Today I spent the day with our Forge leadership and development team as we dreamt and planned for the year ahead. It was a lot of fun and always inspiring to be in a room with such a great bunch of people.
In chatting with the crew I was reflecting on my experience of church on the weekend trying to articulate what it was that made it so enjoyable and left me feeling something very positive. As a ‘good show’ it wasn’t up there with the quality gigs around the place, but I’ve long since let go of the need to be in a place where there is good music, a great kids min, dynamic preaching etc etc. I think when you are not ‘wowed’ by a great production, or if you don’t go seeking that, then you aren’t disappointed when you don’t get it.
When you simply go to meet with other Christians and be part of the body, and that happens it is good. It was something of a reaffirmation for me that getting the Sunday morning gig humming so the punters will front up is not what I am called to do.
Now I’m not at all sure I could do this stuff 52 times a year on a Sunday morning and its not a service my neighbours are likely to find appealing, but it is raising some new questions for me about what we are doing and how we are doing it.