I really don’t like all the secrecy that surrounds our political choices. It seems that to ask someone how they voted is like asking them how often they have sex and how they do it. I have had a few open conversations around politics, but I’m also concious that many people are quite guarded on the topic. (I probably won’t be so open about sex 🙂 )
Unfortunately as a church community we have been busy with some other pressing stuff these last few weeks and haven’t had time to address the election question at all, otherwise I would love to have spent some time as a community asking the question ‘how do we decide how to vote?’
The last time I did this I realised just how little thought anyone had given to the question – in fact simply letting people know it was the topic for discussion raised audible groans. I think many people consign their vote to the too hard basket or they simply vote as they have always done. (Or perhaps I am just speaking for myself and my own sloppy approaches.) I would have liked to have some open discussion as a church community around ‘how we decide’ and why we vote the way we do, but it wasn’t to be. Maybe next time…
As we approached this election I don’t think anyone was inspired by what was on offer and it became a very tough call to make a decision to actually vote for anyone.
I found myself totally uninspired by the two major parties. If push came to shove I would have chosen labour, but given the way Kevin Rudd got shafted I couldn’t with any conscience give my vote to that crew. I dunno how long Julia will last if she gets in either. I guess it all depends on what the back room bullies who really run the country want to happen…
The Libs really played the ‘boat people’ card really hard and cashed in on the fear factor. I do think we need sensible policies, but Abbott’s ‘stop the boats’ mantra reminded me of a ‘f*ck off we’re full’ sticker but in slightly better clothes. The garb might be nicer but its still ugly at core. Apart from the budgie smugglers which are enough to make anyone vote for a silly party, I was generally cringing every time I saw Abbott turn up at a sporting club, as the man has the most terrible gross motor skills and only made himself look a goose. Despite what Peter Costello may think of Abbott’s economic skills, I do tend to think his mob would be better financial managers of the country and if the economy was my primary concern then I guess I’d see past bad swim wear, xeno/homophobia and poor sporting ability to give them a vote. Of course I’d love to see Abbott get in and then resurrect Costello as his treasurer just so we could say we have a legit Abbott and Costello show…
Then there are the Christian parties and perhaps you ask ‘why wouldn’t I vote for them?’ Well I imagine we do share many similar positions, but I’m not convinced that trying to Christianise a country is actually of benefit in the long run. I don’t believe we should be legislating for a Christian way of life. God doesn’t ever force his way on us and and I think we can learn from that. I am convinced the most profound way to influence society with the gospel is to live it – to live counter-cultural Jesus centred lives that make absolutely no sense to anyone unless there is a God. We could get into separation of church and state but that is a bit more than I have time for here on…
So I finished up voting Green, and it wasn’t a protest vote. My reasons are below:
– If I had been really diligent I would have compiled a grid / table of the things that I believe matter most to God/Jesus as we read in scripture and then lined up every party alongside those issues to see how they stack up. I guess I did that mentally and saw the Greens performing much better on issues of caring for the poor, overseas aid, the environment and refugees than any other group. The issues of justice and environment (which of course is also an issue of justice if you live in a developing world country) seem to be primary ones for Jesus and on these the Greens score well. The Micah Challenge overseas aid ‘scorecard’ saw them top the class in all areas and that was impressive.
– Secondly I voted for the Greens because they seemed a bit more visionary than the other parties. I think some of their goals seem unattainable, but I like they have them on the radar. Much better to aim high and hit low than start low and stay there.
– I also liked the Greens forthrightness on issues where we would disagree. They have been portrayed as anti-Christian when in fact I think they simply are pro-secular. I realise that does mean they won’t be supporting Christian initiatives, but the stuff on which we disagree matters less to me than the stuff on which I see them doing well in. I think Jesus was much more concerned for matters of justice than for who our sexual partners are. I think we have enjoyed some great privileges as Christians at the moment, but they are not our right in a secular society and the playing field may change, but maybe it needs to.
I don’t vote unreservedly for the Greens as I don’t share their views on bioethics, sexuality and a few other things, but then I can’t vote unreservedly for anyone. Such is the state we find ourselves in…
They say you get the leadership you deserve and ironically the issues the Greens do well on are things that really ought to have been issues ‘Christian’ parties should have seen as primary a long time ago, because they rate so highly on God’s agenda. I get the impression that if the Christian parties really wanted to shape the future of Australia then they would have been wiser to base their policies around these issues of justice, environment, and care for others and create a vision for a better Australia that way. It would have been true to scripture and interestingly would have scratched right where many Aussies are itching.
We had our chance…
I realise a vote for the Greens is a vote for Labour and I can live with that. I don’t lose sleep that our PM may be an an atheist in a de facto relationship. I don’t lose sleep that Bob Brown is gay. I don’t know anything of Tony Abbot’s personal life but I’m sure if we scratched around we’d find plenty of dirt to hang on him (as we would with any of us)
So that’s why I voted Green this time around. In a sense it was like doing a multiple choice test and eliminating all other options so you are left with the most probable answer.
What I would add is that the political question is a complex and multi-faceted issue and I would happily respect the views of people who voted differently – however it seems that Christians who vote Green are often not accorded that same respect by their brothers and sisters. For the CDP to label the Greens ‘anti-Christian’ is rather lacking in perspective I would suggest, and may even be tapping into the ‘fear factor’ that motivates some Christians.
So I write this post partly because I want to give another voice to those who follow Jesus and see the world a little differently and partly because I think we can offer some very valid reasons for doing so. I don’t believe Christian Green voters should have to hide in the closet and be embarrassed by their choice. Nor should they be vilified for it.
I’m hoping this post won’t be me hanging my chin out there and giving you a free swing – because that’s not the goal. But feel free to disagree in a spirit of respect and grace and I’m sure we could have a great conversation.