
Once a term Danelle and I take a day out to spend together talking, praying, reading, coffeeing and generally re-aligning with God and each other.

In the crazy world we live its become a practice we value for helping us stay focused on what we are doing and who we are.

Today I hope to reflect on the year that has been as well as looking ahead to 2007.

It might seem like a luxury to be able to take a day to do that, but for us it is an essential. Our ‘business’ is spiritual leadership and to be ‘out of shape’ is to do harm to those we are connected to and who we lead and share life with.

The life of a professional athlete sometimes may look very cruisy with days devoted to training and self care. In the same way the life of someone who’s life calling is mission and ministry needs to reflect similar amounts of self care and training in other areas.

Reality is many neglect the self care and re-alignment times and do so at their own peril and at the expense of those they lead. I have a sense that as we get older we start to realise the value and importance of this time more and more.

Contextualisation Gone Mad?

Here’s one to ruffle your evangelical feathers a wee bit… I posted this on the forgewa blog earlier today.

During a recent trip to Thailand I came across some innovative and boundary pushing missionaries from New Song church in LA.

They were wonderfully refreshing people and willing to ask hard questions about context and gospel.

They spoke to me about the ‘New Buddhism’, the term they use for the gospel planted in buddhist cultures.

Here is the article they sent me.

What do you think?!

I’ll tell you my opinion tomorrow 🙂

The Ongoing E-bay Laptop Saga and Incompetence in General

Am I Too Nice?

It might sound like a strange question… especially to those who know me.

I don’t think I have ever been described as ‘nice’, let alone ‘too nice’. A ‘complete bastard’ – yes. Too nice? Nope.

But here I am now 8 weeks after purchase and still no laptop. What kind of a moron advertises that the product will arrive in 1-6 days and then can’t deliver in 8 weeks?… (Yes – you do a detect a slight note of anger in my keyboard)

I have said all along that I actually believe the seller is genuine – and that a laptop is on its way… But its not showing up at my doorstep.

I will be in Melbourne at the end of next week and I am not going there with an exercise book and pen as work tools!…

Having tracked the seller down to this home address in Sydney I rang and emailed today and demanded a refund. He told me only had $1200.00 he could give me. I could take it and try and recoup the rest thru E-bay. (He also told me it was another purchasers cash… so I could screw some other poor bugger in the process)

As if…

Or he would send another one via Fed-ex and it would arrive early next week.

I must be a complete dick because I agreed to wait another week, subject to a tracking number being in my inbox immediately after it is sent…

If I am nothing else, I am bloody minded and obsessively persistent in nailing people who jerk me around like this. So I am not letting this one go. I will be after this guy with everything I’ve got if there is nothing on the table next week.

I am also still chasing the dropkicks at Connected hosting who (after 7 weeks) are yet to send me a login and password so I can upload a website.

They have taken my money and won’t return calls or emails and my letter of complaint to the manager two weeks ago has not received a response. The bad news for them is that I managed to track down the manager’s mobile phone number today… so unless he is up for me calling every single day I reckon I will get a result here shortly.

This kind of incompetence makes me really really mad, because it is so unnecessary.

It seems that in the last few weeks I have been on the receiving end of more incompetence than I can remember.

On Tuesday last week we drove the Falcon to Malaga to get LPG gas fitted. The day before we checked twice to make sure it was ok to drop it in. That morning the kids were sick but we drove the 40kms down there in rush hour to drop the car off… and the guy on duty reckoned he knew nothing about it… ‘Can’t do it this week mate’. He started to get narked at me. That wasn’t going to work with me at that moment.

‘I’ve just taken time off work, driven from Quinns Rock with two sick kids, so you just get it sorted and find out what went wrong because I am not driving this car home’. Sometimes people know when you mean it…

He got it sorted.

As it wasn’t his mistake (his boss booked it in and didn’t tell him) I told him he could keep the car till Friday rather than picking it up on Wednesday. I thought he would appreciate the extra time and he did. But come Friday when we had driven all the way down there and organised our day around it he told me that it might not be ready… We could come and wait – maybe thru till 5.30pm – or we could pick it up Saturday.

I let Danelle deal with it…

Is it just me or does anyone else encounter this kind of nonsense?

When we rail against stuff

I have avoided any comment on the recent saga concerning a leading evangelical pastor because I tend to believe this sort of stuff is none of my business and if I ever get called into question I would hope others would do the same for me.

However I have been thinking and want to offer a theory.

As I was reflecting on this yesterday I began to wonder if the things we rail against are actually our own deep seated weaknesses – our dark side – and that is why they evoke so much passion?

The person in question was vitriolic at times in his anti-homosexual stance (don’t ask me to define that!) and ended up being in a male-male sexual relationship.

Maybe it s a reminder that the things we go in hard on are actually the things that we are struggling with ourselves. If I apply that hypothesis to myself I would say that one of my biggest beefs is middle classdom’s addiction to safety and security as well as its knack for ever so subtley subverting the gospel. I know I speak about this regularly, think about it and the choice to name our own community ‘upstream communities’ free laramie project the movie download is a way of confronting it again.

But if I take a ‘naked’ look in the mirror I see that I enjoy comfort, affluence and stability and I struggle with greed and the constant desire for new toys. If it were discovered one day that I had millions stashed away and was living the life of a Kerry Packer I think people would have a right to feel a little deceived.

I don’t make any claims to be a radical simple living person, (like the UNOH crew) but I do try to avoid excess and indulgence. At the same time I lust after it… If it is possible to lust after inanimate objects then I would say that is what happens when I walk along Ocean Drive in Quinns Rock and see the two storey houses with never to be interrupted ocean views… ah…

Pursuing my own shadow side is just as wrong as the other tragic tales we hear but ironically (and perhaps dangerously) I will probably never be dismissed from my various positions for being too greedy!

Tell us what you think!

As part of obtaining feedback from the local WA community Forge WA have an online survey which we would love people to complete.

You can access it by clicking here. It will take you 5 or 10 minutes maximum.

Update – 58 surveys done so far. because its a freebie we can only do 100 max, so if you’re keen to offer your two bobs worth then do it now!

Once it looks like people have finished I will post the results up here for you to see. Thanks to all who have contributed!