2006 Top Reads

I use the ‘book’ section of the blog as a way of keeping track of what I have read over the year. You can see what I got thru last year in the column on the left.

I’m not a superfast reader nor a slow one. I think I average a book a fortnight.

So here are last year’s top reads:

Fiction: The Kite Runner – a brilliant story of an Afghani child who grows up and goes back to his old home 20 years later. It narrowly gets iin ahead of The Turning but only because it was a ‘re-read’.

Biography Bruchko – a great stroy of a young missionary forced to ask what it means to love a community of tribal people.

‘Christian’– A tie between Organic Church – which I love for its simplicity and profundity as well as Church Without Walls, a text for the acom unit I taught, but a classic on missional engagement and allowing mission to shape church.

There’s not much very deep or theological there… Might need to stretch my diet a little in the year ahead!

Part of my reason for choosing to blog less is that I want to free more time for actual reading of books. I find I read online quickly and easily – which is fine – but sometimes it involves sifting the quality from the dregs as well as not getting drawn off on sidetracks… like ebay!

2 thoughts on “2006 Top Reads

  1. Wow. You’ve picked two really great books in Organic Church and Church Without Walls.

    They are both books I keep coming back to. Of course Neil Cole’s book is newish so I sort of haven’t really ever put it down since I got it, recently. Church Without Walls I’ve had since it was new, and I think that was around 1994 or so.

    Either way, they both have really challenged me to get as far away from “bounded set” thinking as possible.

    That would make a great post/sermon… hmmm…

    – Alister

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