Sick People…

Sick people on airplanes have really messed with my sleep lately!

First it was my wife ballistic ecks vs sever online and then last night it was someone else’s wife… (so I do have great sympathy!)


After sitting still at the airport for 45 mins waiting for baggage to load, the plane finally left. Then we got 200 kms west of Adelaide before the pilot decided that a sick passenger needed to land sooner rather than later. We turned back and landed refueled… and eventually got home 1.30 Perth time or 3.30am on the time I was on.

So – yes I’m a little weary today.

Sydney Photoblog & Coffee Mission

Its been a really good few days here in Sydney.

I love the northern beaches area and the feel of a place like Manly on a Sunday morning is something pretty unique. Below are some pics from both the intensive and from my walk this morning.

This afternoon I head down to Wollongong to speak at a church service and then meet with the staff team of the Ozreach church before flying home at 11.00pm on Monday.

The intensive went well and people were again challenged to consider how they will live & lead as missionaries in a post-Christian world. We met in a cafe called table for 20 in the gay zone of the inner city. The cafe runs under the auspice of the Baptist Union of NSW. Also running out of the building are ‘Hope Street’ services which are directed by Mike Hircock, a top bloke and one of the Forge NSW guys.

As well having a great time with the Horsley family it was great to meet up with Eric & Leslie. I had an email from Leslie a couple of years back asking if I knew of any churches in Sydney on the northern beaches. I suggested Small boat and shortly after she and her husband moved from Texas to Oz and became a part of that church. We had never met until this weekend so it was good to put a face to another ‘net-friend’.

Below are some pics of the intensive and ‘Hope Street’




Art/furntiture exhibition


The intensive – Frosty speaking


Hope Street Services


I went for a walk this morning around Manly.


A humid 30 degree day in Sydney – plenty of people on the beach


And now for some coffee… How do you find a good coffee shop in a strange place?… Walk around – look for somewhere small that seems to take pride in what they do. See if there’s a crowd and wander in and give it a go. Barefoot were pretty good. They are a tiny shop with chopped off bits of log for chairs, an almost non-existant food menu (waffles or waffles with ice cream…) but pretty decent Toby’s Estate coffee. Its $2.50 for a flat white which is great value, but it only comes in one size – small! the people at the door are the queue, so I’m guessing its a fairly popular local haunt.

I sat at the window and read the paper for a while while knocking off two flat whites.


The inside of the cafe – that’s about as big as it gets! Room for 10 at a push. Very cosy, but it gives it that ‘popular’ feel.


The Manly markets in The Corso – ok this is purely for you honey!


Local art…


Watched a bit of cricket on the way back up Sydney Rd – Parammatta v Manly…


For those who are into buildings – here is the home of Smallboatbigsea – the old Manly Baptist Church.

And as a final word – do not buy a Nokia E65 for its camera capabilities! This phone has much about it that is good, but the camera is a dodgy piece of crap if I ever saw one.

At The Forge Intensive Sydney


I am in Sydney for a few days staying with Pete & Katrina Horsley and taking part in the Forge intensive over here.

We have the intensive today and tomorrow, Sunday is a day off when I’ll probaby join them at their church gathering (SmallBoatBigSea) before heading down to meet with a bunch of people in Woollongong and flying home late Monday night.

This is the last time away for the year – unless you count holidays in December.

‘The Wife’s’ First Post…

Hi there, Hamos wife here. Blogging is not my medium by any stretch but it is Andrews’ and there is one important thing that has happened that will not make it to his blog unless I write it so … I thought you may like to know that he was awarded (along with a few others) one of our Brighton Citizenship Awards.


This basically means he is valued in our community for the service he does. He has recently taken on our local community newsletter and also was recognized for the work done for those in need (ie backyard blitzs etc). Of course I would have added how great he is in bed, but it was a family day!

So Hamo, take heart, people are touched, stay faithful.

The Orange People Evangelise the Watermelon People

There is a new mission agency on the block and their stuff is excellent!

Although GIA (Global Interaction) sounds like an insurance company they are actually the rebadged and revamped ABMS (Australian Baptist Mission Society). Its not often a rebranding comes off so well, but I have to say I am really impressed with what these guys do.

Their mission statement is ‘to empower communities to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus.” Its simple but also subversive. Most people don’t quite ‘get’ the implications of such an idea, but they like the sound of it.

These guys do some pretty radical experimental mission and would be right up there as a first pick for an organisation to align with if we ever get the sense of heading overseas.

The clip is from a DVD that arrived the other day. Ben Catford and the crew at Room 3 have done a brilliant job compiling a really insightful, interesting and often very funny collection of clips. This isn’t your old time misho stuff. This is top notch. And the clip captures some of the heart of GIA – don’t get lost in the humour as its actually quite a powerful clip!

Harry the Blogger

Here’s a new blog by a person I fondly refer to as one of my ‘old youth group kids’. He was that but Harry is so much more.

And hardly a kid anymore as the subtitle shows…

“Theological musings in the fertile spaces between economics, sectarian community, anarchism, permaculture, communalism and agrarianism.”

If you can understand all that then drop by and say g’day to Harry – a top bloke with a great mind and love for Jesus.

Hard Soil

No… Its not a post on suburban mission…

Its a bit more literal than that. I have started the retic business I mentioned previously and today was digging in very hard soil. After a 40 degree day yesterday where I was outside and installing a couple of systems I decided to leave today’s job until after lunch. Of course the morning was cool and cloudy but as I rolled up to start the clouds rolled back and the breeze died off… Bugger…

What do you do in hard soil – crusty soil?

Chip away… chip away… chip away… and don’t give up.

Ok, so this is turning into a post on suburban mission…

Seriously the retic business has actually been one of the best ‘missionary’ ventures I have initiated since being here and it was somewhat accidental. In the last 2 weeks I have been in 15 different homes and met a whole bunch of people I never would have before. I’ve learnt a heap about a whole new area and I’ve started a business that I reckon could sustain us financially on 2 days a week. Most people who know me well know that my motto in life has always been ‘why do yourself what you can pay someone else to do’. I haven’t enjoyed home handyman stuff since my teens and have avoided it.

But in a world of loose ends and intangible results it is nice to do something that is finished when I walk away.

I have also been drinking more beer (which is always good for suburban mission)

‘Why We Can’t Build A Mega-Church On Jesus’ Leadership Model’

Wess Daniels is sharp, articulate, intelligent, prayerful and looks like Brett from the Kiwi comedy duo “Flight of the Concords”.  If you’re a fan of getting ‘feeds’ from blogs, Wess’ gathering in light is one that doesn’t disappoint.

He’s recent post on leadership, payed roles and pastoral gifts is thought provoking:

“We also need to come to terms with the fact that alternative leadership can only be exercised within a Christian community that sees itself as an alternative community of faith (see part two of my series). In other words if you have a church full of passive recipients then they will need a CEO model of church to maintain that status quo faith… Alternative leadership and alternative communities go hand in hand.”   

 for more on why Wess thinks “We Can’t Build A Mega-Church On Jesus’ Leadership Model” click here:


why we’re on the subject of look alikes does anybody else think these two look alike?


(John feel free to find a doubleganger for me 🙂 )


I think this is Wess dancing in this photo:
