
Six months ago today we had just put up the camper in the Lighthouse Caravan Park in Exmouth and were 3 days into our round Oz trip.

I can still taste the joy of hitting the road and knowing that we were on an amazing adventure!

I have been sitting here studying John 12 as prep for some teaching in a couple of weeks time, but my screensaver kicked in and the images of our trip started to circulate… bringing me to put my Bible and commentary down.

I am increasingly realising what a significant experience it was and how much I long to do it again. Every image I have been watching has an associated feeling and a desire to one day replicate that experience.

Why wouldn’t you?…

So 6 months ago we were in Exmouth, hot and dry, wondering where the road would take up, sharing the time with some good friends and not realising we were saying goodbye and that we wouldn’t see each other again as they moved back to Spain halfway thru our trip.

It was an amazing time and even though I remember the moments of aimlessness and tedium with no bigger purpose to attend to, it is only discipline and commitment that keeps me from selling up, packing up and doing it all again.

Here are some of the pics I was looking at:

Evening swim at Barn Hill (100ks south of Broome)

Cactus – the absolute middle of nowhere. I had 3 solitary surfs at this place! It is infamous for being shark territory, but I didn’t see any… this time…

Katherine hot springs – we were well and truly wound down by now!

Stunning Cable Beach… in exchange for 2 weeks of preaching we got a house for two weeks… nice

Pambula Beach NSW… crikey… we nearly didn’t leave

Jindabyne… snow… kids loved it!

This is one of my faves – our campsite at Robe River right on the river and sensational

I could go on and on and on… but that will do for now

More Chuckles

The other day Nathan reminded me of the ‘Stuff Bogans Like‘ site, and then today I was back in Quinns Rocks and driving past this car… Its a classic bogan icon.

From the BS Inseminators sticker and faded canary yellow paintwork, to the Bundy Rum sticker and the overload of spotties – this is a beauty.

Just for fun…

Ok back to my sermon writing…