Local Heroes

Tonight at our team meeting we had Keith and Viv Lehman come and share some of their story with us.

For the last 9 years these guys have been involved with establishing community meals for those in need. They have served over 350 000 meals to people, at one stage operating 5 nights a week in both Scarborough and Fremantle.

There is no doubt God wants us to get involved with people in need. We just need to ask, ‘is this the way he wants us to do it?’
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If he does it will be a wonderful adventure, but also a significant sacrifice for those who take it on. Its always easy to see the rosy side of things, but to serve needy people week in week out is quite draining and not for the faint of heart!

Give us both wisdom and compassion Lord.


What a guy!

Who would go to bed when you can watch Adam Gilchrist opening the batting against the poms?

first ball – four from a snick over slips
third ball – bowled… on a no ball (do you reckon Darren Gough would be kicking himself?)
fourth ball – smack Gough for 4
fifth ball – almost gets an edge
13 off the first over

As I write he has 29 off 18 balls and is looking dangerous…

Farewell Typepad… I think…

watch hunt for eagle one the in divx Typepad have been upgrading their service and in the process my blog has changed its appearance, and lost some of what I felt was distinctive about it (images/formatting etc). They have told me I can regain that ‘look’ by spending the extra $15.00/month to get a ‘pro subscription’. I politely told them that they have a snowflake’s chance in hell of me doing that.

This blog costs Aus $7.00  / month – bugger all really. But Blogger is free and is now quite comparable in its functionality.

I am thinking its time to leave…

What do you think of the readability/commenting/load time etc of the two different blogs?

Unless this blog proves to be signficantly easier for readers I will probably permanently hop on over to Blogger in 10 days or so.

If you’d like to keep reading then you can find me here

Just another day…

Yesterday I went fishing with my brother. Pretty straightforward you’d think… and it was, until we came back to the marina and tried to get the boat back on the trailer.

As I normally do I hopped on the front of the trailer and began walking out to grab the boat and float it on. But I slipped and landed on my butt on the trailer bar. I also banged my leg. I thought it was just bruised until I looked closer and discovered that it had been cut open by a protruding bolt. It was a deep, nasty cut and looked fairly ‘meaty’.

Dsc00851 I felt a litle woozy and went over to chill out on the jetty for a few minutes while my brother and the guy in the next jetty tried to get the boat on… rather unsuccessfully… It is a big heavy boat and if you don’t know what you are doing it can be hard to set it up right.

The guys got it on as best they could and Steve went to drive the whole lot out of the water. I lay back to rest only to hear a rolling sound… The winch spring had just broken and the boat was rolling off the trailer. Thankfully we noticed before it landed on the concrete.

The guys tried again but it was skewed…

They tried to push the boat back off the trailer to realign it. In doing so the whole set up began to move backwards – boat and 4WD! While they looked rather dumfounded I had an adrenalin rush and charged across to get the foot on the brake before we submerged the car. Got there just in time…

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From there I thanked the other guy and told himto go home. I figured I was just going to have to get it on, so with a pair if trakky daks tied round the hole in my leg to stop the bleeding and now dressed only in jocks and t shirt began to try and manouver the boat onto the trailer.

We got there – not straight, but drivable… It’ll do…

We came home and took the mandatory photos and then I drove down to Joondalup hospital where I spent 3 hours waiting to get stitched up before heading home for dinner with friends. Its nice when you have people around who don’t mind if you fall asleep in their company 🙂 I lasted till 10.00 and then nodded off mid conversation only to wake up at 11.30 when they were going home. I didn’t feel too bad as Nick had gone to sleep too!

Unfortunately the day’s surfing with local Brighton kids, that was planned for tomorrow is now not going to happen.

Apostolic Women and Other Randomly Connected Thoughts

I feel like I am finally regaining some equilibrium after the Forge Summit. I was so wiped out I actually cancelled our leadership team meeting that was scheduled for last night. I couldn’t get focused on what it was we needed to discuss.

That’s a significant shift in itself from where I used to live. We don’t have to ‘get there tomorrow’ anymore. Its as important that we ‘get there and enjoy the ride’. Last night I decided to take the slower road.

After my session on Apostolic leadership on Sunday I spent some time chatting with the girls who were in the group. They commented that it felt quite blokey and testosterone charged (my words). We began to discuss whether there was a feminine form to the ‘apostolic leader’. Is the female apostolic more compassionate, merciful, pastoral etc? The girls would say ‘yes’.

Dan has made some interesting comments on the broader female question within the EMC and has pointed out some of the tensions we are working with:

– the absence of women in church leadership generally

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– the historical factor – typically we haven’t valued women

– the nature of leadership doesn’t always attract women

There is some interesting debate in the comments as well. Al Hirsch suggests that apostolic leadership actually taps into a more masculine energy and there is also some debate on the thoughts Mike Frost presented on the feminisation of worship.

Mike’s comments on this area were a highlight of the summit for me. The idolatry of romance in western society has seen love for God translated to ‘intimacy’ of a romantic / feeling nature to the exclusion of love as action and obedience.

As always the truth probably lies in a bit of both, but it was good to hear someone give words to what I have felt in my gut for a while. I have been wondering for a while now if when we ask one another if we ‘feel close to God’ if we are in fact asking the wrong question.

But I am wondering about the apostolic women… Do they take a more compassionate shape than the blokes? Or is that simply something in the male/female make up?

So What?…

If attendance is the measure of success then the National Forge Summit this weekend was supremely successful.

Over 600 people (yes – that’s the latest accurate figure) attended some part of the event and somewhere in the low 500’s were there the whole time.

The attendance does say at very least, that people are interested in what they perceive Forge to be on about. While at best it marks a landmark occasion and a galvanising of people for missional action in our nation.

Of course the question that hangs is ‘what will happen now?’ What will change because a bunch of people came together to network, hear stories, be inspired and re-think mission? If it doesn’t translate to action on the ground then nothing – yes nothing of substance has really occurred. Learning must translate to changed behaviour

If it does… then look out.

I am very optimistic about the impact of the weekend – partly because I sense this is something the Holy Spirit is doing and partly because I think we are well set up to facilitate and develop the action that has been catalysed as a result of the weekend.

Alan_hirsch_2Whatever else gets said this is probably as good a place as any to pay tribute to the work of Alan Hirsch as a leader and pioneer in the whole area of missional church. I have only known Alan for 3 years, but we have become really good friends and I am grateful for both his influence on my life and his friendship. I understand that he and Forge were pretty pointy in the early days as they sought to present an alternative imagination of church and that they gave a fair bit of ‘stick’ and also copped it back from others.

It takes great courage to keep leading when you are going against the flow and when others are calling you a fool and a heretic. As this weekend passes and there is a growing acceptability for the EMC it would be easy to forget the pain of birth that Alan and others have endured as they have led the way here.

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I Thank God for both Alan and Frosty who put their balls on the line and led the way in calling us to dance to a different tune when it was not popular to do so.

I have a sense that Australian Church History will remember Alan as one of the greats and one of the true pioneers and revolutionaries. Yes… that’s a big rap, but I have a feeling that we are seeing a huge shift occurring in the church and we need to say thanks to God and to the people who have the courage to lead where he calls.

Good on ya Hirschy. You’re a bloody legend!

Typepad Psycho

The blog you are looking at is not what my blog normally looks like.

For some reason typepad has spat the dummy and completely reformatted on me. I have tried to re-publish but with no joy.

If this keeps up then I will be making the shift to blogger sooner rather than later.

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Deep Breath…

Its been great to make some new connections at Forge this time round, as well as deepening some friendships that I’ve had a for a while.

It was really good to catch up Mike and Rachel for dinner tonight, to meet Digger, Andrew McKenzie and Steve Barrington for the first time. As an introvert I have found myself ducking for cover every now and then as I have been all peopled out. The only problem is that there is very little cover!

I think my elective session went reasonably well. It was looking at the heart of an apostlic leader.

The eight qualities I listed (mostly from 1 Cor 9) were:

1. A compelling desire to initiate, pioneer or start new ministries.

An apostolic type loves starting new stuff – apostello = sent one – unreached people

2. Usually task focused and therefore needing to function in a team setting

Paul always worked in teams – got the job done, but prob had a few pointy edges

3. Courageous… Singled minded” resilient”

Focused on the gospel – not willing to let anything stand in the way – willing to suffer

4. Willing to pay the price of effectiveness

Training self to be godly – takes resp for personal spiritual formation

5. Will establish DNA and fight for truth

lays theological and philosophical DNA and will fight for it / guard it as needed

6. Empowering Others and relinquishing control

looks to raise up and trust people to do the job so can move on

7. Enjoys a regional/wider influence

tends to find one local role a bit restrictive – enjoys wider scope of ministry and influence

I was reading Bob Clinton’s stuff on the presence of ‘power / miraculous’ gifts among the apostolics, but I’m not sure were that fits…

We have one day left of the Summit and then two days after with the 60 interns and .acom students. As good as it is I am now one of those people who misses his family and would rather got home sooner than later.

I think that’s a good thing!