
It seems every community has its ‘characters’, the people who are a little zany, but who bring life and about whom we tell stories and remember.

When I lived in Scarborough there was the ‘wheelie man’, a bloke in his 50’s or 60’s who rode a hi rise bike around the suburb but always in ‘wheelie’ mode. I remember the first time I saw him, I was checking my eyes as he wheelied all the way up Scarborough Beach Road. I would see him from time to time riding along West Coast Highway and all around the place. And then I discovered other people had seen him too… ‘an old guy on a bike who pops wheelies?…’

‘the wheelie man?!’

‘you’ve seen him too!?’

Conversations would spark and we would laugh about one of our communities characters.

Well today I snapped this pic of Betty Brackovich, one of the inner city’s wild women. Betty is 59, mother of 4, was born in Kalgoorlie and rides her scooter round the streets of Leederville and Subiaco, while waving the Aussie flag and yelling and screaming. Be warned – she is LOUD!

I first saw Betty last year running amuck in the Leederville cafe strip where I work. Then I saw her another time in Subiaco… and again today she was back in Leederville yelling, yahooing and carrying on. I had to go over and say g’day. I had to meet this person who obviously has chosen not to follow polite convention and mind her own business. So I went over, introduced myself and chatted for a bit. She even let me snap a pic and… she’s a character alright!

Thank God for the wheelie men and the Betty’s of the world!torque free

Movement Maths

Al Hirsch tried to make a comment on this post, but it didn’t come thru. He has sent it thru so I’ll set it up here as a separate post. The power of multiplication

Movement Math

February 8th, 2006

All movements have their own special arithmetic. Movements, for example, always prefer multiplication over addition. They just love geometric progressions. So, to build movements everywhere, we need to understand how movement math works.

Let me give you one example: In the chart below, compare the results of evangelism by addition with evangelism by multiplication.

In the left column, you help win and disciple one person to Christ per day for the next sixteen years. In the right column, you win and disciple one person per year but disciple that person so that he or she reproduces himself/herself. This multiplication process then continues for sixteen years. Compare the results of movement math at the year sixteen.

You can see why movements always prefer multiplication.

The reach of any movement is directly proportional to the breadth of its leadership base. Only to the extent that movements grow “self-initiating, reproducing, fully devoted disciples (i.e. multiplying true believers)” can they hope to reach the multitudes.

As Eugene Peterson humorously put it for us in the States,

“Jesus, it must be remembered, restricted nine-tenths of his ministry to twelve Jews because it was the only way to redeem all Americans.”

For our purposes, we need to keep movement math always in mind. Multiplication- the continued expansion and reproduction of disciples who are producing other disciples-is the heart of any Biblical movement.

Movement math tells us that we cannot build movements without the multiplication of leaders, without reproducing disciple- makers. Christian ministries and programs typically depend upon a single leader or group of leaders. Once those leaders pass on, the ministry or program dies.

In a Biblical movement, there is the continued replenishment of leaders to carry its cause forward. We can’t reach the military – expand the kingdom – unless we multiply the laborers.

Commit to movement math. Force yourself to always think multiplication and geometric progressions.

Jesus’ concern was not with programs to reach the multitudes, but with men the multitudes would follow. – Robert Coleman, MasterPlan of Evangelism

Pasted from http ://

Gone Again

Its been a busy weekend so far and tomorrow I’m off to Melbourne until Wednesday for a Forge National Team meeting.

Last night we had a ‘games’ night at our place, playing Greed (I won 🙂 ) today a bunch of us blokes went and played 18 holes for Ian’s birthday – nearly killed all of us, and then tonight we had a gerat curry night at Steve & Ali’s. I’m pretty wacked and ready for bed.

I doubt I’ll have time to keep going with the current conversations, as interesting as they are!

But for those who are interested, God’s greatest hits

download my lucky stars 2 twinkle twinkle lucky stars dvdrip








Sadly he said this around 30 years ago…

“The church today should be getting ready and talking about the issues of tomorrow and not the issues of 20 or 30 years ago, because the church is going to be squeezed in a wringer. If we found it tough in these last few years, what are we going to do when faced with the real changes that are ahead?”

One of the greatest injustices we do to our young people is to ask them to be conservative. Christianity is not conservative but revolutionary. To be conservative today is to miss the whole point, for conservatism means standing in the flow of the status quo and the status quo no longer belongs to us”

If we want to be fair we must teach the young to be revolutionaries, revolutionaries against the status quo”

Francis Schaeffer

Conservatives love to preserve the status quo at all costs. Conservatives love to persecute the new ideas. Conservatives probably don’t even realise they are conservative. Conservatives… finish the sentence…download little nicky divx

God’s Greatest Hits

I was out getting a Bible for a friend who is interested in knowing more about Jesus and I picked up one called Beginning the Journey’ – only $2.95 at Koorong.

In it the author has chosen the 5 books he considers most critical for a person on a spiritual search to interact with.

So here’s the challenge…

Name all 5 (without going to Amazon!)

Spiritual Formation

This year I have responsibility to oversee a Spiritual Formation group for .acom and this morning was our first meeting.

We spent from 7.30am -11.30am in conversation and reflection on what was going on in our lives as we seek to be disciples of Jesus. I always love meeting with people who take their discipleship seriously, so I think these gatherings will be very productive and useful for all of us. When people are motivated its amazing how easy it is generate discussion. We threw some great topics around and really dug into some stuff of life.

One of the themes that emerged over the day as I met with a number of different people was the question of ‘how do we really live under Jesus’ lordship?’ Do we kid ourselves that we are disciples when all we are is religious people?

I am increasingly coming to believe that if we don’t live lives totally oriented around Jesus and his agenda for us then we are pissing our life away on the stuff that doesn’t satisfy (See Isaiah 55). Lots of money, nice cars, big houses etc are all held in high regard not just in middle class dom but also in the church. If Jesus calls us to be his followers first then maybe we will have some of this stuff, but maybe not. Maybe we will be called to let all that stuff go so that we can devote time to what he calls us to.

Do we ever genuinely consider downsizing our house so we can have a smaller mortgage and work less, so we can be free to do what God calls us to? (One family in our Upstream have made this decision recently, much to the consternation of their wider family who don’t hold Jesus like values)

Do we ever consider working the minimum we need to rather than doing full time? I was chatting with Keith Farmer today – an older man now who has made that choice – because he wants to free time up for God stuff. He and his wife live frugally on 3 days a week salary. Why? Because they can…

Can we routinely reject the ad campaigns that call us to buy more stuff and upgrade, even though what we have is perfectly good? I wonder if we should ditch all junk mail before it hits the house. At least that way we will be uninformed about what we don’t have.

I am increasingly disturbed by the extent to which we buy into the economic system of this society and then become slaves to it. I don’t think Jesus intends this for us and I don’t think we pay it enough attention as an issue.

Was the sermon on the mount a nice idea or a way of life?

Do we swim upstream or is actually downstream with an illusion of upstream?

Do we care enough to make a radical re-orientation – to ‘repent’ and live more Jesus like lives.


I am often intrigued when people make radical, bold statements and argue strongly for them.

Steve Timmis did this yesterday and I am still pondering his thoughts.

He stated ‘there is absolutely no biblical warrant for, nor actual need for larger church gatherings. In fact these are detrimental to the processes of discipleship and mission’. I heard him say this on Tuesday so on Wednesday I asked him the exact same question as I wanted to clarify what I heard him say. I wanted to make sure I didn’t misquote him or mishear him.

I didn’t.

Steve argued his case from a biblical point of view, not simply a pragmatic one.

He argued biblically that:

– the temple/house scenario of Acts ceased to exist after the diaspora.

– the church at Corinth etc were very likely smaller household gatherings.

– that the larger ‘church’ is an eschatalogical reality and we can wait for that.

Probably all fair statements.

On a more pragmatic level he suggested that:

– larger gatherings do not engage in discipleship as effectively (this is debatable because I don’t think this is a function of size but of leadership and culture)

– large church is resource intensive and costly. (no issue here – it is heavy on both people and financial resources)

– there is nothing that happens in ‘large church’ that cannot be done in small church. (ummm… I dunno…)

– that the vibe of a larger gathering can be obtained at a football match and is not necessarily related to the presence of God. (yep)

Hmmm… on a pragmatic level I am probably still unconvinced.

Although there is much that we would agree on, Steve actually comes from a somewhat different paradigm to those of us who are in the Forge network. He is much more focused on church enabling mission than mission leading to church. You can read his philosophy here download romeo is bleeding .

He is also a self confessed ‘calvinist’ and deeply committed to reformed theology. (which is interesting because most of the fruit – loop blogs (I refuse to link to them) who criticise and malign any alternative expression of church are of similar theological bent.

It is always refreshing to meet people who are well earthed theologically, but prepared to be radical in practice. There is so little in the way of fresh imagination when it comes to thinking thru how we operate as church, and way too much mindless imitation. Steve has chosen a different path, not because it is funky and new but because he believes it has currency theologically and practically.

His question still challenges me.

Is there anything that can be achieved in a large church gathering that cannot be accomplished in a smaller one and is the smaller group more likely to result in authentic discipleship.

Don’t let your biases (or your pay-check) rule your response!!

Still Got It

A number of years ago when I was youth pastor at Scarborough Baptist there was one particular person who always let me know if my sermons were on the money or way wide of the mark.

He would do this by looking down and shaking his head in despair (if he disapproved) or by nodding strongly if he liked what I was saying.

The problem was that over time I came to realise that the messages he approved of were the ones that kicked people up the butt or made them feel guilty. The ones he disapproved of were the ones that spoke of God’s love and grace or that had a story telling feel to them as opposed to an expositional structure.

Before I left I knew I was on the money with my sermon if ‘X’ was hanging his head in despair. If he was nodding I was thinking ‘Oh crap… what am I saying?!’

Last Sunday when I went back there to speak he got his head down early and shook it for virtually the whole sermon.

I think it went very well…

square peg the free