Ahh… home!

Melbourne weather…

30 degrees and stinky hot at 3.00 in the afternoon, pouring with rain and thunderstorms at 9.00 at night!

It meant my flight didn’t leave until 11.00pm and got into Perth four hours later. I was home by 4.00am Melbourne time – or 1.00pm Perth time. So waking up at 6.30am this morning wasn’t a lot of fun.

I really enjoyed hanging out with John and his family as well as all the other people I got to spend time with. It was a heavy duty ‘people’ weekend, with only a few moments of solitude and recoup, but all the people I came across were energising and ennervating so that made it valuable.

I had coffee yesterday with Darren and dinner with Phil & Dan last night.

I did some thinking and planning for our mission team review day on Saturday and actually may have had some good insights… I think…

There’s nothing like getting away from your local scene and hanging with some inpsiring people to help you think and dream again.

Oh well,off to work now!

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