Guest blogger in the backyard: Jarrod McKenna
Forge has said of Brian McLaren that he is “one of the most influential leaders in the Western Church” today. Brian McLaren has been amazingly supportive of my work and EPYC.
Today in the mail I received an opportunity to bless this brother back. His publisher has sent me his newest book “Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope” to review before it’s released later this year.
In the mean time here is a review of Brian’s last book a brilliant popularisation of some of the biggest theological influences on me (N.T. Wright, John H. Yoder, Walter Wink, Walter Brueggemann and my mentor and professor for biblical ethics Dr. Lee Camp) called “What Emerging out of the Emerging Church”.
Below is a short clip of Brian reading from his new book and Brian’s thoughts what Our Peace Tree Community and Empowering Peacemakers (aka EPYC):
“In my travels around the world, I see a lot to inspire cynicism -including a lot of shabby religious stuff I’d rather not even give examples of. But I also meet people who inspire hope and courage in me -emerging young leaders who “get” Jesus’ message of the kingdom of God, and who are living it and giving it away. They see the integral nature of mission – that it brings together God and humanity, humanity and creation, grace and nature, contemplation and action, evangelism and social justice, faith and politics, the making of disciples and the making of peace. Jarrod McKenna and friends are beautiful examples of this new breed of emerging integral leaders. I thank God for them. May their tribe increase!” –Brian McLaren
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