Decisions Decisions…

Almost 3 weeks to go until the school year ends for me.

On Tuesday ‘The Australian ‘ actually did a write up on the school I am teaching at as one of the best in Australia…

I think we were all a bit astounded!

Next year i need to replace $22000.00 that I will no longer have – or live without it. We have several irons in the fire at the moment. We are:

– seeking personal support like overseas missionaries do from our team and people who know us and churches we are connected with. I

– have one Bible College course to teach (Biblical Ethics and Values)

– I’ll still do some preaching. My goal was to average once a month this year and it will turn out to be just over that.

– there are two other ‘job opportunities’ out there, but I’m still a little dubious about taking on another day or two of work. It does limit my availability round here if I have a commitment to another employer. It also stretches my brain and emotional energy around 3 differerent roles.

As I was driving home today I was pondering all this aware that while God is in control I still need to ‘push some doors’ to see if they are where he is leading.

Hopefully we will have some idea of how it is all coming together by the end of December, when the school’s money runs out.

Le Paris Brest

Its gotta be one of the best cafes in the city!

Today I spent the morning working from my old ‘office’ in the hills, a small French cafe called ‘Le Paris Brest’ where there are sensational cakes and great coffee.

Danelle had a Melbourne Cup gig up that way so I decided to go with her thinking I might drop in on some old friends. But… after hanging out in the cafe and doing some sermon prep there wasn’t much time left!

As much as i love the beach to be back in the hills was a nice change. I did end up bumoing into 7 people I knew just in that short time. Such is the value of living in one community for a long period of time.

Just Life

Today I’ve had some really inspiring conversations and met with some fantastic people. I’ve also had some disturbing news and as a result the day has felt really heavy. Good friends struggling with the crap of life sure outweighs some big wins on the work front.

I feel like we are in the middle of some significant spiritual attack at present. That’s about all I can say, but its not real enjoyable.

‘Heavy’ is a good word.

Then again its just ‘life’ in all of its joys and struggles…

Totally Sick!

Just me

Yesterday while I was off work my principal rang up to see if I knew if I’d be in today. “Umm…. really can’t say”. So she gave me another day off just to be safe. Pretty nice I reckoned – but it seems I needed it.

I have just woken up from over 3 hours of sleep. I have always found it really hard to take days off work, so her offer is much appreciated as I may have tried to go in today.

I still have no idea what is wrong. My whole body just aches and I have a sore throat.

I’m hoping it will be gone by tomorrow as its the day of our backyard blitz and then on Sunday we’re hoping for a big day out on the water fishing.

I’d love to go the Church Together on Sunday night, but I’m not sure we’ll be dragging the kids all the way to Burswood at 6.30pm. Like Rod, the whole format isn’t really my thing, but I have always gone because its about so much more than my personal preference and the whole concept of it is sensational.hard rain dvdrip download download shredderman rules free

I Can Still Get Up…

Today was my first surf since turning 40 back in May.

The weather is turning – the warmer days are coming and today was the start of it.

Sephto and I made the trip up to the Alkimos in search of waves. Sadly we only got there 30 mins before the sea breeze but it was long enough to be able to clamber to my feet and get a few rides in.

When the breeze came in we headed back to the boat for some fishing. We caught some weird looking fish – kind of a mutant herring… Herring look but with yellow tails and black dots… I dunno… I’ve only been fishing for a year.

I decided to eat em anyway and had them for lunch!

They must have been ok cause I’m still alive…gangs of new york dvdrip

I Sure Hope He Showed Up…

Its been a busy weekend with a wedding yesterday, followed by a party and then a church service to preach at today.

If you’ve done any preaching you’d know there are days when you are pretty much solely reliant on the power of God. If he doesn’t show up then its gonna be a pretty dreary old day… Now I know that’s supposed to be the case all the time, but let’s be real – its not!

Today was one of those occasions. I was preaching on the passage in Luke where Jesus calls Levi, one of my all time favourites, but I just didn’t have anything fire for me throughout the week. Normally I sense God leading me in a direction very clearly and giving some passion for the message.

This week I must have read that passage 100 times, made 15 pages of notes, but just couldn’t seem to ignite.

I was actually a bit worried this morning when I turned up with a bunch of notes and a few different directions to head in depending on what gelled on the day.

I discovered before the service that two of my stories I had used previously at this church, so I ditched them, I had a story about a particular racial group, but it was a sensitive story and given that a family from that particular African country just happened to be in church that day, I felt I should ditch it as well. The pastor used another story on the front of the church bulletin… It was looking grim!

I don’t think its bad to feel confident when you communicate in public, but this was one of those times when my personal confidence was fairly screwed!

The prayers from me were ‘God – if today hits anyone it will really be down to you…’. At the same time as I felt nervous, I felt a degree of calm because over the years I have been amazed at what God does with what I would regard as garbage preaching.

Anyway – either the people were just being polite or he did speak to some because the feedback seemed genuinely positive.

Its never nice being forced to depend on God. Learning that line between my endeavour and his power is always a tension.

How Many?…

Kobeelya_1How many people can one house hold?

Here we are in Kobeelya – a huge old house in the south west town of Katanning. All of Danelle’s immediate family are here as well as various inlaws and related parties. We told Ellie it is a castle and she has been carrying on like a princess ever since!

Apart from Danelle’s mum and dad the total number of people living under one roof at the moment is 31 from 6 different families – yep that’d be 19 kids all under 12 except for one. These guys like to breed.

You can imagine that peaceful secluded moments are not high on the agenda at the moment…

A Living Legend

There are few people I have more respect for than my father in law – Peter – a top Aussie bloke who turns 60 this weekend.

It means we will be spending the next 4 or 5 days down the bush hanging out with family and celebrating his birthday.

Pete is one of those blokes who has influenced a heap of people by the quality of his character. He is an earthy, easy going type who always seems to have time to help people out. I guess one of the greatest testimonies to who he is are his kids who have known him for 60 years and still adore him.

Well done Pete!

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Abusive Comments

Up to now I have chosen not to delete comments which are offensive or that attack me personally. I don’t think I am an overly defensive person and believe I am open to valid comments and criticism.

By the same token if someone has a personal axe to grind or wishes to be abusive then I am not going to be their whipping block.

In recent weeks I have had several comments (since deleted) that have been abusive and offensive from a person who does not know me personally. I have offered to speak with this person face to face if there really is an issue, but this offer has never been taken up.

Future comments of this nature or from this person will also be either banned or deleted

If you don’t like what you read here then there is a simple solution – don’t read it – or disagree in a tone that engages debate rather than simply being hostile.