Flashmob Fun

I picked this up from Phil’s blog

For the unfamiliar a flashmob is a group of people who show up in a specific place at a specific time and do something together. They usually have no previous connection and are contacted via SMS. The results are often hilarious. Watch and enjoy!

Here are a few others to brighten your day…

“No Pants Monday”

A bit of Chaser-esque ‘If Life Were a Musical’ food hall fun

Downtown Pillow Fight

Chase a Stranger!

“Baptist Preaching Sinks to New Low”

Come on admit it… you didn’t think it was possible!

No, its not a video of me from last Sunday, but it is both funny and disturbing. It’s a YouTube of an independent Baptist, KJV-Only preacher who is speaking about the text that uses the phrase ”him that pisseth against the wall.”

So here it is, from him that pisseth himself laughing…


Please no…

The lunatic fringe of faith have launched a new offensive

T Shirts with ‘holy ghost’ inspired words on them.

You can choose from:


“E-Kum-Me-A Shun-Da”

“A popular phrase with the ability to be a combination of “Neo/Fresh”! Inspired by the complexity of moods from the human spirit.”




“Created by the moment of breakthrough as you aspire to reach Greater Dimensions in your life.”

(What would a pentecostal parody be without the word ‘breakthrough’?!)

There are many others also, but my favourite brain out to lunch T shirt is



“Inspired by the more advanced “talker” with a “C.O.G.ictilic” flair. This phrase is really hot when you roll the R’s with your tongue and flow the syllables effortlessly.”

Now don’t you buy that shirt if you aren’t an advanced talker!

The wonderful thing about these shirts is that they are available in a multitude of colours such as “Fresh Annointing Fuschia” or “Lord Annointing Lime”…

There’s nothing else to say really…

Oh yeah – they’re $37.00… bargain…