We took a heap but here are a few of my favourites.
Showering was fun…
One hot woman!
Playful puppies
Sam in a (rare) serious moment
Red dirt sandhills
“Dad don’t put that on facebook!”
Dinner on the beach download juice online
We took a heap but here are a few of my favourites.
Showering was fun…
One hot woman!
Playful puppies
Sam in a (rare) serious moment
Red dirt sandhills
“Dad don’t put that on facebook!”
Dinner on the beach download juice online
sunsets on a Broome beach. Special.
lovin the goatee mate, you rough bastard!
ha ha – Greg you should know better than to use profanity on my blog! Now p&@$ off! 🙂
My humble apologies, I certainly wouldn’t want to offend someone who looks so butch. Or is this just a new distinguished literary thing? Certainly not at all like a princess!
Sounds like you guys are having a ball. Doesn’t seem to mattter where you go you attract a certain type of people. You whacko magnet…. or are you just God’s gift to wackos?
like attracts like….. 🙂