Amazing Meetings

My friend Rob Douglas has recently started a new blog that allows us to see the encounters Jesus had with different people thru the eyes of those who may have been there.

Its an imaginative and creative way of exploring the gospel stories as Rob ‘interviews’ those who were on the scene at the time. I got to know Rob during the time I was leading Forge in WA and his church were involved with our ‘re-imagine’ process. He’s got some great insights to share.

His ‘blogblurb’ reads:

Rob Douglas is a former journalist and pastor who now works as Mission Leader within the aged and community services sector in Western Australia. Rob believes that the greatest hope for humanity in the 21st century is to connect with Jesus Christ who began the movement we now know as Christianity, around 2000 year ago. In this blog, Rob imagines himself in the communities where Jesus was living and conducts interviews with people who have met Jesus or had some interaction with him. By learning more about Jesus, what he taught and how he lived, we have the opportunity to come to know him for ourselves and discover the Life that he embodied.

You can check out the blog here.

Time To Change

Here’s a pretty convincing piece of research about the need for change in the Aussie church via Steve Taylor.

Steve (who titled his post ‘Landslide Victory For Fresh Expressions in Australian Churches’ writes:

Some 66% of church attenders agreed that the traditional established models of church life must change to better connect with the wider Australian community (only 11% disagree).

For an even larger majority, this was personal. 82% claimed that they would support the development of new initiatives in ministry and mission in their church (3% disagreed).

So why on earth would there be resistance?

My own reflection is that people would rather hang on to what little they have got rather than risk losing it. To try something new is to risk pissing off the faithful few who remain and that would be suicide. But to do nothing is to choose a slow and pointless death.

What a choice…

Seriously its a lame choice, but in the face of that, the vast majority still choose a slow painful death. Why?… My guess is because change is difficult, time consuming and painful. The status quo might be lame, but we know how to do it.

Its the ‘club’ mentality overriding the missionary heart. The path of least resistance wins out and the possibility of change evaporates with the desire to simply do what comes easiest. In a busy world its an easy default position. “It may not be effective, but we at least know how to do it!”


The research seems to say people want change, but I am actually not convinced. I think people think that they want change, but its usually change without risk, or change without any impact on the current state of play.

Low cost change.

Its a hedging of bets so that if the new initiatives don’t cut it we can always steer back to the tired (no spelling error)and tested expression that will see us thru to our graves even if our kids will find it bizarre and maybe even abhorent.

The research gives me hope, but I also know that people don’t like pain, risk and uncertainty… so it may be a much greater stretch than we would hope.

We can only hope.


I’m not much into ‘parking space prayers’ – in fact just the mention of them gives me cold shudders. I know God is interested in the details of our lives, but something in that idea leaves me cold.

But I do believe God answers prayer and sometimes the strangest stuff.

Yesterday I was doing some retic work at a large apartment complex near the city. I had been there once and needed to go back and find a solenoid that was stuck open. I wasn’t sure how I was going to go because it is a big area and sometimes they can be real buggers to locate.

Anyway after doing some maintenance I began the hunt. My solenoid detector wasn’t giving me any love and in all of my walking around this place I had only managed to see one solenoid – but not the one I needed. I walked around for about 40 minutes, tried a number of different things, but without any success. I was starting to get worried. Maybe I would have to resign myself to the fact that this one ‘beat me’. I haven’t had that happen yet so I didn’t like the thought of it.

As I walked around I began to pray… ‘Lord I could really use a hand… any time soon…’

I walked across to an area I had walked past several times and there in the middle was a green lid of a solenoid box. It was in the wrong place to be the one I needed but it was the only one I could find, so I had to at least check it out. Anyway I opened it up to find it was leaking… It was the one I needed…

What a relief.

And how nice to have a moment of grace in the midst of a fairly ordinary working day.

I have no idea why God answers some prayer and not others. I don’t know why he chose to help me out yesterday and not other days, but I reckon he did and I enjoyed the moment.

‘Oh Well…’

Recently I wrote a post that captures some of what I have been feeling about life at the moment.

It’s ok…

It’s not particularly tough and it’s not particularly inspiring. I feel like I’m lacking some passion and drive, but I can’t just conjure it up out of nowhere. I’ve been asking God about it because for nearly all my life I’ve lived with a really strong sense of purpose and a clear identity. This is not a place I like and feel at ease in. In fact at times I feel like I must be losing my way to be lacking in goals beyond the immediate.

It has felt very much like a time of plodding – just trudging on – occasionally with joy but mostly with resolve and sometimes indifference. It’s hard to feel like a legitimate Christian leader when you live with periods of indifference, or when you struggle to feel inspired. I’ve been schooled that my job is to inspire others and to not let my struggles be visible. Paul can make struggle and weakness sound very noble, and we often hear people speak of ‘strength in weakness’, but (and maybe it’s just me) I am not sure if I have permission to live here. It feels wrong… and yet it simply is where I am at right now.

I don’t feel depressed or miserable. Just weary and a bit flat – but with nowhere to go but forwards.

As a church community we have been reading Exodus these last few weeks and I have been reading it now for a couple of months, reflecting on it’s themes and asking God what he wants us to hear as a community.

What I have been struck by again is just how difficult Moses experience of leadership was at this time. I’m not referring to the amount of opposition he faced, although that would have been wearying, but more to time spent apparently going nowhere and accomplishing little. His life was certainly largely uneventful (with the exception of a red sea crossing etc) But seriously, most of Moses journey in the desert with the Hebrew people could be described as monotonous and repetitive. But it was what God called him to do so he kept going.

I could imagine Moses complaining to God about the life he had been called into. From a safe cruisy life as a shepherd in Midian to leading a bunch of people who don’t seem to be going anywhere fast. A life that has little by way of achievement and satisfaction.

I can imagine God responding with ‘oh well…’kind of a divine ‘whatever…’ I don’t think God sees things as we do and he is not overly concerned if we get bored or fidgety. He just asks us to be faithful and to do what he asks.

On that front I feel like I’m doing ok. I’m getting used to living in a different space and I’m accepting that perhaps this is actually an intentional experience rather than just a rut.

I was talking to some friends the other day and happened to say ‘I don’t know whether I am dying or growing!’ As the words came out of my mouth I knew the answer and my friend verbalised it… ‘ maybe both?…’

I feel like I’ve told God some of my frustration with the place I am at in life and he has said ‘oh well…’ He hasn’t given me any great revelations as to what lies ahead. He just seems to be asking me to keep going.

The other day I bought Petersen’s ‘A Long Obedience in the Same Direction’ almost purely on the basis of the title and how I have been feeling. I held great hope that it would offer some really useful insights… But you know what?… I am finding it hard going. I seem to remember trying to read it about 20 years ago when it first came out and feeling similar. It was his premise (from Nietzsche) that piqued my interest – “The essential thing ‘in heaven and earth’ is. . . that there should be a long obedience in the same direction; there thereby results, and has always resulted in the long run, something which has made life worth living.”

Somewhat ironically reading the book feels like a ‘long obedience’ at the moment ( and I say that as a Petersen fan!)

Anyway, the last time I wrote about this it was with some level of anxiety and frustration. Today I write with a curious sense of peace – and I use ‘peace’ rather than resignation because I think I am sensing something of the divine in my current place. Not that I would personally choose to stay here, or for this to be my experience for a very long time (not that I have much of a choice), but I feel like maybe I have stuff to learn about steadiness and the absence of sparks and fireworks. I feel like maybe I have been led to this place and if I can stop resisting it or seeing it as a waste then maybe there will be some rich learning.

Sure hope so.


I hate it.

People whose jobs involve making life complicated for others.

As I was working today I got a call from the local council office letting me know that our ‘church in the park’ gig this Sunday hadn’t been run past them and we didn’t have permission to have a public gathering in that location.

Oh really… she started to speak to me about council rules and regs and I began to glaze over, except that I knew I had to listen.

As she was speaking I vauguely recalled a mate having a birthday party for his wife and encountering similar issues when he wanted to use the park across the road from his house.

I hadn’t even thought to ask. 30 people in a park having a picnic… probably most of them ratepayers… but to use the park you have fill in a truckload of forms, pay $50.00 and have it agreed to by the council… blah…

The issue was that we made mention of it in the school newsletter and that was considered advertising. (Really makes you wonder how they got hold of a QBC newsletter doesn’t it!?) As a result we may be ‘inundated with people’ and the council needs to know.

I don’t have much energy for this kind of stuff. In fact it really gives me the shits because it actually works against people trying to do simple positive things like a picnic with ‘the family’ in the park. Crikey given their rules every time Danelle’s family comes around and we head down to the park we’re going to need a permit!

Its just one more way in which life becomes complicated and people say ‘forget it…’ Maybe that’s the idea…

And in case you’re wondering – no I wasn’t operating on the ‘easier to get forgiveness than permission’ premise. I just didn’t think 30 people having a picnic needed a permit. Obviously it does. Obviously it could create a significant challenge for the local community on Sunday.

Ironically it looks like it may rain on Sunday and we might not be able to do it anyway…

I think Danelle is going to follow it up tomorrow and she’s even feelin feistier than I am so it could be fun!

Email and Identity

As we move house I lose my ‘’ email address and I guess like many people I am tired of changing email addresses. I’d like a ‘home’ so to speak when it comes to email.

My other emails are ‘’ and the same at hotmail (where all my spam and crap goes) and then

I feel like the ‘backyardmissionary’ email is definitely me, but it can be an odd one to give to people, apart from being quite long. I’d like to keep my business email purely for business so I don’t think its an option. I also doubt I will be doing reticulation and turf for the rest of my life.

I have been exploring some other options (a ‘family’ domain name ‘’ or similar) or a different kind of gmail. Of course andrewhamilton@gmail is long gone and then it becomes a case of being andrewhamilton9765… no thanks. is available as is, but I’m not sure they ‘feel’ quite right.

Yeah I’m a fussy bugger.

Right now I’m thinking ‘backyardmissionary@gmail’ might be me… unless I can be a little more creative.

Either way, if you email me on the hamo@brightontown address then you will find it bouncing in July as we will no longer have that account.

Angry Boy

I have to admit to enjoying Chris Lilley’s first two comedy series and the characters he created, so I was looking forward to ‘Angry Boys’ premiere last night.

I’m afraid that hope was dashed.

What do comedians do to get a laugh when they have run of good jokes?

Use the ‘f’ word liberally and edgy humour. I’m not offended by the ‘f’ word and I really don’t care much when its used, but last night had a certain cringe factor, partly from the language, but also from the icky politically incorrect jokes.

Again I don’t usually get offended by political incorrectness – in fact I think we need a good dose of it every now and then to keep us living in the real world – but again you got the feeling that in th absence of a good script it was easier to say ‘f*&k’ or poke fun at a deaf kid than to come up with something clever.

What a shame. Another talented comedian takes the easy route rather than doing the hard work to be genuinely funny.

Brighton – Its What a Community Used to Be

When we first came to this area back in 2003 the marketing slogan that captured so many was ‘Brighton – its what a community should be’, and it was sold so well that many people moved here expecting a healthy, happy community.

Maybe it was just the space we were in personally, but we certainly found our early years in Butler (the proper suburb name) to be that of a community of people who seemed to want to create something more than a dormitory for busy, heavily mortgaged commuters.

We had a lot of involvement with the community and made a heap of friends in the early days. It was fun, exhausting at times even.

But then things changed…

I’m not sure exactly when, but with the growth of the suburb came investors, rental properties, people who didn’t want to know their neighbours, graffiti, a lack of care or interest in the wider community and a general malaise about the development of the community.

Right now I’d say we are really just another bland suburb in the outer mortgage belt Perth with little to distinguish us from any other suburb. It’s no surprise that the slogan has changed from ‘What a community should be’ to ‘Brighton – Its All Here Already’.

As I reflect on the most significant contributor to the decline in ‘community’, I’d have to say it is the increase in the number of rental properties. When people rent for the short term (as many do) they have little desire to get to know the others in their street. Why would you when you’ll be gone in 6 months?

Some would cite the number of homeswest houses as one of the factors in upsetting the utopia that many were expecting. Its true that there are some shockers of homeswest tenants in the area, but also some ordinary decent people… kinda like those who own their own homes.

I have a feeling its just a part of ‘growing up’ as a suburb, and becoming more established. At the end of the day our ability to be a community and be part of a community depends largely on our willingness to give of ourselves to the local community.

I certainly haven’t been doing that in the last couple of years and I reckon if you ‘reap what you sow’ then I’m pretty much where I ought to be.

In 6 weeks we leave this community for another one, 10 minutes further north but with a very different vibe. We go here with a different mindset to when we came here, but I’m still not sure quite what to expect. We are moving into the established part of Yanchep (‘old Yanchep’) and it is a mix of long term residents, retirees, low income earners and then some people like us.

I don’t know what to expect in terms of ‘being part of the community’, but I’m guessing it will be very different to that of Butler.

I hit Butler with more evangelistic zeal than a newly converted pentecostal, but I’m not there today. Its probably a good thing. It wasn’t a pretty sight. I’m still very much committed to living out the mission of God, but I’m more prepared to trust God to do his bit these days and just stick to doing what I can do.

So the next leg of the journey for the ‘backyard missionary’ will be different to this one. Still hoping to see the kingdom come here on earth, but coming at it from a different headspace.

Marketing Insights

Not mine – yours.

One of the things that intrigues me about developing a business is the process by which you get work and how a business expands.

Recently the ‘quiet’ time has ended and I have picked up some new customers – some ongoing work and some great leads for future work. A builder, a couple of real estate agents and a brick paver have all asked me to do work for them and it adds to the consistency of work.

Currently I rely on several different sources for work:

a) My website

b) My community news ad

c) Referrals from happy customers

d) Previous customers

e) Referrals from a local retic shop and turf supplier

f) Occasional letter box drops – although these are now very infrequent.

I’d probably allocate 50% of my work to web based contact and the rest would be mostly ‘b’ and ‘c’.

That’s been how things have developed so far but I’m curious to experiment with targeting a specific area and seeing if I can really grab a huge share of the work there.

Up the road from us is a new estate currently under construction and designated to be the next big regional centre in Perth. It is called ‘Alkimos‘ and currently is only about 80 or 90 houses still being built and about 2 or 3 months away from completion.

I am wondering what I would need to do to really get the lion’s share of the work in that estate. Is it possible to be so well known up there that Brighton Reticulation & Turf becomes the retic and turf contractor that everyone chooses?…


But I am thinking now is the time to really crank things up if I am to get known and to get the jobs. Right now no one lives there, but I’m guessing people go there regularly to check on the progress of their homes. I’m guessing someone has a database of who’s building there… and that might be available for a fee…

I’m wondering if the land sales office would pass on my name to new families building?… I’m wondering if a bottle of red for every family who use me might be an incentive?…

I’m wondering about some signs that post my name and logo around the place, but I’m not so sure of the legality of these. I’m also wondering about the expense if they get stolen, removed or vandalised.

But I’m open to ideas from those with some marketing nouse. If a new suburb sprung up next to you where people were going to need your services how would you go about getting the lion’s share of their business? We are told that Alkimos is going to be the new Joondalup so its going to be BIG and to get in on the ground floor would give me a huge edge.

So – tell me your marketing secrets!


Just a couple of weeks ago a good mate called me and asked me to help him fix his reticulation. It was his rental property and it sounded like a pretty straight-forward fix.

When I got there I realised it was a much bigger job than it sounded. How often has that happened?!…

I began to feel stressed, partly because I had only allocated an hour or so to the job but more because I knew how much it was going to cost my friend if I charged him as a normal customer. I ended up leaving him to do some of the grunt work and agreeing to come back at another time to finish it off.

As I drove off I was reflecting on the strange anxious feeling that I was experiencing and trying to make sense of it. What I realised was that for me my ‘money making days’ are Tues-Thurs and I was using some of that time to do a job I didn’t want to make much out of – and it was turning into a big BIG job…

I don’t mind charging people for my services, but for real good mates I’d prefer to help them out and charge much less. As I was driving to the next job I made a decision. I won’t do those kinds of jobs on my ‘money days’. Instead I’ll wait till the weekend and then go around and work with them. That way they get the job done by a friend for less than they would pay normally and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on $$ that I could normally make.

Funny how a small moment of awareness changes the way you can see something. So tomorrow afternoon we go around and get it sorted. And it really doesn’t matter how long it takes now as Sunday afternoons are for relaxing and that’s what I’ll be doing.