Not My Business?…

I was sitting at the Whitford train station today waiting for my connecting train to arrive and take me home.

Two seats up from me were a young guy and girl probably late teens or 20 at the most. He was kissing her and she didn’t seem that interested – actually it seemed like she was angry with him.

I was writing an email on my laptop while I waited for the train to come.

She began to yell at him – it wasn’t easily intelligible – but I could tell she was unimpressed.

By their body language and her tone I was aware that things could be getting ugly… And I am starting to wonder what if?… What if he hits her? What if a fight starts?

Do I get involved? Do I keep finishing my email?

She got up to leave and he went after her. As she walked away he grabbed her bag and pulled her back. It wasn’t looking good.

It was at this point I made a decision. If he gets violent I will help her… I will do what I can to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. I have never done this before. I have looked away before. It was a conscious choice, a choice that has been informed by previous experience (where I have felt lousy at ‘looking away’) and by my understanding of the gospel.

Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t like fights. I don’t enjoy hurting people or getting hurt, but in similar situations I have found myself paralysed by not knowing what to do. Its ‘not my issue’, but is it ok to stand by and write an email while someone gets the crap beaten out of them? Is it better to get involved and finish up being someone’s punching bag? Would my actions even make a scrap of difference?

I’m not particularly brave in these situations – I haven’t been in a fight since primary school so I’d probably get clobbered. But I wonder if Jesus would keep typing an email while a woman was getting beaten up?

I wonder if Jesus would see it as not his business?

As he pulled on her bag she yelled at him and drew away. My heart started pumping and I began to wonder if I should pack up my laptop and get ready. I began to wonder if someone might steal my laptop while I was helping…

They both walked back to the seat where they argued for a while. I kept typing… apparently oblivious… The situation defused somehow. Next I knew he was mauling her again and she looked like a willing party. I kept typing…

I felt glad, because this time I had made the decision to help but didn’t have to. I began to wonder though… what if he had been a 6 ft 9 bikie? What if there were half a dozen 6 ft 9 bikies?…

What then?

Its not a common situation and in that lies the dilemma. I don’t think every situation calls for the same response either, but the principle of helping someone who is powerless to defend themselves would seem to remain.

When I read the Bible it seems that often those who trusted God in wild situations were taken care of. Think Shadrach and his mates, think David. But I also know of well meaning people who have finished up in hospital because they sought to help someone.

Not my business?…

What do you think?

Ahh… home!

Melbourne weather…

30 degrees and stinky hot at 3.00 in the afternoon, pouring with rain and thunderstorms at 9.00 at night!

It meant my flight didn’t leave until 11.00pm and got into Perth four hours later. I was home by 4.00am Melbourne time – or 1.00pm Perth time. So waking up at 6.30am this morning wasn’t a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed hanging out with John and his family as well as all the other people I got to spend time with. It was a heavy duty ‘people’ weekend, with only a few moments of solitude and recoup, but all the people I came across were energising and ennervating so that made it valuable.

I had coffee yesterday with Darren and dinner with Phil & Dan last night.

I did some thinking and planning for our mission team review day on Saturday and actually may have had some good insights… I think…

There’s nothing like getting away from your local scene and hanging with some inpsiring people to help you think and dream again.

Oh well,off to work now!

To The Death!

I finally finished teaching today. But not without some biffo.

I have had one nutbag student all year who at first I tried to work with and win over… however for this last term I have been putting him on a short leash and taking no crap. He seems to see it as his mission to make my life difficult. I have very very low tolerance for people like him.

My final duty for the day at 2.05pm was disciplining him. I was leaving at 2.06pm…

"I’m gonna report you! You are out of line. I am going to the principal right now. yada yada yada".

My response…

I don’t think I should write it on here. But if you use your imagination you’ll probably get close…

Sleepless in Footscray

Daylight saving…

Means when I come to Victoria from Perth I am three hours behind so instead of feeling like its 12.40am I feel like its 9.40pm.

It really sucks on short trips.

I am staying with a bloke called John Jenson, an American over here working with Forge and planting a church in Footscray. He has been a ‘no rules cage fighter’… which seems to be pretty much as it sounds – no rules… two blokes in a cage… beating the crap out of each other… Not my thing but there you go!


Everywhere I live I like to find a ‘prayer spot’.

I had a great one at the Mindarie marina where I could sit up high overlook the ocean and pray, but the developers have moved in and taken away my spot. Now I find myself looking again for a quiet place to take some time out every few days.

Forge National Leaders Gathering

Tonight I fly to Melbourne for a gatheirng of the State Forge Directors. It’ll be good to catch up with all the crew again. When you live as a far away as Perth (the world’s most isolated city) it is only normal that you end up feeling a litle removed from the action.

It is also my final day of teaching students… You have no idea how ecstatic I feel having just written that sentence!!

It’l be good to spend the weekend with other like minded guys and then on Monday I have booked some time with other church planters so I can pick their brains and hear what they are learning. It was a real toss up between spending Monday with these guys or coming home before my kids go to bed. A few years ago it would never have been an issue, but now I find myself very toey about even short periods of time away from home.

Gone Fishing…

get rich or die tryin dvdrip Today is my rest day in the pscyho fortnight!

This morning I needed some solitude so I went fishing – alone – and even caught decent fish.

I landed up in a school of herring and after 20 mins they were biting like crazy. I had 9 landed before the sea breeze turned, the anchor started slipping and the reef started to get closer…

When you’re alone you just can’t take any chances so that was that… Still, it was the best hour of fishing I have had for quite a while.

Tonight we out for dinner with Danelle’s Creative Memory friends. Dinner sounds great, but I’m not sure how the conversation will be!