I came across this on the flickr blog today.
Surfing in the river in Munich. I’ve heard about tidal bores, but never seen too many of them in action.
Here are the pics, and some video
Beware – blokey toilet story ahead…
I was out in Ellenbrook today laying some turf and because it is Sam’s ‘day off’ school I took him with me. He’s a great little bloke, keeps himself amused and (apart from the constant chatter) he is no trouble at all.
However half way thru the day he needed to do a poo…
I looked around for a portaloo. New developments always have them, but not today. By chance the letting agent had driven past earlier that day to take a picture of the house for their website and, because I needed to access a powerpoint, she kindly let me know where the housekey was.
So should I let Sam poo in the house?…
‘Oh what the heck I thought. Lets just home the owner doesn’t drive by mid push…’
So Sam did his poo and I plugged my drill in. I was about to close and lock the door when I had one of those ‘parent moments’. ‘I wonder if he flushed the toilet…’ I thought.
I was in a rush so nearly assumed the best and pulled the door shut. But something urged me back to the ensuite where my boy had left quite a substantial DNA record of his presence in the home.
So glad I looked…
In a manner of speaking…
So we have a new car now and need to sell one of the others. It hadn’t really dawned on us that we could actually sell Danelle’s 1996 Falcon rather than the Cruiser… but I guess its a possibility… true?…
How would it look though… 2 big beasty trucks in the one small suburban garage…
We both love the old Cruiser so it might happen yet.
I don’t think we’d get as much for the Falcon though!
(This is where my mind goes when I am sitting at home on a rainy day preparing a talk for the ‘reimagine‘ weekend coming up)
Anyway… back into it…
Has anyone got an old short board they aren’t using that I could turn into a skurfboard for behind the boat?
We had some great fun in Busso with the 8′ 8″ mal behind the boat, but I reckon if we could bore some holes and attach a couple of foot-straps to a short board and then we’d really be firing.
So if you have an old shortie – the shorter the better – that you’d be happy to part with then drop me a line. (Obviously it will help if you live in WA.)
Its always good to catch up with old mates.
My friend John Wilmot who is a missionary in Malawi is back in town for a few weeks recovering from a car accident and getting some medical attention.
He flew in yesterday and today I was able to drop down and visit him in hospital. The injuries don’t look super bad, but it was important to be away from the ‘dampness’ of the African wet season so that healing could occur.
Quite amazing people, the Wilmots, but that’s another story!…
Surfing in the snow… from Tom He writes: “Below zero wind temp and the water is around 33 degrees. A little north of Duluth, Minnesota”
I think I’d be turning back about now…
Nice waves!
Check the snow on the point…
Its where I finished in the ‘Footy-tips’ league this year. They even gave me a certificate for being 10924th… with 117 correct tips.
What an honour…
To put it in perspective I actually won the SUWA tipping comp which was a subset of the bigger league. Given I couldn’t name half the clubs at the start of the year its not a bad effort.
If you see Kent Morgan remind him that he owes me a bottle of red for kicking his butt 🙂
Tomorrow I head off to ‘outback’ Meekatharra (see the google earth pic!) to lead the Long Tan memorial dawn service on Saturday morning. My knowledge of Long Tan is limited and my experience at these kinds of events is non-existent so it will be interesting to see how it goes…
I am staying at the ‘Commerical Hotel’ in Meekatharra until Monday (first flight out) so it should prove to be a different kind of weekend. I don’t know whether I will have plenty to do, or will have a weekend of solitude…
I also don’t know quite what to wear and haven’t heard back from them yet… so I think I’ll be taking 3 different sets of gear from the casual to the formal.
It is also a challenge to help people engage in this kind of a service in way that helps them remember, but also deals carefully with all the aspects of war that we must grapple with.
Either way I reckon it’ll be a new adventure!
I wrote about this here.
This weekend was further evidence. Admittedly it was Geelong they were playing, but it was still pretty awful.
Maybe its not the coach… (or the senior pastor for that matter!…)
I got a phone call yesterday from a friend who is on our weekly prayer list asking if I’d consider a slightly odd request. I laughed.
“Of course!” (I’m always up for an adventure)
“Do you know where Meekatharra is?” he asked.
“8 hours north east from Perth in the absolute middle of nowhere?” (Obviously not convinced that I did!)
“Well… I got a call yesterday from some Vietnam Vets who do an annual remembrance service for the battle at Long Tan. They were asking if I could go up and do the dawn service on the Saturday morning for them, but I can’t do it. They asked if I knew anyone who was spiritual, but not too religious who could come and take the service. I thought of you. They’d fly you up and back and put you up at a motel. There’s no money in it, and you’d have to fly in Friday and couldn’t go home until Monday because there are no flights out… What do you think?”
“Long who? I’m afraid my knowledge of the whole Vietnam deal is rather dodgy.” It wasn’t the world’s most attractive offer and my diary already showed a weekend commitment, so I wasn’t feeling overly inspired.
I told him I’d think it over and then googled Long Tan… but was not much wiser. I also contemplated the whole war issue and then filed it in the too hard basket.
However I woke up this morning feeling I should do it – that if nothing else it’d be a wild adventure to go to an outback town and spend the whole weekend with some Vietnam Vets, listen to some of their stories, see a very different side of life and maybe even do some good and bring some hope to the blokes.
So I rang and said ‘yes’.
I have no idea exactly what I’ve got myself into… but isn’t that half the fun sometimes! I think my mate knew I am a sucker for a blokey kind of adventure…