What is It?

Today Ellie, Sam and I went for a bush bash in the fun-mobile (82 FJ60 Landcruiser).

Just 300m from us is a great stretch of dune and bush and beach that we love to play around in. Sam fell asleep 30 mins into the trip and we had to take him home, but Ellie and I grabbed Winston (labrador) and headed back down for more fun.

What is it about just hanging with a 3 year old girl that is so special and so much fun?

Some of the best moments of my life are spent with my kids, just hanging out, splashing in the water, collecting shells, bouncing over dunes…

Something pretty special about it all!

Family Frenzy

Today the rellies arrived.

My sister in law, husband and 5 kids are here until Monday. These times used to freak me out – our house suddenly becomes very noisy and very ‘full’.

Over the years I’ve come to enjoy these times and I’ve also seen them as times when God is growing me and teaching me to be less selfish.

Next weekend we head off to Katanning for my father in law’s 60th birthday. Should be a hoot.gone in sixty seconds dvd download

Sunday Shift

It’s funny to see how much our lives have changed in the last 12 months. From being twice daily Sunday church-ers to only going when I am speaking.
Sunday has become a much loved day rather than a work day. I did always enjoy speaking but Sunday was always associated with going really hard and pulling up drained.

Today has been one of those days when we are grateful for the shift in direction. A late start and then a read of the paper, was followed by a dad & daughter trip to Supercheap Autos to pick up car bits and then it was out to the beach to give the new beast a decent test run.
Mark and I went last week, but we spent most of the time getting him unbogged and didn’t really get to give the cars a decent run. Today was a heap of fun as we headed up towards the Alkimos along the beach strip.

Ellie has become a great little companion on the bush tracks and we love heading out there together.

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Bottle of Red

Just spent tonight with an old aquaintance who is becoming a mate – a bloke called Owen Beck.

He was virtually famous in the late 80’s for his band ‘The Rockin Rabbis’. They were an ‘ahead of their time’ band who spoke very powerfully to a lot of issues. It was only last year that I tossed out a well worn Rabbis tape.

Owen has moved into Brighton recently and dropped in to say g’day. We managed to polish off a decent bottle of red over the last 3 or 4 hours.

It was a great night, sitting chatting, eating, drinking and relaxing.

As Good As It Gets

Brighton_beachToday was 22 degrees C and beeeudiful!

I was working from home and couldn’t resist taking an hour out to head down to the beach with Ellie 7 Winston (dog). We hopped into the fun-mobile and bounced across the dunes to a stretch of beach where we were the only ones there.

We played for an hour, splashing in the water, climbing rocks, collecting shells, clambering up sand dunes and having fun. We took some time to sit down and thank God for all he had made. We took it in turns to say what we were grateful for. Memorable times…

Boys and Toys

When we first moved to Brighton there was talk of a road going straight thru to the beach from where we live. We thought this would be great!

There is still talk but no road…

However there is a well worn sandy track. I’ve been down it a few times when my father in law has loaned us his four wheel drive. It leads to an open outlook that is sensational and a great place to pray, walk the dog etc.

So… I decided if they aren’t going to build a road I’ll buy a four wheel drive…

Just last week I got an old 1982 Landcruiser for bashing around in the local area and for making my own road with. She’s not pretty but she’s in good mechanical shape and is on LPG gas which is even better.

Now I don’t want them to make a road because it’ll only make the place crowded!


It wasn’t often that I used to preach twice on a Sunday – I do it less these days! But yesterday was one of those days.

There was a morning gig where I was asked to do an evangelistic message and then an evening one where I got to have a rant about my favourite theme – Christians living in the world rather than separate from.

Its been a while since I have done an evangelistic message so I found that one a stretch, but the other fits very well with who I am these days.

Of course the irony of the evangelistic message was that there were maybe two or three people present out of 70 or so who weren’t Christians. So 68 people put on an event for the two…

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Home Alone

Its Friday evening…

I am home alone. Danelle and kids have spent the day out and are waiting for the traffic to ease before heading home.

I ate pizza.

It always looks so good at the start and leaves you feeling so bad at the end!

At the pub today I met another boxer – an ex english champion – what is it with this pub and boxers?… We chatted for quite a while trying to ignore the obnoxious drunken idiot who was hanging around and delivering his meathead monlogues.

I can understand why people would thump a drunk.

I went to work today.

Nearly stayed home sick… sore throat, losing my voice, cold etc, but thought I should rock up as I have an easy day with a guy coming in to take all my classes for golf. Of course when I get there I discover he has double booked and won’t be fronting.

There goes the easy day.

Saturday looming – sabbath… rest… nice…


When this year started my life was ambling along and I was looking for things to do most days. I was almost glad of my two days of teaching just to help fill up a fairly empty week!

Its now August and that has changed a heap. Today and yesterday have been sensational days and I have not been able to go surfing or fishing… ‘how sad’ I hear you cry! My brother sent me a text yesterday afternoon asking if I wanted to head out on the water.

Want to?… absolutely!

Able to?… nup…

Well I could have, but there was a lot of stuff that wouldn’t have got done. Some days I am happy just to drop everything and have fun, but now as activity has increased I am aware that I can’t do that anywhere near as freely.

Its great to see what we are doing in Brighton developing and to see Forge really gaining steam, but it does mean returing to where ordinary people live!

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