Well we are spending 2 weeks instead of one so it’s got to have something going for it!
This post is from my iPhone so if there are a few spelling errors and odd words that’s why. Easy to miss on a phone
– We are very grateful to the Baptist church who have given us a house to live in. All I have to do is a bit of preaching and teaching – no biggie
– Broome really is Cable Beach! After ages days of being here and hanging on the beach we wanted to stay longer. Absolutely stunning beach!
– it’s been great to see our friends Mike & Heidi who are part if Upstream and who have been living up here on work assignment for the last 9 months. Always good to see close friends.
– good to see some of the crew we met at Barn Hill again – the kids had a play day with Maegan and Max and then Friday night Sam and I went to the local footy with Greg and Max. It will me good to stay in touch with these guys and others as we take the same route around Oz.
– public libraries rock! We have been doing school there and also going there just to read. It’s much cheaper to read other peoples books than buy your own. Did you know we can borrow books here and return them in Kununurra? I was worried that I would spend too much on books over the course of the trip buy this will help as well as the occasional op shop.
– stuff is real expensive up here but we had a good week with the budget and only spent $300 of the allocated $800 thanks to free accomodation and low fuel usage. We will spend that money later I am sure
– Zanders on Cable Beach does some great pizza. We had seafood and meat lovers. Both were great!
– Malcom Douglas Croc Park was well worth the $$ esp if you do the ‘feeding tour’. ($80 for a family of 4)
– staying in a house has been nice but it changes the vibe and puts you out if the loop of the camping scene. We have missed hanging around other travellers each day but we have also enjoyed the break from the camper.
– the kids have been a bit homesick and have talked of going home. I just call their bluff and offer to fly them home for a week or two with the grandparents! I figure we can’t lose – it might cost some $$$& but we get some kid free time too… Of course it won’t happen but their homesickness has surprised me
– I dropped in to the local Total Eden to see how business is up here – pretty busy it seems – buy I just couldn’t imagine working in a place like this over the wet season
– next stop will me near Fitzroy Crossing as we make our way up to El Questro and then Kununurra.
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