Another tacky tag line from the people who brought you WWJD… But I get the sense that this is what God is saying to me personally at the moment.

‘Pray until something happens.’

We had a great time at our church gathering on Sunday, discussing the idea of God giving us his spirit and us having ‘dreams and visions’. Danelle asked us to think thru what our dreams and visions are.

One of mine is to see God’s presence very evident in our community and to see people encountering him in undeniable ways and radically re-orienting life around his agenda. In more churchy-speak I think we would call it ‘an unmistakeable move of the holy spirit’.

Yesterday I sensed God giving me a really big kick up the butt in regard to praying for that. There simply is no other action I can take that can make this happen.

Its easy to say ‘we don’t pray enough’ and its also probably true. I know I don’t have sensational prayer experiences to speak of. It just feels like very very hard work at times to pray. Its easy to feel guilty about not praying enough. That’s not a great motivator at all either…

But I can pray.

And if I choose to then there is no reason why I can’t make space in my day to do the ‘work’ of prayer. Yes, prayer is not just about intercession – I know that – its been one of the learnings in this new church experience, but it is also important to still do the work of praying for others and praying for our community.

I probably won’t wear a t-shirt or arm band though…paths of glory online

You Big Girls Blouse

The Rev is coming to stay with us on Friday…

He’ll be sharing some stories of what he has learnt over many years of church planting in many different communities.

He’s supposed to be a no rules fighter of some sort. I have two kids who I wrestle with every night. Reckon I’ll kick his butt when he gets here…

Seriously… if you’re up for a great night then get along to the Warehouse Cafe in Shenton park, 7.30pm this Friday night. There is no entry fee, but we are intentionally taking an offering to give to John. He is here on to work with Forge and relies on support from family and friends. Right now he could use a hand with that side of things, so come along, enjoy the night and dig deep to help a top bloke.matrix reloaded the divx download


Any amatuer drs out there?

I’ve been wondering whether I should pull my own stitches out of my leg. They said wait 8-9 days. Today is 9. I have been very good…

I pulled one yesterday but it looked like the whole thing might split apart. I don’t want to go sit in our Drs surgery for a couple of hours.

Cast your vote and I will decide accordingly…watch class action in divx one point o movie download


“You hear it a thousand times and more growing up in the East–“We all come through different routes and end up in the same place.” But I say to you, God is not a place or an experience or a feeling. Pluralistic cultures are beguiled by the cosmetically courteous idea that sincerity or privilege of birth is all that counts and that truth is subject to the beholder. In no other discipline of life can one be so naive as to claim inherited belief or insistent belief as the sole determiner of truth. Why, then, do we make the catastrophic error of thinking that all religions are right and that it does not matter whether the claims they make are objectively true?

All religions are not the same. All religions do not point to God. All religions do not say that all religions are the same. At the heart of every religion is an uncompromising commitment to a particular way of defining who God is or is not and accordingly, of defining life’s purpose.

Anyone who claims that all religions are the same betrays not only an ignorance of all religions but also a caricatured view of even the best-known ones. Every religions is at its core exclusive.” (Ravi Zacharias in Jesus Among Other Gods 2000, 6-7).

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How’d Paul Do It?…

I am an unashamed fan of Paul!

I am amazed at his church planting activities and inspired by his courage and passion. He is one my great heroes and I read Acts regularly. This week I was asking again ‘how did he do it?’

You see when we first came to Brighton I came saying we will probably be here 3-5 years and then we’ll go do the same thing somewhere else and then do it again etc. That was the original plan. Recently someone asked me how long I think we will be here now and I said 5-10 years is much more in the line of sight – and that’s if we ever leave…

And then I started thinking…

If we stay too long surely we run the risk of setting up a ‘control’ system that Roland Allen would say is the death of a church’s multiplying ability?… What ought we do?…

What was the longest Paul stayed anywhere? I think it was Ephesus where he spent two years. He was a hit and run kinda bloke. Steve has described him as a ‘catalytic’ church planter.

I don’t see many of them around these days. I’m not sure that I am one of them either.

As I read Acts this week I have been reflecting on some factors that might affect the different pace at which we do things:

Gifting – Paul was a rare beast. No question about it. Strong leadership gift, incredible intellect, high teaching ability. He was suited to itinerant stuff. I can’t think of anyone like him in my own city.

Historical Setting – I wonder what impact it had being so close to the whole Christ event? I wonder if there was a buzz in the air and if it was hot news and therefore a bit easier to speak to, or at least the topic was up for grabs?

Cultural Setting – Paul speaks of himself as the apostle to the gentiles yet almost everywhere he goes he first of all heads off to the synagogue. He goes there and makes public presentations of his teaching to those who are up for listening. I reckon this is an advantage – being able to have a public forum to fire up debate. In Athens where he didn’t have a synagogue he used the Areopagus. Paul definitely used his communciation skills to evoke some debate about the gospel. Paul didn’t seem all that committed to slow relational engagement. He was more of a spruik it out there and then deal with the conversation that it produces kind of bloke. I identify with this kind of apologetic evangelism, but I wonder do we have these forums anywhere? In middle class family land I don’t think they exist. Most people are too busy to get into something like this, or just plain disinterested.

Paul did seem to see converts everywhere he went. He was very clear about calling people to follow Christ and to accept the reality of his death and resurrection for them.

He had some fairly significant biffo in a few places because of his open and forthright approach, even to the point of getting beaten and run out of town.

Are we too soft in our approach to evangelism?

Are we too concerned to be ‘effective missionaries’ and not concerned enough to actually speak the truth of the gospel to those we live amongst?

One thing is for sure. I don’t think we could ever say we have established a church in a place if there are no new Christians. Until there are a good pile of them I’d say we will be staying put no matter what.

Somebody needs their butt kicked and HARD

After15 years of buying a home and paying a mortgage, we have been fortunate enough to be able to raise sufficient equity to obtain a loan for an investment property.

It is purely a build and sell type of deal (spec home) with the hope of developing some retirement funds and some funds to help others with.

When the quotes came back from the builder all was well, except that they had quoted earthworks at $9000.00 instead of the more normal $3000.00-4000.00. Their engineer’s report indicated that they were unable to dig into the site at 200/400/600 ml.

I went there today with a shovel to test this.

I dug in the exact same places as the engineer and in 5 minutes with minimal effort I had dug three holes 600ml deep.

Something is very wrong here.

I’m sure this is how young couples get ripped off when they build for the first time. We know and trust the builder, but I reckon his engineer might be getting more than just a swift kick up the backside.

The difference between what it should be and what he has quoted us is around $5000.00 Who’s got a spare $5K to kick around?

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Yesterday we took Ellie to get her 4 year old needles – 3 of them.

She is a wonderful kid but definitely doesn’t like needles and can really kick up a storm in these kinds of scenarios. We left at 10.00 for the Doctors – both of us – me to hold Ellie and Danelle to look after Sam while Ellie screamed.

For some reason they called us into the room 10 minutes early… in time to watch another little 4 year old boy reduced to tears by the needles. He tried to be brave but after his two needles he was crying fairly loudly.

I don’t think this was good for Ellie to watch. As she watched him melt into tears she began to freak out. So when it came time for her turn she was well and truly ready to fight. She yelled, screamed and put up a fight I would have been proud of.

We managed to get her shirt off and did one arm… then the other… then the thigh…

I reckon when I left I felt every bit as traumatised as she did!

Needles suck.

A Techy Request

Here’s a request from an Adelaide church planter who reads this blog. Any tips would be much appreciated i am sure!

“I wonder if you could ask people to comment on your blog re Laptops and data projectors. We are about to purchase and are leaning to a Sony CX75 projector (2600ansi lumens) but I’m not sure what specs we should be looking for in a laptop. We want to be able to project song words graphics and movies”