Grass Greener?

I dunno about you but it seems that so often the grass looks greener in somebody’s else’s paddock…

As we heard from the father up at the monastery tonight about the monastic practices, there was something very winsome about a life of devotion to God – about the value of hospitality as it is lived out in the monastery, about the simplicity of a monastic life.

However that said, this is one paddock I don’t think I will ever get tempted to stray into. A life of relative isolation from the bustle of the world just isn’t where I feel called to be.

The disciplined life with the regiment of spiritual practices has real appeal (in a whacked kind of way) but I’d rather find God in the life I live every day – the mess of suburbia than in the white washed walls of a lonely building miles from anywhere.

Nope – as much as I enjoyed the visit I like my own grass better tonite.

New Norcia

I’m off to the unique monastery town of New Norcia this afternoon to give a short Forgey talk to the students.

Its a great little town and one of our unique WA treasures just 100kms north of us.

Sadly it means I’ll miss church tonight and hanging out with the crew.

The big question is which car to take… the beast (4WD) is well prepared for any roos I might encounter on the way home and has the added advantage of a stereo. The Telstar drives much more smoothly and quickly, but has no roo bar or stereo…

Neither is comprehensively insured so it might have to be the beast…

Healing Festival Reflections

Ok – so I haven’t been around this blog much for the last few days, mainly because I have been involved with our local healing festival, an experience that was really valuable in many ways.

I saw the ad on the local Supa Valu store a few weeks back – ‘pranic healing, holographic re-patterning, cranio-sacral balancing, reiki, aura drawings… etc etc… but no prayer for healing. I figured we could have a crack at that.

I’m not particularly gifted either in healing or in prayer, but I can pray and I reckoned it’d be great to be in the mix of all that was happening. So we managed to secure a spot and got organised very quickly.

I rang both Ross Clifford and Phillip Johnson, two blokes who have written this book and who have been involved in the Mind Body Spirit expo in Sydney for the last 13 years. They were really valuable in helping me think thru how we would function.

What We Did:

Ross and Phillip both suggested that the critical part of the whole deal was actually getting people to stop and engage. From there it is a matter of sensing the way forward.

So… on their advice, we put up a poster of the ‘Jesus in the Snow’ image and also had it on the small ‘invite cards’. As people walked past we’d give them a card and ask them if they could see the face either on the board or on the card.

This began some fun conversation because some could see it and others couldn’t. From there we would refer them to the other notice board that had 10 different images of Jesus (lifted shamelessly from here). We asked people which image of Jesus they could relate to. Most people enjoyed this and responded well.

On the coffee table in front of us were a set of picture cards with a sign stating ‘every picture tells a story’. If people were still around they usually asked us ‘what we do?’ What is our ‘thing’?

We’d explain that ‘christocentric healing’ referred to drawing on the power of Christ thru prayer to possibly bring healing to mind body or spirit. We would then tell them  that if they could choose a card to depict where there life is at and then share some of that story, we would pray from them and ask God for what they needed.

It was a very effective way of engaging people and drawing out what was happening for them in a way that ensured they were comfortable.

What Happened:

Most people took a card and pondered the picture. Many stopped and looked at the Jesus pics. Quite a number went further and spoke of where their life was at and around 15 people over the weekend were happy to have us pray for them. The cards were promoting a course I’d like to run called ‘Attaining Christ Consiousness’. I’m not sure if anyone will take it up but we’ll see!


  • It was really enjoyable and very easy to engage people.
  • 90 % of those present were women. All the people we prayed for were women.
  • The vibe was very casual and laid back and the other folks working there were very friendlyDsc00681_1.

download they wait dvdrip


  • There are many ex church goers present at these events. Our conversations uncovered many people either disillusioned with the church system or unable to experience God in a meaningful way.
  • There is a huge spectrum of healing practices from the deeply spiritual to the much more physical. I sensed that there were some practices in the room that I could benefit from.
  • I need to drink more water…

Do differently?

  • I would pray more slowly. As evangelicals we do have a tendency to simply blurt it out. In an environment where people are looking to experience something I reckon we need to give them time to encounter God in some way – to feel stuff during the prayer. We did take our time to some degree and ask people what they were feeling (everyone felt ‘something’) but I just struggled to go slow. I reckon we could do this much better.
  • Bring a box of tissues – most people we prayed for cried.
  • Develop a few other alternative ways to get people stopping and engaging.

What if?

So here’s a serious question for you…

These guys got together and put on a healing festival. I’m sure part of it was to promote their own businesses, but I also know many of them are very keen to see people healthy and well.

They allowed us to come (as you would hope they would.)

What if… the churches in the area put on a combined healing event (hey what a novel idea…) and these guys asked to be part of it – the reiki girls, the crystal balancing lady, all the practices not compatible with a Jesus worldview… would we allow them into our festival?


By the way, as I was leaving the key organiser who was pretty toey about our involvement first up, actually shifted to being very friendly and we got an invite to come back next year. So I reckon that says we slotted in pretty well.

Here’s the invite we used… we changed the cost from $60.00 to $30.00 (for 6 weeks)

Christconciousness_1 Christconciousnessback_1

Full Tilt

I have just got back from the SU Staff conference down in Busselton. It was really good to meet up with the other staff I rarely see because I work remotely. A great bunch of people!

The crazy weather on the first night combined with this bloke’s snoring meant there was little sleeping being done.

Now I’m home playing with the kids, catching up on email and getting organised for the New Age healing festival on the weekend.

I almost pulled the pin on the festival due to weariness… but it looks like too much fun!

Voting as a Christian in a Secular World…

Flying home on the plane last night I was praying about the stuff I needed to share with the team tonight. I had things to say but they didn’t feel quite right.

I sensed God saying we should be talking about how a Christian would vote at the coming state election.

To be honest this has not been a strong area for me. I have been something of an ‘impulse’ voter, rarely making an informed or well considered decision, but voting for the person I think is the least offensive.

I sense God challenging me to pull my head out of my bum in this regard and take some responsibility for what happens here in WA. Some of you have known this for ages… I have been lazy

Enough is enough…

Tonight as a team we will be pondering the question of ‘how does a Christian vote?’ Not with the objective of telling people what to do, but rather developing a theological and ethical framework for making intelligent decisions in this regard.

Should be a fun discussion!

Its Not What You Know…

Today I was down at the Sonshine FM radio station doing an interview with Rod Olsen about Forge and what we are doing in W.A.

Given that Rod’s latest interviews have included people like Cosima Devito I feel very privileged!

Rod and I used to go to the same little Baptist church for many years in our younger days so we have quite a bit of history. It was good to catch up again today.

(And thanks for the free advertising Rod!)

The interview will be on Sunday evening I think…

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