6 Meter Swell

I had a phone call from Owen today seeing if I wanted to head up to Derrs for a surf.

‘Its offshore and HUGE’, he said…

download diving bell and the butterfly the divx

Maybe 15 years ago that would have had me dropping everything… but now… at 40 (41 on Tuesday 🙂 I chose to stay home and watch the footy. What a blouse! Later in the afternoon I took a drive down to our local break to check out how big it really was – and Owen was right. It was HUGE!

Down at Mindarie the popular wave breaks off a groyne and its path all depends on which direction the swell comes from. Today swells were hitting from all angles and the only people out were the boogers getting smashed by these wild pitching walls of water.

I love days like these when the car park full and the whole street is lined with cars of people just down there to check it out. It is an awesome display of power to see waves that big rolling thru and to see the white water on the outer reefs.

To see people captivated by the power of the ocean is a wonderful thing!

divx my sister s keeper

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