Has Another Pendulum Just Cracked the Ceiling?

As people we seem to do a good job of reacting to the absence of something with its excess and vice versa.

You may have heard of the Relevant church in Florida with the ’30 Day Sex challenge”. (ie you get the leg over every day for 30 days) As a teenager I think that would have been my idea of heaven. As a 44 year old married bloke with kids the world looks a bit different… I’m not sure I want to have sex as mandatory. Then it would become like washing the dishes… well you get the idea 🙂 Still if you’re going to pick an activity to be excessive about, it sounds like a lot more fun that 30 days of tithing.

Anyway here’s a link to the discussion going on around this topic.

One of the commenters quoted C.S. Lewis and summed it up well “Satan does not care which extreme you pick, as long as you pick one.”

What really worries me is when the pendulum swings back and we have “30 days of abstinence”….

Not in my church…


Not any more…

Of all the themes you could choose for a cafe who would pick the ‘toilet’?…

These guys… in Taipei


I guess the beauty of this place is that when you’re finished eating you could just pop the lid and push out a big one…


Anyone for chocolate ice cream?…

Makes you wonder, if their restaurant looks like a toilet then what do their toilets look like?…