
I watched Amazing Grace on Thursday night and was totally inspired.

I had never done much research on the Wilberforce story, but seeing the movie has certainly provoked me in that direction. It was great to see a man who took seriously the way his faith impacted his place in the world. There were several ‘quotable’ moments in the film, but the first visit of the Clapham Sect was certainly poignant as they suggested to Wilberforce that he didn’t need to choose between praising God or a life in political activism, but rather he could do both. Hmm… I thought it would have been much better for him to ‘go into the ministry’…

I don’t know about you but I often find myself walking out of movies like this wondering if my life will be as significant as his… and then catching myself as I ask again ‘what does significant mean?’ and ‘what has God called me to do & be?’ I would reckon the Wilberforces of the world are maybe one in a million, or less, and yet the danger of seeing a movie like that, is to then see your own life as pretty lame by comparison. I know (right or wrong) that is one of my first responses and to be content with making the much smaller contribution that is mine, is sometimes a challenge.

One of the things the movie did well, was to show the agonisingly extended length of time it took for Wilberforce to see any change come about, to be continually opposed and to fight for a cause we now see as so bleeding obvious, but at the time to be considered a fool. His tenacity in the face of enormous personal opposition as well as failing health was powerful. Also we didn’t see much of the ‘dark side’ of this type of work – the effect on family or marriage – but I’m sure it had to be there. There is always a personal cost when you devote yourself to a cause. (William Booth’s story in a case in point.)

It was interesting that the moral question was not the one driving the debate in the British parliament, but rather it was economics. There were too many $$$ invested in the sugarfields for the English to outlaw slavery. In many ways not much has changed. I was reading New Internationalist this week and reflecting again on the genocide in Darfur where the primary reason for non-intervention my the west was economics and politics of the oil trade.

We may appear more civilised these days but…

The Legend of Lonnie Frisbee

Yesterday in the post I recieved my DVD copy of ‘Frisbee The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher’ and I watched it this morning instead of my normal time in the Bible.

Its both inspiring and tragic – a story of a man so gifted by God – so wounded and flawed – and of a church that both embraced him for his ‘annointing’ and then rejected him for his homosexuality.

A constant theme of the movie is that God chose to use a ‘silly little man’ or a ‘clown’, someone who appeared so insignificant and yet when under the influence of the spirit of God was able to perform miracles and lead people to faith in multitudes. A man who came to Christ on an LSD trip was largely responsible for the igniting of the Calvary Chapel movement and the Vineyard movement.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking moment was his return to Calvary Chapel as a clean cut middle class boy rather than the wild crazy hippie who God was using. His time as a hippie both pulled crowds and put CC on the map, but it also created some chaos that made Chuck Smith uncomfortable. The solution was to ‘tame’ Lonnie by dressing him in a 3 piece suit and a tie.

The Lonnie Frisbee story is a reminder of a God who works in crazy ways and thru the most unlikely people – and sometimes that is good because it reminds us of who he is.

‘Romero’ a Dollar Well Spent

Last night I stopped in at the local video store (can we still call them that now that they are phasing out ‘videos’ and using DVDs exclusively???) and saw the pile of videos that were being cleared out for a dollar each.

Among them was Romero, the story of the El Salvadorian archbishop who stood against both the armed forces and the rich and powerful elite to try and bring harmony to the country. I’d seen it before and remembered it as worth watching again.

Romero began the journey as a fairly innocuous ‘safe bet’ for the ruling class, but as he stood with people and felt the pain of injustice he was transformed both theologically and practically into a different person. His ecclesiology was radical and powerful as he called the church to actually be the church in the face of terrible oppression and injustice. Although it was hoped his bookish approach to life would keep him hidden away, his intellect and courage actually moved him to action and to service of those with no voice. Its a good study in liberation theology and how experience shapes our grasp of the gospel.

I had a debate with a friend recently about the impact power and position has on us. She argued that it always corrupts and changes a person for the worse. I argued that it often does – but that others can live with it and live with integrity. Sadly it seems they often die with integrity more than they live. Think MLK, Ghandi and also Romero.

Its probably not the world’s best made movie, but it is a tale of courage, transformation and the nature of the church. It will disturb you – but then I have a feeling we middle classers all need more disturbing.

My ‘Patch Adams’

Last night for church we watched Patch Adams, the brilliant story of a man with imagination, initiative and the ability to see what others couldn’t.

He just wanted to ‘help people’ – to be a doctor – someone who ‘improves the health of others rather than simply prevents their death’. He dared to challenge a deeply entrenched medical system – a system that was doing both good and ill – and in the process inspired many others to think differently.

He and many of the staff in the existing hospitals both wanted the same thing, but the powerbrokers and stakeholders seemed more preoccupied with maintaining the status quo unaware that it was losing ground and not doing its job.

In the beauracracy that institutions inevitably become, people eventually become less important than outcomes and sooner or later somebody says ‘enough’.

I think there are many in our churches at the moment who share the dream of ‘making disciples’ and seeing the kingdom of God come in our communities, but who have been taught to tow the line by those who have vested interests in maintaining the status quo – those who have lost their vision but still want to keep their jobs.

I thank God for the ‘Patch Adams’ I have met who have called me out of that kind of ministry based on position, power and maintenance into a world where the institutional rules no longer dictate the playing field and where there is freedom of expression.

The Burbs?

Watched American Beauty again last night at the place we are staying.

Love the blend of weird characters! But… are they so weird? Are they actually just the people who live around us? Are they us?…

Lester says “Both my wife and daughter think I’m this gigantic loser, and ? they’re right. I have lost something. I’m not exactly sure what it is, but I know I didn’t always feel this ? sedated. But you know what? It’s never too late to get it back.”

And a quote from teenage hornbag Angela… “I don’t think that there’s anything worse than being ordinary”.

Welcome to the world.

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Narnia and Mr Hamilton

Tonight I went to see Narnia with my friend Grendel download my blue heaven dvdrip constant gardener the dvd download – a wonderful movie!

As one who has never read the books, I really didn’t know what to expect, but it was engaging and every bit as enjoyable as I had hoped.

I find movies a powerful medium for helping me connect with God and this one was no exception. There were many images throughout that helped me see Jesus and the kingdom of God in ways I hadn’t before. Lots to mull through.

Afterwards we went for coffee where I bumped into two of my favourite students from my teaching days a long time ago. It was nice that at 32 years old they still had enough respect to call me ‘Mr Hamilton’ 🙂 If you happen to find this Kym and Peta then it was great to see you both again!

Mum T – Great Woman – Ordinary Movie

Tonight a few of us went to see Mother Theresa (the movie) at the Picadilly. Thanks for the heads up Scott

She was one hell of a woman! In a recent post I was reflecting on apostolic women and what shape they take. I reckon she’s a great picture of that kind of woman. Driven by compassion, an indomitable spirit, amazing courage and faith and a sensational get up and go approach to life. She was an inspiration to many.

Sadly the movie was low budget and somewhat cliched in its approach which actually left me a bit disapointed. There were predictable scenes and music as well as a pretty shoddy storyline which tottered around all over the place.

In spite of itself the movie still gave insights I didn’t have previously and was grateful for.

Perhaps one of my greatest memories of MT was the day she died… the day after Princess Diana… Diana had the front 5 pages for two weeks. MT got a quarter page on page 9 the day she died and then was not mentioned any more.

It spoke loud and clear about what we value.

What the Bleep was that all about?

Today I had a 2 hour gap in the day, the good ole Luna cinema has $6.00 Wednesday and I needed a break.

So I thought I’d go see ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’, a much talked about movie that looks at how we determine what is real, where we come from, where we are going etc.

I had heard a lot about it and thought that even though I’d only get to see half of it before my next meeting, it’d still be worth the effort.

I fell asleep.

Its not to say I didn’t get some of the point :), but it was far from inspiring and a much bigger disappointment than I had expected. i won’t try and explain it all here, but the guts of it has to do with an understanding of qantum physics as a prism thru which to view this life and our experience of it.

I feel so shallow falling asleep in a movie everyone is talking about as deeply spiritual and vital to our understanding of what makes us tick…

I’ll get over it!

Here’s a review from the site I linked to above for anyone interested:

What the Bleep Do We Know!? is a unique cinematic creation – really three films in one, interwoven like a DNA helix, into an original tapestry.

It’s a documentary. It’s a story. It has mind-blowing special effects. These three elements combine to bring about a film experience that will rock your mind and lift your soul! It’s a new genre about a New Worldview for a new audience.

This outrageous film plunges you into a world where quantum uncertainty is demonstrated – where neurological processes, and perceptual shifts are engaged and lived by its protagonist – where everything is alive, and reality is changed by every thought.

It has been called by some theater goers The Handbook to The Matrix. Like The Matrix it shows you a greater reality behind the one we all accept as true, and you have the ability to create absolutely anything from your own thought while laughing all the way!

The difference between this film and that movie is that this isn’t science fiction. It’s even stranger. It’s real. And it’s the first film to say it. And it does so boldly and with a BLEEP of a lot of humor. And it’s being proven every day by minds like these.

The Mission

Perhaps its just my own sense calling to be a missionary, but The Mission is one of my favourite movies – one of the few I actually own and I watched it again today.

Its a beautiful movie, but also incredibly powerful with themes of incarnation, justice and love all thru it.

The penance / grace scene is brilliant when De-Niro drags his weapons all the way to the top of the falls to be set free by the Huarani. The closing scene is also a reminder that the gospel is bigger than all of us as the remaining children gather up the remains of the church and set off to start over.

But the big question it always raises for me is what would I do?… Would I be a Father Rodgriguez type and fight, or a Father Gabriel type and simply walk away?

I find both inspiring because they act on what they truly believe even at great cost. In the end neither ‘succeeds’, but the motives of both were honourable. Rodriguez believes that deadly force is ok to protect innocent people while Gabriel believes force should never be used. Both die.

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I think I’d probably side with Rodriguez…

If you haven’t seen it then do yourself a favour!


After 5 days of thinking about the pre Christendom / post Christendom phenomena this seemed to be an apt movie… So Al and i had a day off and hit the movies

Of course it had little to do with the good emperor and more to do with a couple of people who have some pretty wild abilities to see the spiritual world. Its a mix of ideas from everywhere.

At worst its a horror flick and at best its a conversation starter.

I’d wait for the vid. Hirschy’s knocking up a madras curry tonight and we got a great bargain on red wine down at Woolies, so it looks like being a good night.