Today was one of those days when I came home physically wiped out and very ready to crash early. A couple of glasses of red added to the woosy feeling and at 9.00 I turned the lights out ready to nod off.
But as much as my body was weary my brain was buzzing. It has happened several times now that I have gone to bed physically wiped, only to lie there for 2 hours thinking thru everything that’s going on in my life – and there is quite a bit at the moment.
Its even more strange because I was up early this morning, worked long and hard and almost fell asleep on the couch.
But the fact that it has happened a few times at the end of long physical days makes me wonder if (for me at least) my brain needs to be active for a certain number of hours each day before I can nod off?…
Anyone else experienced this?
Its just something I am pondering – now that I am up from bed and trying to use up some of that excess ‘brain energy’.
Yeah I think I know what you are talking about ..
It’s, like you’re fully amped most of the time.
I almost always have to read before going to sleep – I find this manages to provide sufficient stimulating distraction to relax me.
If I really can’t sleep I write – nothing like it, and often longhand rather than keyboard.
I’ve experienced this more frequently as I’ve gotten older…incredibly busy days where I feel totally exhausted yet unable to sleep because of the buzzing mind. Even focusing on “the breath” or doing the “51 points” is impossible. The noise continues to clamor.
Yes Mark. Totally normal (for me anyhow). Too much to think about and not enough time to think it through. Don’t worry. It should just be a phase…
What is NOT normal is writing a reply to someone’s blog you’ve never met yet continue reading because of his fresh honesty about the challenges of living missionally in surburban Australia.
Sorry to be wierd but thanks for being real.