‘Why We Can’t Build A Mega-Church On Jesus’ Leadership Model’

Wess Daniels is sharp, articulate, intelligent, prayerful and looks like Brett from the Kiwi comedy duo “Flight of the Concords”.  If you’re a fan of getting ‘feeds’ from blogs, Wess’ gathering in light is one that doesn’t disappoint.

He’s recent post on leadership, payed roles and pastoral gifts is thought provoking:

“We also need to come to terms with the fact that alternative leadership can only be exercised within a Christian community that sees itself as an alternative community of faith (see part two of my series). In other words if you have a church full of passive recipients then they will need a CEO model of church to maintain that status quo faith… Alternative leadership and alternative communities go hand in hand.”   

 for more on why Wess thinks “We Can’t Build A Mega-Church On Jesus’ Leadership Model” click here:



why we’re on the subject of look alikes does anybody else think these two look alike?


(John feel free to find a doubleganger for me 🙂 )


I think this is Wess dancing in this photo:


Morgan Gracious in Defeat

Well after a rookie tipping year that can only be described unbe-bloody-lievable it was time to hand over the loot. At the start of the year Morgs and I put a 6 pack of Crownies (for him) against a bottle of red (for me), with the winner to recieve the prize at the end of the season.

Who would have thought it?…


So over lunch today at Giardinis (a cafe in Leederville with brilliant staff and great food) Morgs parted with the goods and congratulated me on what he described as an ‘awesome year’s tipping’.

‘I don’t know how you do it Hamo! I only wish I had your amazing insights and depth of sporting knowledge. You are incredible!!’

I think that was what he said…

Sadly Giardinis isn’t a BYO so we didn’t get to polish it off over lunch, but it was a great time anyway! Maybe next year Morgs 🙂

Kid Theology

It is our dinner time custom to read a short Bible story with the kids.

Last night we read that bizarre little passage about Jesus having to pay temple tax and sending Peter out to go fishing, telling him that he would find a coin in the fish’s mouth. (That’s gotta be one of the strangest stories in the book I reckon…)

Tonight Sam (who has finally got over his fear of my outbaord motor) was asking if we could go fishing so he could catch a fish.

‘Yours can have a computer in its mouth and mine can have a new toy’

If you know Sam you’ll know he wasn’t kidding…


I have discovered that I need to get some business cards and was exploring some online options, one being these guys.

I couldn’t see on their website if they post to Australia, so I thought I’d call. The conversation went like this:

Dan: ‘Hi my name is Dan. What is your first and last name?’

Hamo: Odd way to begin but anyway… ‘Andrew Hamilton’

Dan: ‘How can I provide you with excellent service today?’ (What the?!)

Hamo: ‘Mate, I was just wondering if you post to Australia?’

Dan: ‘Yes we do – anywhere that UPS posts, we go’

Hamo: ‘Cool – that’s all – thanks mate’

Dan: ‘Can I help you with anything else?’ (I thought I just answered that)

Hamo: ‘Nope – all good.’

Dan: ‘Have I provided you with excellent service today?’


How do you measure the quality of service that requires a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer?!!

Hamo: ‘Sensational mate!’

I think Dan might have realised I was taking the piss but it wouldn’t be ‘excellent service’ to say so…

On a much lighter note

TSK posted a whole series of images poking fun at emerging church folks, via our reformed friends. Very well done and quite funny.

I had thought of creating some fun in reply but it seems they have done it themselves!

I had an email come in today from someone I don’t know and when I checked the source it took me here. The banner for the site is below.


Now I am wondering if emerging folks are the only confused and lost ones… To my reformed friends – I hope this doesn’t offend, but which one is it?!