigger community. Over time this will morph and shift as we give different expression to who we are.

Perhaps a key is that the shape we take serves what we are called to do. When the form becomes the main thing then we start to have ‘tail wagging dog’ syndrome and we lose our way. This is what has happened so often in our churches.

We can’t accomplish ‘a’ because we just can’t change ‘b’. ‘B’ then determines how ‘a’ will look and how effective it will be.

On the other questions of finance and identity we have agreed to start a bank account and possibly locate ourselves under SU in WA as a SUNO project. SUNO are a branch of SU that specialise in supporting and resourcing mission projects. We also agreed to explore finding a name for ourselves.

All in all it was a great meeting with a sense of having made some positive decsions and taken some good steps forward.

Looking Back Looking Forward

Tomorrow is our first ‘end of year’ review that we will have as a team. We have asked someone to come in from outside who knows what we are about to help us reflect on the year that has been, both as a team and as individual families.

I am hopeful that we will have a decent review every 6 months – that way we don’t lose our way or get hung up on stuff that doesn’t matter. It also means we all have to check where we are at in relation to our involvement in the mission here in Brighton. Its all too easy to just ‘come to church’ and we desire much more than that.

The day starts with our first leadership team meeting from 9-12 and then our team review from 1-4pm.

The key issues for discussion are:

– how we structure ourselves for growth and inclusion while keeping on as a focused mission team – this is a huge challenge!

– developing sustainable community rhythms – avoiding meeting mania yet meeting often enough to build community and get things done

– identity – do we need a name and a greater sense of identity…

– finance – how we manage money

These are all questions that a group faces when they realise that just hanging out together doesn’t take care of the finer details. We are entering a new phase of development and I think it is a healthy situation.

I’ll let you know what we come up with as we talk tomorrow.


Last night I gave my mobile phone a bath…

I left it in the boat which I had hosed down. It was sitting in the well of the dash area under water for the evening… Not all that good for a phone…

I managed to get a new SIM card but hav’t got a new phone yet. I’m actually sniffing around for an old one that someone is no longer using. My last phone was an 8210, so I’m not that fussy.

If you have an old phone that is out of contract that you are willing to part with either cheaply or freely then drop me an email.

If I have called you on your mobile recently then maybe you could send me an email with your number on it. What’s really bad is that I now have to find and plug all those numbers back in…

Still, if this is as bad as life gets then its not too foul hey?!

This is a critical issue

I like what Dallas Willard has to say about discipleship. He calls it like it is but does so in a way that makes you want to ‘give all’ rather than seeing discipleship as a list of ‘musts’.

The overshadowing event of the last two centuries of Christian life has been the struggle between Orthodoxy and Modernism. In this struggle the primary issue has, as a matter of fact, not been discipleship to Christ and a transformation of soul that expresses itself in pervasive, routine obedience to his "all that I have commanded you." Instead, both sides of the controversy have focussed almost entirely upon what is to be explicitly asserted or rejected as essential Christian doctrine. In the process of battles over views of Christ the Savior, Christ the Teacher was lost on all sides.

Discipleship as an essential issue disappeared from the Churches, and, with it, there also disappeared realistic plans and programs for the transformation of the inmost self into Christlikeness. One could now be a Christian forever without actually changing in heart and life. Right profession, positive or negative, was all that was required. This has now produced generations of professing Christians which, as a whole, do not differ in character, but only in ritual, from their non-professing neighbors; and, in addition, a massive population has now arisen in America which believes in God, even self-identifies as "spiritual," but will have nothing to do with Churches–often as a matter of pride.

What is new in the current revival of interest in spiritual formation is the widespread recognition that by-passing authentic, pervasive, and thorough transformation of the inner life of the human being is not desirable, not necessary, and may be not permissible. We are seeing that the human soul hungers for transformation, for wholeness and holiness, is sick and dying without it, and that it will seek it where it may–even if it destroys itself in the process. We are seeing that the Church betrays itself and its world if it fails to make clear and accessible the path of thoroughgoing inner transformation through Christ.

Via Darryl

New Job

Today I met with the guys from our Baptist Youth Ministries exec team to discuss the possibility of part time work next year as a youth ministry coach. It looks like it’ll be a goer. Sensational! I get to do something I enjoy, can do well and even get paid for it.

It will start in January and be a day and a half a week of simple coaching of youth pastor/workers with the odd country trip included.

Should be a lot of fun.

A Bruce Cockburn Christmas Carol

I loathe Christmas carols!

But I love it when I discover a song that captures some of what the Christmas period really is about. Bruce Cockburn has done a sensational job here.

Thanks John for the tip off!

Mary grows a child without the help of a man
Joseph get upset because he doesn’t understand
Angel comes to Joseph in a powerful dream
Says "God did this and you’re part of his scheme"
Joseph comes to Mary with his hat in his hand
Says "forgive me I thought you’d been with some other man"
She says "what if I had been – but I wasn’t anyway and guess what
I felt the baby kick today"

Like a stone on the surface of a still river
Driving the ripples on forever
Redemption rips through the surface of time

In the cry of a tiny babe

The child is born in the fullness of time
Three wise astrologers take note of the signs
Come to pay their respects to the fragile little king
Get pretty close to wrecking everything
‘Cause the governing body of the whole land
Is that of Herod, a paranoid man
Who when he hears there’s a baby born King of the Jews
Sends death squads to kill all male children under two
But that same bright angel warns the parents in a dream
And they head out for the border and get away clean

Like a stone on the surface of a still river
Driving the ripples on forever
Redemption rips through the surface of time
In the cry of a tiny babe

There are others who know about this miracle birth
The humblest of people catch a glimpse of their worth
For it isn’t to the palace that the Christ child comes
But to shepherds and street people, hookers and bums
And the message is clear if you’ve got ears to hear
That forgiveness is given for your guilt and your fear
It’s a Christmas gift you don’t have to buy
There’s a future shining in a baby’s eyes

Like a stone on the surface of a still river
Driving the ripples on forever
Redemption rips through the surface of time
In the cry of a tiny babe