Local Heroes

Its Saturday night and I am sitting here listening to Keith Lehmann talking about the ministry he and his wife have had feeding poor people all round Perth. In the last 9 years they have fed over 300 000 people in an amazing ministry, starting at Scarborough Beach and stretching all over the city.

If you want to hear his story then simply go here, click on the link in the sidebar and listen. He’s got some good stuff to say and he’ll be sharing it at Forge this month as one of our local heroes.

If you’re easily offended then don’t listen because he doesn’t have time for excuse makers and well meaning people who aren’t prepared to get off their butt and make a difference.

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Ahh… I love a man of action.

Reaching Aussies with the Gospel


Just got an email from our denom (funny how ‘denom’ reads a lot like ‘demon’ 🙂 and in it saw that I am listed as one of the speakers at a course called ‘Reaching Aussies with The Gospel’…

Funny, cause I hadn’t heard about it!

Its being run by a good mate and local evangelist legend so I’d be happy to help out, but its funny seeing your name on stuff before you have even heard of it…

My Kind of Bloke

My neighbour Mick send this thru today.

A big-shot Sydney lawyer went duck hunting out near Gilgandra. He shot and dropped a bird, but it fell into a paddock on the other side of a fence.

As the lawyer climbed over the fence, an elderly farmer drove up on his tractor and asked him what he was doing. The litigator responded, "I shot a duck and it fell in this paddock, and now I’m going to retrieve it."

The old farmer replied, "This is my property and you are not coming over here." The indignant lawyer said, "I am one of the best trial attorneys in the country and if you don’t let me get that duck, I’ll sue you and take everything you own.

The old farmer smiled and said, "Apparently, you don’t know how we settle disputes in Gilgandra. We settle small disagreements like this with the "Three Kick Rule."

The lawyer asked, "What is the Three Kick Rule?" The Farmer replied, "Well, because the dispute occurs on my land, first I kick you three times and then you kick me three times and so on back and forth until someone gives up."

The attorney quickly thought about the proposed contest and decided that he could easily take the old bugger. He agreed to abide by the local custom.

The old farmer slowly climbed down from the tractor and walked up to the attorney. His first kick planted the toe of his heavy steel toed work boot into the lawyer’s groin and dropped him to his knees. His second kick to the midriff sent the lawyer’s last meal gushing from his mouth. The lawyer was on all fours spitting and gasping when the farmer’s third kick to his rear end sent him face-first into a fresh cow pat.

The lawyer summoned every bit of his will and managed to get to his feet. Wiping his face with the arm of his jacket said, "Okay, Now it’s my turn."

The old farmer smiled and said, "Nah mate, I give up. You can have the duck."


As we go into the healing festival at Quinns shortly I’d like to have some kind of course available for people who are seeking answers to their spiritual questions.

I’m thinking the following might do the job.

What do you reckon? These will be business card size and might generate some interest. Front and back… and yes it costs $60.00 because people don’t see free stuff as having any value.


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I woke at 4.30 this morning… and that was it. I couldn’t get back to sleep. So I got up and after enjoying the cool of the morning I have felt wiped out ever since!

I am working my thru the Baptist Churches handbook calling each church to see if I can  be of service to them in a coaching capacity. I am up to ‘C’ after 37 phone calls…

return of the texas chainsaw massacre the divx movie online I’m actually really looking forward to this role. It feels like something I can get my teeth into and make a difference with.

Community Rhythms

This blog was started originally as a way for people to keep in touch with what we are doing here in Brighton. It assumed people would be interested and may actually take the time to read. I’m not sure too many of the ‘intended audience’ have but there you go…

Over the last two years it has become a place for me to think out loud and occasionally have a rant about stuff that I get passionate about. In the absence of a weekly preach I have a daily blog!

Anyway this post is getting back to the real reason for this blog – to tell some of our story online. Obviously you don’t know all of what has happened with us because some stuff is private and doesn’t belong in the public domain. I am also very wary of making us sound either ‘doing better’ than we really are or struggling more than we really are. We are doing good – enjoying some stuff and working thru other stuff – sound normal?

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Anyway here is an update on where we are at:

After a year of meeting primarily as a closed mission team and seeking to connect in the local community we are feeling the need to develop some open gatherings where our neighbours and friends can experience Christian community with us. (See here for more the plan we are working off)

We have decided to meet fortnightly on a Sunday AM for a brunchy type of gathering that will include some activity for kids, some worship (don’t read that simply as singing), some learning and some prayer. Maybe not all elements will be present each week, but we are conscious of the need to move from simply good relationships, barbecues and parties to the development of Christian community.

Some will think we have ‘sold out’ by meeting on a Sunday AM – that we have just defaulted to the norm. Quite frankly I couldn’t give a toss. Sunday happens to be the day when most of the people we know will be most available, which is kinda the point… It isn’t a ‘default ‘as much as conscious choice to do what is most sensible and effective having understood our mission.

We will keep our team meetings on Monday nights on the alternate fortnight and these will remain as closed meetings.

There are now four families in our core team as Andrew & Bec Logan are moving back closer to the city. That’s a bummer on many levels, not the least of which that we have been friends for over 8 years now, but the decision seems like a right one for them. We will miss them heaps.

Connections in the community continue to grow and we are loving being here. How good is it to love what you are called to do?!

Expectations and Relational Overload

I am puzzled by several things at the moment as we navigate the path of mission and church and try to keep life simple. Here’s one for you to chew on…

It seems that life in Oz society is already quite complex and being part of a church only complicates it further…

Here’s what I see as well as some relfections on my own situation. If you are part of a church we would hope that you would:

1. Have an active relationship with God that you are nurturing – spending some kind of regular time with him and getting to know him whatever shape that takes. I have been trying to use the ‘Bible in a year’ stuff, but its just too hard to feel connected with it. I much prefer Sacred Space and so will probably revert to that. As much as I am able I try to escape the kids from 7.30 on for an hour or so and get some God time. Its hard… and I probably have it easier than many of you.

2. Be spending good slabs of time with your wife and kids. These primary relationships really need the best of our time. For the 8.00-5.00 worker this time is very much limited to after work and weekends. This is one of the things I really love about flexible working hours and having a home office. I see a lot of my family and I think we are richer for it.

3. Be well connected with your wider family – parents, brothers, sister, in laws etc. That’s not too hard for me with just a brother and mum and dad here in Oz, but Danelle has 5 bros and sis’ along with a humungous number of nieces, nephews etc. We could spend the rest of our life just hanging out with them! At times this gets stressful, but at the moment most of them live up bush and its not so tricky to manage. For while when all were in the city, it seemed that every weekend was another birthday, anniversary, etc etc

4. Have a few close friends who you connect with regularly and deeply and share life with. Now its gets more selective… There is a level of connection with family that is at times dutiful. However I reckon these people are the ones who are ‘soul mate’ types, the ones who would do your funeral… People who have travelled the journey of life with you for a long time and who you feel that heart connection with. I probably only have two or three people in my life who belong here at the moment, and its probably all I can handle. I doubt any of us can sustain many relationships of this kind.

5. Be connected with your church community. For most people that means being in a small group. For us our church is a small group 🙂 We want to be well connected with each other, which is tricky when you look at all that is already happening in life. At times we have spoken about how we don’t catch up with each other enough, but not only do we have these relationships… we also have

6. The people in our local community – the folks we live amongst, our neighbours who are becoming our friends. We came here to get to know them and to grow some genuine friendships. The problem is that the relational grid is already pretty packed! What gives?…

7. Then there are work colleagues, ministry acquaintences, sporting friends, old friends you don’t often see, local networks…

Is anybody tired just reading that list?!

I honestly wonder how we do it. How do we live like that? How do we keep so many plates spinning?

I know I have all those ‘categories’ in my life and the last two are huge. Perhaps another question is how do we prioritise where our time goes?

I know we have made a decision that as a missionary family we will prioritise spare time to be with our neighbours and that means trading off some time in other places. It means we don’t spend as much time with our team as we would like at times. It means we see less of our families at times. Its always a balancing act.


Its not just that we want you to have all these relationships functioning and healthy.

We also want you to come to church, serve in the church, be in a small group and be involved in your neighbourhood.

Are you kidding?!!!

Is this really how we live but just don’t realise it?

Tonight at our leadership team meeting I was asking the question ‘what can we legitimately expect of the full time worker in a local church, especially given the above expectations which are pretty much part of life?’

Can we ask them to sit on this team and that committee and be out 4 or 5 nights a week? Being out three nights a week feels like all I can manage at the moment.

Phew… I’m done… Its 12.15 and well past bed time.

Hope that made some sense


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TraintracksI am unwinding after a looong day.

I spent most of the day in an a.com seminar on ‘Process Facilitation’. As I will be taking the ethics and values course this year it was a bit of prep and training. Some times I find myself attending these things grudgingly, but I was actually looking forward to this one both for the learning and to hang out with some quality people from diverse backgrounds. It was a valuable experience learning how to better facilitate healthy learning processes. And it affirmed some of the journey we have been on with Forge in terms of shaping our own learning environment.

From there I hurried home, had a quick dinner, played with the kids and then headed back out again for a Brighton leaders meeting. I’ve just got off the treadmill after a 4 km run (its ok I have had a shower) and now I need some time to chill before hitting the sack. I find blogging is good for just letting my hair down and reflecting on the day.

At the start of the day one of the exercises we were asked to do was choose a picture from a wide range that appealed to us and had some resonance. I chose one very similar to the one above. A mass of tracks converging, crossing, looking like a complete mess but somehow working. It kind of sums up my life at the moment…