When God is good

This week we have been spending time with Jeff and Tara. Jeff is an American who came to Oz as a short term missionary a few years back. He was so good we actually hired him for a short time as an associate youth pastor at the church I was at.

He is one of those rare people with incredible drive, passion and determination. He and I clicked immediately and actually became great friends in a very short space of time (even though he is American 🙂

His wife is also an amazingly gifted woman and spending time with these guys last week was life giving and refreshing. Just what Danelle and I needed.

They actually live in Bangkok and will be there for the next year on a job placement. Ovr the last couple of months I have been feeling a strong need to visit a developing country, to be faced again with how others live. When Jeff and Tara came I discovered that they live a (literal) stone’s throw away from Ash Barker of UNOH, one of the people I feel I could learn a lot from. They invited us up to spend a week with them… sounds great, but how?

I was praying last week as I was walking thru K Mart, ‘Lord we’d love to go to Bangkok, but we need a spare $1000.00 to make it happen… any ideas?…’

On the night Jeff and Tara left we took them out for a meal to the Trigg Island Cafe – (a beautiful place for dinner) and as the evening ended they shared with us that God had been speaking to them and they wanted to give us a $1000.00, which we could use however we wanted, but it would be great if we wanted to use it to visit Thailand…  Hey!?…

Its times like these when you just have to say ‘wow! God is good.’

So we will be heading up to Bangkok sometime in August to see those guys and hopefully catch the UNOH crew and learn from them.

God looks after us.

God is good.

Jesus is a goat

I was sitting outside this afternoon reading Mark’s gospel. Ellie comes out and says "dad can you tell me more stories about Jesus." We have told lots of stories over the last few weeks and she realy enjoys it. So we started going thru Mark’s gospel – feeding 5000, calming storm, welcoming little kids, walking on water, triumphal entry etc etc Later today I ask Ellie her favourite story – its the one where Jesus walks on the water and his disciples see him coming and think he is a goat… Doh!


After my post on ‘busyness’ I have to say that life looks pretty nice for the next month or so.

There looks like being a great blend of people time and ‘think’ time.

Today has been great. I took Ellie to the library and sat in for story time and craft time, (if you’re a single guy what a place to meet the girls 🙂 have been preparing some thoughts for our first Sunday gig and then I’ll be doing some coaching down at the local pub this afternoon.

Tomorrow an old friend is back in town. Jeff came to Lesmurdie (my previous church) as a Southern Baptist Missionary on a short term mission trip. Normally these overseas students are a real raffle! But I don’t think I have worked with anyone who has such initiative, focus and dedication. He come back tonight with his pregnant wife and we’ll be hanging out a bit over the next few days.

watch flags of our fathers in divx

Life has plenty on but also plenty of space to be with the people I enjoy being with.

Can’t complain hey?…

Gone Fishing…

After a fairly normal start to a Monday I looked out the window at 11.00am, saw the sun getting warmer and the wind dropping off and decided, some days you just have to ditch the work and go fishing!

Its one of the good things about being your own boss.

29 degrees, no wind, a glassy ocean and fish and fun.

How was your Monday?


There is something incredibly valuable about ‘retreat’ time.

Yesterday was fantastic. Although it was brass monkey weather, we headed for the hills and spent some valuable time together listening to God and sharing dreams and insights.

We went with one other couple and spent time alone, as a 4some, in couples and as blokes/girls, before heading out for dinner. I think some very significant stuff came out of the day… but that’s about all I can say for now.

A Quiet Place

Its one of those days when we are able to get away for a whole day to somewhere out of the hustle of life.

Over the last few years I have scheduled these days in, but have found myself cancelling them as I have looked at all that needs doing. It always seems less urgent to spend time with God than time solving problems!

This year I asked Danelle to join me on these – hearing God together seems to make a bit of sense – and we have also approached 3 other couples who we would consider close friends to come with us.

We are heading up to the hills today from 9.00-9.00 to pray, eat, laugh, listen and hopefully meet with God and each other in a fairly focused way.


Last week when Al Hirsch was here he leant on me pretty hard (in an aussie blokey matey kind of way) to get around to doing some serious writing in the form of a book.

We have had the conversation a few times before and its something I’d really like to do, but I’m not sure I can actually pull it off. It’d be a book that combined some of my own heretical ranting and theologising as well as a range of stories of emerging missional churches from around Oz.

I think I have enough material, but the question may be do I have the discipline – or even just the time – to actually devote to it. I glanced at the idea last year and then looked away. This year I have done some formative work and I’ll be giving it a good shake.

Can it happen in one year?…

I guess it all depends on what else doesn’t happen…

download conversation the onlineyouth without youth dvd

When Rest is Difficult

I often find that when I have been going hard for an extended period of time it is very difficult to slow down. I get used to running and driving and coming up for air every now and then and even though I know I am getting tired, it becomes harder and harder to stop.

The last two days I have felt like a wind up toy that has been fully wound and won’t seem to ‘unwind’. Rest has been needed and yet difficult because everything in me wants to keep going.

I was actually able to return to bed yesterday morning at 10.00 and fell asleep until midday. That was valuable, but I was edgy the rest of yesterday wanting to ‘get on with something’.

Today I feel like I am returning to normal.

This morning we had brunch with Grendel and family as well as Mick & Caroline and the day has been cruisy and enjoyable. Tonight looks similar…