Hats Off

Today I went to be part of the ‘Pastors’ feast’ at Riverview church and have to say it was a sensational day. I came home extremely grateful for and encouraged by the whole experience.

For the grand sum of $20.00 we had sensational input from Erwin McManus as well as a pretty decent session from Wayne Alcorn. We had some good ‘fillers’ and then to cap it off we had a brilliant feed of roast beef vegies and salad.

Somehow they did it for $20.00… $20.00…

$20.00… Yes – I am making a point!

My guess is the Riverview crew must have subsidised it in some way because it would have cost way more than that to run I am sure. I can only stand impressed at the generous spirit that made this event happen and that blessed a whole bunch of pastors.

So to the big church critics here’s a place where these guys have excelled in every way – especially in their generosity. And to the skeptics, there was no offering and no request for us to dig deep.

My ‘hat is off’ to the Riverview crew.

McManus talk on Acts 17 was right on the money for those of us who feel our calling is to be missionaries. Firstly he reminded us that this is often thought of as one of Paul’s failures because the ‘conversion rate’ was pretty lame. But then he goes on to point out that this is Paul away from Judaism and in a whole different environment. He was indicating that when we reach those who are within our cultural sphere it is much simpler.

He suggested the church spends too much time gearing up to reach ‘Nathaniels’ (those within easy reach) and not enough out amongst the ‘Dyonisious’ and ‘Damaris” – the people who are far from our churchy culture. He asked the question ‘who will reach out to those who aren’t going to come?…’

In the Q & A session one punter posed the question ‘how do you develop a culture of soul winning in your church?’ McManus answer was harsh but pretty much on the money, ‘Firstly by losing that kind of language!’ He was referring to both the competitive aspect of the phrase as well as the fact that whole people follow Jesus – not just souls.

I believe I heard a fellow missionary speak today and would recommend you get along to any of his stuff as it will encourage you and

Legal Limit?

If it was alcohol then I’d probably be a goner if I was put on the breathalyser!

Yesterday morning was Grendel’s magical coffee tour, 90 minutes of drinking, eating and discussing the finer points of coffee tasting. In that time I had 1 regular flat white, 1 large flat white and 2 ristrettos. I have never had that much coffee in such a short space of time and surprisingly I didn’t feel any after effects.

We began at Cafe 54 in Pier Street, the only cafe in the Eastern end of town that does a decent cup and then made our way thru to Tiger Tiger (where we had breakfast) and then to Ristretto, before we finished at Velvet in King St.

Grendel was present at our church last week as we did a backyard blitz for a local woman, so I thought it only fair that I turn up at his ‘church’ this week! Seriously, its not that dissimilar… There is ‘in’ knowledge, ‘in’ language and a sense of community around a common passion – which just happens to be coffee.


Grendel sometimes jokes that he has had more converts than me. I can only agree, but when you’re comparing ‘denying yourself and taking up your cross’ with consuming some of the world’s finest coffee then its probably no surprise…

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There were four of us – Grendel, Terry – owner of T5 in Joondalup and Justin – roaster at Fiori Coffee. Of the four coffees the one that I enjoyed the most was the Tiger Tiger flat white. They use Fiori coffee and this blend (according to Justin who roasted it) is a sweet one. It certainly was pleasant in the mouth. The Cafe 54 blend was good, but more savoury – kinda like a liquid pizza.

* Sidenote – when tasting coffee it seems to be important to describe it with as many whacky adjectives as possible! This is where my vocab becomes all dried up and hopeless. Over the day I heard the following: ‘hints of grapeskin’, ‘traces of ash’, ‘tobacco’, ‘tallow’ (what is ‘tallow’!!!), ‘gooseberry’ and many others that I can’t even remember.

Its moments like these you realise what a philistine you are.

Hamo: “It tastes like… well… coffee”

That seems so lame alongside ‘a beefy, gravy like, consistency with afternotes of oak and cedar’. Is it just me or is coffee language a tad wanky?!!

Anyway it was a fun morning out and it was great to hang wth the guys also. I learnt a lot as I worshipped at the ristretto temple and hopefully we’ll do it again one day!

Oh – and the food wasn’t bad either. I had eggs benedict at Tiger Tiger and they were pretty nice but not in the rave rave category. Seriously if you want brilliant eggs benedict then Cafe Duo in Brighton has them – just don’t ask for a coffee…

Forge Festival 08


Good design does have the power to inspire doesn’t it?!

I reckon this looks fantastic and reflects the feel we want to create at the National Forge Festival in April next year. For more info go here.

Sure glad that’s settled

The question of happiness oftens perplexes people. Its nice to see Vodafone have figured it out…


On a more serious note this really is the gospel of the world we live in, and its a ‘gospel’ many of us have bought into also. How does the church have any clout when we conform to the very message we should be confronting?

I read these lovely warm encouraging words from John this morning in Revelation. Somehow they seemed kinda relevant.

14″To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent. 20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. 21To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

I’m still figuring out how I can get that phone… because I soooo want to be happy…

Gandhi delayed by tragedy

Jarrod McKenna

Jarrod McKenna’s Wednesday’s with Gandhi :

***Thanks to all who have contacted us Peace Tree crew with support and encouragement and your prayers regarding what’s been dubbed in the press as the “Lockridge riots” on the street behind our houses. This is incredibly heartbreaking and we’re asking for prayers for all involved, particularly the families and friends of the eighteen year old kid who died, the two other young men in hospital (one of which is still fighting for his life) and all that were involved. As you can imagine, lots going on here but if I get time will blog a little later. Please join us in praying for an end to the violence, that their will be no reprisals and Christ’s peace would be a reality on our streets.


In the mean time, this is a brilliant article from my mates Wess Daniels who’s studying at Fuller on one of my biggest influences (if not the biggest) John H. Yoder on “Jesus the Missionary”. So today it might be Wednesday’s with Wess and Yoder… we’ll see. Wess writes:

In our previous discussion we looked at how relevancy is often the guiding question for church and mission. If we think of the question in terms of being an axel on a Ferris wheel, it might look something like this.

The Relevant Question

But I’ll argue a more theological and biblical starting point for understanding the church’s relationship to culture is to begin with the incarnation as a paradigm for the role of church in mission. In this way Jesus is the missionary par excellence, he is our model for missions more so than even Paul. Switching out the axel on our Ferris wheel for a “Jesus Axel” we might have something more like this.

The Incarnation

With this in mind let’s look at what it was like for Jesus to interact with his culture as a missionary. John Howard Yoder names four options Jesus had for engaging with his cultural surroundings: realism, revolutionary violence, withdrawal, and establishment religion.

to read the article in full: http://gatheringinlight.com/2007/11/05/church-in-mission-culture-and-jesus-the-missionary-pt-2/

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This really does trip us up so often.

Anything with the word ’emerging’ in it seems to connote images I do not find helpful and seems to start fights that I really can’t be bothered with.

Perhaps its just been my own learning curve the last few years, but these days I am using ’emerging missional church’ less and less (ok – not at all) and replacing it with ‘missional incarnational community’. From where I stand (today) this seems to be the most accurate descriptor of what I am involved with and what I dream of seeing created around Oz.

Simply put ‘missional’ refers to the sending impulse (from latin ‘missio’) and incarnational refers to the ’embedding deeply’ in a local community or people group – being the gospel ‘enfleshed’. I am happy to use the word ‘church’ as I believe we can redeem it from its bad press, but I choose ‘community’ because it is a broader term and allows for some ‘churches’ that would not be considered churches by some to be given legitimacy. On the flip side it also allows some established churches to ‘play’ too because it removes the need to conform to what is ’emerging’ and focuses on a more theological framing.

Of course this isn’t language I use around the street here in Brighton, but when speaking with others about the nature of our work it helps me to sharpen the focus and move beyond what is trendy.

Some would say this is merely semantics, but when language gives shape to everything we do then it actually becomes vitally important!

What do you think?

Has your own terminology / language shifted?

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