In keeping with the new advanced risk management policies, ‘carols by candlelight’ seems to be slowly going the way of ‘monkey bars’ in kids playgrounds and candles are being replaced with glow sticks or torches.
Somehow it just isn’t the same if you can’t set fire to your program or drip hot wax on the bare shoulders of the person in front of you…
Not that I’d go anyway…
On the carols question Rod
asks this:
What is the big attraction for the non-churched with Carols by Candlelight?
I know that it’s nice to be with family and be at an outdoor event and all that, but let’s look at it. Thousands upon thousands of people who are not interested in anything the ‘church’ has to offer for the other 364 days of the year, will turn up at a park to sing ‘outdated’ songs about a religion they don’t believe. Why?
Good question I reckon! Tell him what you think.