Brian McLaren’s new book

Guest blogger in the backyard: Jarrod McKenna

Forge has said of Brian McLaren that he is “one of the most influential leaders in the Western Church” today. Brian McLaren has been amazingly supportive of my work and EPYC.

Today in the mail I received an opportunity to bless this brother back. His publisher has sent me his newest book “Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope” to review before it’s released later this year.

In the mean time here is a review of Brian’s last book a brilliant popularisation of some of the biggest theological influences on me (N.T. Wright, John H. Yoder, Walter Wink, Walter Brueggemann and my mentor and professor for biblical ethics Dr. Lee Camp) called “What Emerging out of the Emerging Church”.

Below is a short clip of Brian reading from his new book and Brian’s thoughts what Our Peace Tree Community and Empowering Peacemakers (aka EPYC):

Brian McLaren“In my travels around the world, I see a lot to inspire cynicism -including a lot of shabby religious stuff I’d rather not even give examples of. But I also meet people who inspire hope and courage in me -emerging young leaders who “get” Jesus’ message of the kingdom of God, and who are living it and giving it away. They see the integral nature of mission – that it brings together God and humanity, humanity and creation, grace and nature, contemplation and action, evangelism and social justice, faith and politics, the making of disciples and the making of peace. Jarrod McKenna and friends are beautiful examples of this new breed of emerging integral leaders. I thank God for them. May their tribe increase!” Brian McLaren

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Forge Intensive II 2007

This was a wonderful weekend spent with a real quality bunch of people.

I love how we seem to be able blend both a laid back vibe with some serious theological rigour and a liberal dose of humour!

I have uploaded the recorded sessions to our forge website if you are interested in hearing them. Geoff also took a bunch of pics, a few of which are below.


Coffee in the garden


Coffee at the Merchant Subi


Liv & Stu teaching


The morning after walking in the dunes

It was good…

If you missed out this time then be sure to get to our October intensive!

If you don’t believe me then listen to an expert…

I’ve offered some of my thoughts on kids in mission but I must say that it is my beautiful wife who really is the expert here.

On Monday she presented a session at our Forge intensive entitled ‘Risk & Reward – Families Together in Mission’ where she spoke about what she has learnt about nurturing healthy family life while being engaged in missionary work.


Our good mate Darryl Gardiner gave her a shove in this direction last time he was here and I’ve been nudging her ever since. Danelle would not see herself as a ‘speaker/teacher’, but she has some great stuff to say and is a fantastic communicator. Some people aren’t cut out for the weekly bump and grind of teaching, but cut them loose 3 or 4 times a year and watch out.

If you want to be inspired in this whole area then listen in!

Tired, but Loving It

Its been a great weekend at the Forge WA intensive!

We have had around 25 of us down at Subiaco enjoying the rich theological insights and challenges from Geoff & Sherry Maddock and the inspiration and creative engagement of Olivia McClean and Stuart Davey.

We have been privileged to have such quality people come and meet with us, but I should also add that the quality of the intensive is also largely shaped by the participants and in that regard we have not pulled up short at all.

The focus of the weekend has been on discipleship and missional spirituality, with a focus on creation care as an integral part of our lives as Christians. Geoff and Sherry have really done some excellent thinking on this topic and in a very unassuming way have been able to lead us to much deeper reflection on it also. Olivia and Stuart have been helping us reflect on how we engage with God and how we encounter his grace thru the disciplines and spiritual practices.

Tomorrow we have:

Geoff & Sherry – the practicalities of creation care

Geoff Westlake – I don’t know how to describe Geoff’s topic!

Jarrod Mckenna – A spirituality of activism

Gareth Williams – lessons from the road

Danelle Hamilton – Families together in Mission – Risk & Reward

It will be an interesting day as we hang out with the crew and our kids and navigate the path between learning and looking after the children!

Forge Intensive Starts Saturday

This weekend sees the start of our second Forge Intensive for 2007 and it will be fantastic.

We will be exploring what it means to follow Jesus in a consumer culture and discussing issues of discipleship, spirituality and sustainability in a missionary context.


We have Geoff & Sherry Maddock coming to join us for the 3 days and we’re looking forward to the stuff they will share around the place of caring for creation as an integral part of discipleship. They will also be telling the story of the community they are involved with in Lexington Kentucky


We will also have Olivia McClean and Stuart Davey from Solace in Victoria coming to help us think thru issues of discipleship and spiritual formation.

liv.jpg police academy mission to moscow divx

If you haven’t registered yet then you can drop me an email today!

Forge WA Sponsors Internships for Mission Among Backpackers

On January 24th we will be hosting a gathering

to discuss how we may engage in mission among the backpacker community. These are a group of people who are often on a spiritual journey as well as a physical one and it would be great to connect with them and share the good news of Jesus in some way.

If that kind of mission opportunity lights your fire then read on!

Given the touristy nature of our city and the opportunities that exist to get involved with travellers, we at Forge would like to sponsor up to 2 people to get involved in this significant area of ministry.

This group are largely 18-35’s and in many ways are an ‘un-reached people group’. If you reckon you’d like to take a year to learn how to be a missionary to the backpacking community then we’d love to hear from you.

As part of commitment to incarnational mission we are wiling to allow up to 2 people who wish to focus on the backpacking community to complete the Forge internship at our expense. We will give you access to all the Forge intensives, personal coaching and development in mission as part of your internship. We will support you and help you think thru what may be appropriate ways to connect with backpackers.

You would be responsible for taking the initiative and making the connections.

We are keen to make sure these sponsorships go to the right people, so if you are inspired by this kind of mission then either drop me an email or leave a comment and we can talk some more.

If you live overseas and would like to spend a year in Perth in this kind of mission then we are happy to explore that too. We can help you connect with a local Christian community that will see this as valuable mission and who will support you in the journey.

While no financial commitment is involved there would be a significant investment of time to do this properly. We will be speaking with people over the January holiday period and will run the seminar on Jan 24th as an introduction to the possibilities.

We are excited about the potential of supporting people in this vital area of mission!

So… don’t be shy.