Some days I am really grateful for what God has called me to and the people I have been privileged to spend time with.
Today was one of those days. It began with a breakfast with the old man of mentoring – John Mallison. John is an Aussie icon when it comes to the art of mentoring and its been a privilege to be able to get to know him a little. He has been in Perth this last few days and called me to see if we could hook up. It was a great time.
From there I met with an old mate, Dave Stanford, another Aussie legend. Why? Anyone who stays in the same church for 32 years, (16 of them on full time staff) is one amazing bloke.
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It was great to look back on our lives and see how our experiences of mission trips to the Phillippines have shaped both of us and been pivotal in leading us to where we are today. We shared some great memories of those trips and the sparks that flew. It was an encouraging and affirming time – something Dave is very gifted in. He will be one of our Forge coaches next year, something I am really pleased about.
Then… it was a meeting with a guy who is considering a Forge internship next year. Again, someone I feel privileged to be involved with, someone who is really grappling with issues of faith and mission in his own church setting.
That all started at 8.30 and finished at 12.45. To say I was tired was an understatement. As an introvert and more task oriented person I normally try not to schedule more than three people meetings into my day time hours. I find this is all I can manage before my brain turns to mush and I am as good as useless.
Unfortunately from the cafe it was off to our Forge coaches training session. I say ‘unfortunately’ because I had definitely reached my ‘people limit’ for the day!
However again, I spent two hours with a bunch of quality people whose paths have crossed my own and whose lives have enriched mine. One of them was Stuart Wesley, one of my closest mates and a bloke I have known from high school. Its the only high school relationship I still have and it has gone some distance! We take a holiday with Stu and family next month and it will be great to hang out with these guys.
Yup, tonight was church…
But, it was great to go along and in many ways ‘relax’ and enjoy what Danelle and Bec had prepared. A great recharge and very inspiring! Thanks girls.
One of the issues our team faces is that we all know each other very well. We have known one another for at least 4 years and in one case 22 years. It means we have a lot of history, but also a lot of connection with each other. Tonight I sensed we really enjoyed some of that history and celebrated the joy of being able to do this together.
I feel grateful.