Not Desiring God?

Seems the emerging missional scene cops a bit of a hiding from John Piper’s crew. The issues seem to relate to open theism and taking a narrative approach to theology. They give Stan Grenz and Brian McClaren a bit of stick.

You can listen to the interview on the topic here and see the book here. Its worth the effort. Its always worth listening to your critics – someone once said ‘your critics are often your best critics’. Good thought hey? People who like you are often too nice to tell the truth.

Thanks to Justin for the tip off.

Tread Carefully

We are at a whole new stage in the journey for our


team. Shortly we will have our first open gatherings – regular times when others can join with us.

We haven’t been seeking to ‘exclude’ others from our stuff, but have simply been focused on team development and relationship building in the community over the last year. There have been very few ‘official’ open gatherings.

As we move towards this new gathering it is with some consternation. We actually chose not to have any Sunday gathering for at least 18 months simply because we recognise that it is so easy to stop thinking missionally and start to revert to an old (and familiar) ecclesiology. Dangerous”

I have spent some time this week thinking thru again what we are doing and why we are doing it. If you’re interested my thoughts are below. Its as much to help us safeguard ourselves against unintentionally creating a monster as it is to guide us.

The biggest trap will be to see this meeting as the core function of the team, when nothing could be further from the truth. If it becomes our central focus and if it occupies large slabs of our time each week then we have begun to lose sight of our core purpose.

Time will tell”

If you are interested in the framework of how we will function then keep reading below:

1.      Community gatherings are regular fortnightly gatherings (Sundays 9.30am) where our core team members and friends in the community can gather to support one another, worship together and learn how to follow Jesus together in a range of ways. They are not simple social gatherings (ala a street party) and will have a definite sense of purpose, form and several regular components.

2.      The regular components are to be some form of worship/prayer, some form of teaching/learning and a segment that is specifically for the kids. These components can be expressed in many different ways.

3.      We agree that these weekly gatherings are not our primary focus, but that they exist as part of the fabric of mission life and contribute to it, rather than being the reason for it. Because of this, they should not take a significant amount of organisational skill or a large chunk of time. If they begin to weigh us down then we will need to re-think how we are doing them.

4.      What we do in our first few gatherings will set the tone for future times. It is important that we establish the nature of what we intend to do so that people who are considering being part of the gatherings are aware of their intent.

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5.      The ‘focus’ group for what we will do is people who are at some point in the journey of faith and who are interested in following Jesus with others. It will not be a ‘Christianity for dummies’ group, but neither will it rely on vast amounts of prior knowledge to be able to participate.

6.      The focus of the teaching content will essentially be ‘what does it mean to live as a follower of Jesus?’ If his call to us is to ‘make disciples teaching them to obey all I have commanded you’, then our goal will be simply to move people to obey all that Jesus commanded us.

7.      We will pitch what we do at a middle high school level cognitively and assume people are interested in discipleship. We won’t water down to ‘seeker level’ but will be clear and allow people to engage as they are able.

8.      We will get involved in doing part of the meeting according to our own gifting. We will all also get involved in the simple stuff of being a community – set up, pack up, doing the dishes etc.

9.      Participation in the gathering and the running of segments of the meeting will not be limited to team members but will be open to all who are involved.

10.  We will give people the opportunity each week to give money to a ‘community fund’, money that will be used to serve the wider


community. Yes – if its sounds like an offering, its because that’s what it is – people sharing their stuff.

11.  Jenny will oversee the worship/prayer side of things and will ask people to be involved, Danelle will do the same for kids and Hamo for teaching.

Don’t you love virtuality!?

I have just finished a run on our treadmill where I listened to good mate Stuart Wesley preach on the gift of pastoring.

Last week when I was running I listened to Haydn Nelson thru Subichurch. I enjoy sermons and like the ferment of ideas that occurs as I listen.

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Then when I’d finished listening to Stuart I rolled back into my study to check the progress in the Margaret River Salamon Masters. Its great to see all the action from the comfort of your own loungeroom

If only I could ‘virtually’ run… and enjoy all the benefits with none of the exertion…


Last week when Al Hirsch was here he leant on me pretty hard (in an aussie blokey matey kind of way) to get around to doing some serious writing in the form of a book.

We have had the conversation a few times before and its something I’d really like to do, but I’m not sure I can actually pull it off. It’d be a book that combined some of my own heretical ranting and theologising as well as a range of stories of emerging missional churches from around Oz.

I think I have enough material, but the question may be do I have the discipline – or even just the time – to actually devote to it. I glanced at the idea last year and then looked away. This year I have done some formative work and I’ll be giving it a good shake.

Can it happen in one year?…

I guess it all depends on what else doesn’t happen…

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Spirituality for all the wrong reasons

I have seen this article linked to on a few sites now and thought it was time I read it. Its well worth the effort.

Eugene Petersen debunks some crappy thinking on spirituality and what it means to be a Christian.

But he also presents some thoughts on the church as ‘anti-cultural’ and doesn’t seem to have a lot of time for incarnational approaches to mission.

He’s been around for a while and seems to have formed up some pretty strong views on things which he isn’t afraid to throw out there. Its a good read, if for no other reason to challenge your thinking.

Fashion Stakes

I had to go shopping for clothes today to replenish a wardrobe that is both dated and a tad on the small side round the waist these days” (ouch – I am losing that battle!)

When I was 20 the key criteria when choosing clothes was style, fashion etc. Now” its price, price, price. download broken windows divx

It was a good day today with 2 new shirts @ $10.00 each and two pairs of shorts for $50.00.

Do they look good?…

Good enough J

Gut Churning

That’s what its doing”

For the last three days I have felt very seedy – not throwing up and unable to move – just weak, seedy and under the weather. Not enough to stay in bed, but enough to find everything an effort. It seems there are a few of us in


who have this thing.

I’m hoping it goes away and things will return to normal. The funny thing is if I had this last year it wuld have been enough to warrant a day off work – who wants to face 5 classes of 30 kids when you are seedy – but this year I love what I am doing too much to stay in bed.