Anyone Feeling Brave?…

Ok – come on all you missionary thinkers!

Thanks for the various comments on my post re the Healing festival, but no one offered an opinion on this question:

So here’s a serious question for you…

These guys got together and put on a healing festival. I’m sure part of it was to promote their own businesses, but I also know many of them are very keen to see people healthy and well.

They allowed us to come (as you would hope they would.)

What if… the churches in the area put on a combined healing event (hey what a novel idea…) and these guys asked to be part of it – the reiki girls, the crystal balancing lady, all the practices that we would see as not compatible with a Jesus worldview… would we allow them into our festival?


Its a hypothetical at this stage, but it does raise some big issues for us churchies. We’ve just been enjoying some lively debate over dinner with my in-laws and I’d like some other input.

Come on folks! Who’s up for it? Who’s got an opinion to share?…

I’ll show my hand and say that I’d be ok with it. I’d see it as a fair thing to be able to attend and participate in each others festivals – which I guess is not a traditional Christian position, but I think its a fair one.

I might not subscribe to the worldview of the reiki crew, but then I don’t subscribe to the theological ideas of the health and wealth brigade either. In fact I reckon I’d have more concern about having them attending than people who would not claim to be Jesus followers…

I hope that’s sufficiently provocative to raise a response!

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