Today I went to be part of the ‘Pastors’ feast’ at Riverview church and have to say it was a sensational day. I came home extremely grateful for and encouraged by the whole experience.
For the grand sum of $20.00 we had sensational input from Erwin McManus as well as a pretty decent session from Wayne Alcorn. We had some good ‘fillers’ and then to cap it off we had a brilliant feed of roast beef vegies and salad.
Somehow they did it for $20.00… $20.00…
$20.00… Yes – I am making a point!
My guess is the Riverview crew must have subsidised it in some way because it would have cost way more than that to run I am sure. I can only stand impressed at the generous spirit that made this event happen and that blessed a whole bunch of pastors.
So to the big church critics here’s a place where these guys have excelled in every way – especially in their generosity. And to the skeptics, there was no offering and no request for us to dig deep.
My ‘hat is off’ to the Riverview crew.
McManus talk on Acts 17 was right on the money for those of us who feel our calling is to be missionaries. Firstly he reminded us that this is often thought of as one of Paul’s failures because the ‘conversion rate’ was pretty lame. But then he goes on to point out that this is Paul away from Judaism and in a whole different environment. He was indicating that when we reach those who are within our cultural sphere it is much simpler.
He suggested the church spends too much time gearing up to reach ‘Nathaniels’ (those within easy reach) and not enough out amongst the ‘Dyonisious’ and ‘Damaris” – the people who are far from our churchy culture. He asked the question ‘who will reach out to those who aren’t going to come?…’
In the Q & A session one punter posed the question ‘how do you develop a culture of soul winning in your church?’ McManus answer was harsh but pretty much on the money, ‘Firstly by losing that kind of language!’ He was referring to both the competitive aspect of the phrase as well as the fact that whole people follow Jesus – not just souls.
I believe I heard a fellow missionary speak today and would recommend you get along to any of his stuff as it will encourage you and