More Random Camping Reflections

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adventures of don juan dvd – The decision to travel predominantly on LPG hasn’t been as good as I had hoped. It seems that up here the cost of LPG proportionate to petrol is much higher than in Perth. For example in Perth LPG is 55c/l and petrol is $1.13 (ie 48% of the cost) but up here LPG is around 95c/l and petrol is $1.35 (ie 70%). It is also less available and if we were a dedicated gas car we would have been stuck several times by now. I know this area can be traveled purely on gas, but when your fuel economy is 4km/l or 400km to a tank then it makes it trickier. We have a fuel range of around 650km on both tanks which is enough to cover most spans, but I am wondering if diesel might have been a better way to go… I am guessing the extra cost for LPG is in the transportation, but given probably 70% of our trip will be across remote areas we may pay more than we thought. I am glad I budgeted at 90c/l because so far we have averaged 90.5c/l.

12V Fridges avapro private parts movie – We had our car wired with an Andersen plug to power the fridge on 12v while driving but you might as well have stuck an ice block in it as the effect is about the same. We have had days when it seems the fridge has not worked and other days when it seems to have kept stuff from getting warm, but it is clear that fridges do not work at all well on 12v power. I have done a fair bit of online reading and talking with other campers about this issue and no one is raving about their fridge’s 12v performance. Be aware…

Family – Camping with family means you spend 24 hrs of each day with one another. ‘Duh’ you might say, but it is one of the implications I hadn’t really considered. It means we have kids constantly with us, asking for food, wanting something to do and generally just being children. I guess I wasn’t as prepared for the constant contact and I have had to adjust. We all get on pretty well however Ellie is going thru quite a sultry stage and has been interesting at times…

Home schooling – Home schooling isn’t real hard, but getting motivated to do it is…As much as the kids learn plenty by just being on the road it is still importance to do some basic numeracy and literacy stuff. In the heat of the day (9-3) it is hard for all us to be bothered with anything that requires serious effort.

People – We have met some interesting people along the way. One of the grey nomads next to us at present is the ‘chilli lady’ and has some sensational chilli recipes which we have been able to try. As a chilli lover that has been a winner. One of the families we met here in Barn Hill are from Melbourne – Greg & Danielle & kids. Our kids have hit it off with theirs and no doubt we will bump into one another along the way again – good people!


– I have started writing a novel, one that has been percolating for a while, but it is much harder than I had thought. I think part of the issue is that I don’t have a clear way of approaching the task. I made a plan / outline of what I hope to write and I know my basic theme and plotline quite well, but I find just sitting and letting it flow is actually more effective. I am a little overwhelmed by the immensity of the task and thinking it might take several years rather than several months.

Tyres – I learnt something about tyres. The tyres on the patrol were around 10 years old but because it had only done low kms they still had a bit of tread left on them. I took them to the local Tyrepower guy and asked his opinion – always tricky when someone has a vested interest – but he showed me how the steel belt was starting to separate from the tyre and explained that despite the remaining tread on the tyre they were not good for any long distance traveling as they would separate easily. It seems tyres have a 6-7 year life whether you use them up or not. They would have been ok around the city, but not for long distance heavy duty driving. If I’d tought about it I would have changed the camper tyres at the same time. They had hardly been worn at all, but as the camper is a 2001 model they were not as healthy as they looked. Five km out of Geraldton the steel belt came off one and we limped in on the tube. From there we replaced both camper tyres as chances were the other would have spat the dummy halfway down the road also. So – old tyres – even with heaps of tread – can be very dodgy.

Random Pics From the Last 2 Weeks

For anyone who cares and isn’t on facebook…

Danelle & Marleene – this woman can cook!

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Danelle & kids Robe River

Me & my ‘little’ girl @ Ashburton River

Sambo makes us laugh! One of his many expressive faces…

Ashburton River – pretty spot – nice pic by the photographer wife

Home scooling

6.15 am at Robe River – the kids were already in the water swimming

‘Greying’ Nomads

(And before you comment – yes I do know how to spell scool!)

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Next Stop Barn Hill

Its been a weekend in Hedland living with an Indian family Danelle got to know while in Butler. He is a doctor and she is a beautiful woman who can cook Indian food like you wouldn’t believe…

We have had curry, curry, curry and it has been amazing. For a food lover this house is heaven – and what’s even better is that you aren’t allowed to do the dishes (I tried to make Danelle do them a few times but she wasn’t allowed…)

We just had a bit of biff after we bought them a gift to say thanks for letting us stay here. It turns out that in her culture you only give gifts like that if someone has done something very wrong – its like saying ‘you have offended me and this is the end of our friendship’. Oops… It really hurt and offended her. I tried to explain how we see gifts, but it didn’t get thru until 30 minutes later when she had time to process. Just another little picture of how different out cultures can be…. We’ve been discussing Hinduism and faith and how we are similar and different. Its interesting because my perception of Hinduism from afar is a little different from what was described to me by someone in the thick of it. I guess it might be the same when people talk to us about faith.

Tomorrow we head off to Barn Hill, a very small campsite around 100km south of Broome and right on the beach, where we stay until Friday. You can see the caravans in the red dirt ‘sandhills’ from where its a 200m walk to the beach. We have been told that this is a beautiful place and one of the ‘must sees’ on the journey around. I doubt there will be any net access so this might be the last you hear from me till Friday night when we arrrive in Broome.

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We stay in Broome for 2 weekends as I am speaking at the Baptist church during that time, and the church people have graciously given us a house to live in, so we will be out of the camper for 10 days. Yeeha!

Camping has been fun, but there’s no question it is compact and when fatboy wakes up at his regular 6.00am its all over red rover for anyone who was hoping to sleep a little longer. That boy just can’t do anything quietly!

From Broome we don’t have a set plan where we need to be anywhere in particular, so we will wend our way thru the Kimberleys and stop where we stop and as we need to.

We have been trying to operate on what we feel is a pretty frugal weekly budget of:

Fuel $200.00

Food $200.00

Accomodation $200.00

Spending/fun/incidentals $200.00

So far we about on target, but it is tough to stay to it. In this part of the world everything is very expensive so we find ourselves spending more than we would like.

We are trying to stay to budget without letting it constrain us from either enjoying things or being generous.

I reckon we will go close to the mark, but it will be interesting to see how accurate I have been with my estimates.

For those who may be interested in doing a similar venture, we have worked our budget on

Fuel: 22000 km @ 90c/l average for LP @ 3.5km/l = $5700.00 ($217.00/wk) Its a pretty high average price for LPG and a low estimate for fuel economy so hpefully we will do

Accom: $40.00/night for accomodation @ 120 nights of the 176 nights we are away = $4800.00 ($184.00/wk)

Food: $200.00 wk not inc take away

Spending $200.00 wk – includes everything from clothes to car wash to cable ties!

We don’t have a budget for unexpected expenses, but are just hoping we will get thru – and that pigs might fly… american tail fievel goes west an download download mark of cain the dvdrip field of dreams movie download

OMCGs and Barbarian Faith – Part III

From Rocky III

“But then the worst thing happened that could happen to any fighter, you got civilised’ Mick to Rocky

McManus’s book opens with this quote and then goes on to illustrate beautifully the contrast between civilised faith and rugged, raw ‘barbarian’ faith.

Essentially McManus is arguing that the Christian life was never meant to be a life of peace, prosperity and happiness (not that they are bad things) but that it is to be a life of adventure, risk and sacrifice. He uses 4 words to describe a barbarian faith – love, intimacy, passion and sacrifice, but the focus is very much on the element of courage and living on the raw edge.

He begins with a great passage from Judges 11 where Jeptha is expelled for being a son of a prostitute and is not seen as acceptable to the rest of the tribe, but when the people of Ammon declare war on Israel they go and ask him to return – because he is a warrior and can fight. In fact they ask him to come and lead them… McManus makes the point that in times of peace and stability the warrior/barbarian can be a pain in the proverbial, but when it all gets hard and things are looking grim then they are someone you want on your side – in fact in those times you need them to lead.

I wonder if we as the church aren’t living in times that require some barbarian leadership? These are certainly not times when things are going our way and where all is good. These are difficult times and we need these people back in the game. As McManus describes ‘barbarians’, I see them most closely aligned with the apostolic gifting, one that is certainly lacking in many churches today.

I have a feeling that part of the reason church can be so damn boring at times is because the barbarians have either been marginalised and pushed to the edges, or they have opted out because a passive and conservative environment just doesn’t resonate with who they are.

To give you some insights in how McManus describes barbarians here are some quotes:

p. 5 “Christianity over the past two thousand years has moved from a tribe of renegades to a religion of conformists”

P. 5 “A quick survey of the modern church would lead you to believe his invitation was “Come and listen” and his closing mandate would be summarised in the one word “No!”

P. 6 Of barbarians he writes: “They are not about religion or position. They have little patience for institutions or bureaucracies. Their lack of respect for tradition or ritual makes them seem uncivilised to those who love religion”

He spend a lot of time distinguishing between religious people and followers of Jesus.

P. 12 “Perhaps the overwhleming tragedy of our time is that such an overwhelming number of us who declare Jesus as Lord have become domesticated – or, if you will, civilised. We have lost the simplicity of our early faith. Beyond that we have lost the passion and power of that raw, untamed and primal faith.”

P. 22 He describes Jesus as a ‘barbarian in the midst of civilisation and frankly the civilisation made him sick”

p. 43 “The civilised view of Jesus is that he always comes through for us – like superman” whereas the barbarian knows that when you put your life on the line it just might get taken and there are no promises or guarantees.

p. 47 “When religion becomes civilised it moves away from God and oppresses humanity in God’s name”

p. 48 “Is it possible that the transforming power of the church has been lost because we keep inviting people to step into the comfort, safety and security of Jesus Christ?”

As I read even this far my spirit soared because I often feel exactly what he is writing about – that we have (often with the best of intentions) created a systematised and safe religion where we can easily describe the boundaries and where we can keep people in line and make sure they don’t misbehave. Anyone with any strength of will is not going to be attracted to that kind of faith!

Its here where we can learn some stuff from our outlaw friends who ask for your life if you wish to be in the gang – and they ask for it back if you choose to leave… Its an all in commitment and yet it appeals to men who want to be part of something that requires more than a weekend approach.

There is plenty not to like about OMCGs but if we look at why people join them its often because they were outcasts seeking community and purpose… and they didn’t come to us… Maybe if we welcomed the strong, aggressive and firey men we might see the church come alive in a whole new way, but it would scare the crap out of the majority of people already in it!

McManus offers this brief distinction P.78:

* The civilised build shelters and invite God to stay with them; barbarians move with God wherever he chooses to go.

* The civilised Christian has a routine; the barbarian disciple has a mission

* The civilised believer knows the letter of the law. The barbarian disciple lives the spirit of the law.

* The religiously civilised love tradition; the barbarian spirit loves challenges.

* The civilised ares satisfied with ritual; barbarians live and thrive in the mystical.

* For the civilised disciple, religion provides stability and certainty; for the barbarian a life in God is one of risk and mystery, and maybe even a little insanity.

I was asked recently why I can’t be more of a gentleman like (insert a gentlemanly Christian you know of) rather than being the person I am at present. My short answer is that it just isn’t me, but McManus has written a longer answer for me. While there’s nothing wrong with being a gentleman, for some of us there is a different calling and its best not to try to be who you aren’t.

The Barbarian Way is not a scholarly read or a deep book, but its not supposed to be. It is an inspiring and powerful call to live a more adventurous and passionate life. Its a book that every bloke ought to read at least once

(You won’t find any in Koorong as I bought the last 12 in Australia to give to some of my friends!)

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Is it April Fools Day in Queensland?

From Mark Edwards man who came back the dvd

The Qld Baptists are proposing this motion…

“The new ‘Interim Registration Guidelines’ for Queensland Baptists were sent out by e-mail today to pastors and a shock was in store for those who read all the way through. They discovered in Section 11 ‘General Guidelines’, the following:

11.5 Registered Ministers should be total abstainers from the use of alcohol”

What the?…

All I can say is that I am glad I don’t live in Queensland! I think I would be jumping ship pretty quickly, partly on practical grounds and partly on theological.

I share much of Mark’s sentiment so check his blog for more thoughts.

Funnily enough while on alcohol… here we are in Port Hedland and I stopped in today to grab a cask of red, but because of the severe alcohol issues in this part of the world you can’t buy wine in casks until 2pm. So while recognising the social damage that alcohol does, I think the book of Galatians would have something to say to those in Qld who formed the document in question.

Even more I reckon Jesus would be very cheesed off.

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On From Exmouth to Port Hedland

We left Exmouth today after nearly 10 days there. It was enjoyable but a bit too long. The surf disappeared on day 3 and apart from some very cool snorkeling and nice gorges there wasn’t a heap to do… unless you consider $380.00/person to see a whale shark a good deal…

The mornings and late afternoons were great but from 10-4 it was hot – stinky hot. And when all you have is a camper there aren’t many places to hide from the sheer heat. I know it gets much worse, but that was enough for me. When stuck at camp I spent the middle of the day reading by the pool. Oddly the pool is icy cold and is the one place where you can go for respite. I fell asleep in my chair on several occasions.

We have now started school with the kids – an hour a day of learning basic literacy and numeracy stuff. It is simple but the heat meant none of us were very motivated on the first few days

If you’re headed to Exmouth I would not overly recommend the Lighthouse Caravan park. The facilities are adequate but very basic by comparison with the other places up that way and the place is a dustbowl and unattractive. I imagine if you are fishing it is a good compromise if you wish to launch from Tantabiddi Jetty, otherwise I would stay in town.

It took us two hours to pack up today going at a steady pace. Its not something you’d want to do too often, but we know the drill reasonably well now so we aren’t overly stressed by it and I imagine if we went hard we’d be done in just over an hour. I reckon its one of the great tests of a marriage … how well you can set up and pack up when camping… At times the stress has shown… but we don’t need counselling… yet…

We camped last night at Robe River about 2 hours north of Karratha and it was sensational by comparison. We rolled in around 4pm after about 3 hours of driving and saw a beautiful river, a vacant spot right by a tall shady tree and we were sold. The fact that it is free is just a bonus. We swam in the river for an hour and then got out and went fishing. We got a bunch of little bait fish and thought we might catch something bigger, but time ran out and we had to head back for a feed.

It was a beautiful place and aside from the odd truck horn (and some clowns who packed up their camper at 3am) it was peaceful and quiet. Sam woke at 5.30am… and by 6.15 both kids were swimming in the river. The earthmoving equipment kicked off at 6.20 right behind us and we decided it was time to get up…

Aside from the construction work it was great and well worth a stop for any future campers!

Along the way, before Robe River, we pulled in at the infamous Nanutarra Roadhouse for a ‘wee stop’ and Sam, Ellie and I finished up going for a swim in the Ashburton River. On the way out we checked the LPG prices and it was $1.28 /litre. This place has a reputation for being a rip off but that’s just plain silly!

For Danelle who is a ‘north westy’ she is as close to heaven as she can be.

Gotta thank somebody for all of this don’t you?

Tonight we are in Port Hedland and staying thru to Monday with an Indian family who lived in Butler for a while and who Danelle got to know quite well. Marleenie makes a sensational curry so I reckon I’ll be a happy camper for the next few nights…download invisible circus the dvdrip linewatch divx online

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OMCGs and Barbarian Faith – Part II

When talking with my friend ‘D’ I was trying to help him understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. I am discovering that when someone comes from a particular experience of community they have a tendency to overlay that framework on subsequent forms of community. So in our conversations he was continually viewing the church thru the lens of the ‘gang’. In that scenario I would be the Pres and our leadership team, Vice Pres, Sergeant at Arms etc…

It did make it a tad tricky for him to ‘get’ church…

However what he did ‘get’ was that when we follow Jesus he calls us to be ‘one percenters’, not to simply show up and be in the club and draw on all of its benefits, but to be right in the deep end and completely sold out. I told him that if he was a ‘one percenter’ in his old world then the only way to enter this world was as a one percenter – or don’t bother…

If you’re even mildly intelligent you have already figured out the problem with that statement. Churches are full of people who are not ‘one percenters’. Churches are full of hangers on and wannabes who simply enjoy hanging around the gang, or for whom it has become a way of life. ‘D’ is no mug and having been around our church community for 6 months now he asked this question of me:

‘What’s the deal with this lot?’ he asked me one day. ‘I mean I’m more like Jesus than half of them…’ He had observed some passive and indifferent faith and didn’t see that lining up with what we had talked about. What could I say?… For someone who had just jumped into the life of faith he was already disillusioned.

Dallas Willard has said this well:

The leading assumption in the American church today is that you can be a Christian but not a disciple. That has placed a tremendous burden on a mass of Christians who are not disciples. We tell them to come to church, participate in our programs and give money. But we see a church that knows nothing of commitment. We have settled for the marginal, and so we carry this awful burden of trying to motivate people to do what they don’t want to do. We can’t think about church the way we have been.”

When discipleship is optional then we create a culture where laziness is normal and where faith is flimsy rather than muscular and rugged. I have no doubt that part of the reason we struggle to get blokes in the church community is because it is more passive and gentle and doesn’t call out their more primal instincts and passions.

I sometimes wonder if I were not a Christian and instead were a middle aged family man who was quite happy with life, would I bother investigating the life of faith?

I imagine that at some time in my life when there was a crisis I may be desperate enough to turn to churchies, but then I may also look to a form of spirituality that looks cooler – be that right or wrong…

I am not for a moment suggesting that ‘coolness’ ought to be our goal, but I wonder if we approached faith like Mcmanus suggests in ‘The Barbarian Way’ if men might not be inspired and drawn in.

Ok – I should let you know what Mcmanus had to say shouldn’t I?…

Next post…

To be continued…

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