Third with a Wheelbarrow

Last night Danelle and I went to the Brighton footy club quiz night with 6 of our neighbours.

I have to be honest to not holding a lot of hope for our success!

But by the end of the night we had come third and won a bottle of wine each and I somehow fluked the door prize which was a huge heavy duty wheelbarrow and shovel.

As well as a lot of fun with the crew it was a pretty productive night for the $10.00 investment!

Now I just have to use the wheelbarrow!



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I’m not sure what’s going on.

I have had a shocking headache and mildy sore throat for the last three days. I feel pretty miserable, grumpy and not like hanging around anyone.

Its a real bummer though because today was one of those sensational autumn days – 26 degrees – all day easterlies and sunshine – and I spent most of it inside watching TV, reading and feeling crappy. I also had a good friend come up from Lesmurdie and I found it hard to chat with her because of my lame brain. Ecch!

As well as that its the last few days of school holidays and I was hoping to take a complete break from work and chill out – but this has made it a bit difficult.

We have a team meeting tomorrow night – my brain is so fuzzy I don’t think I could lead a group in silent prayer at the moment!

I have some stuff I am really chewing thru in relation to things ’emerging’ and what happens when this ‘edgy’ movement becomes the next flavour of the month – which I sense in time will happen.

Anyway – Whinge over – as you were.

Adventures at Sea


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Yesterday was the best day we have had so far surfing at the Alkimos.

My brother and I headed up there for a couple of hours of glassy head high + waves, with only one other taker. It got pretty hairy at times trying to get the 8″8′ mal out thru the sets, but the real tricky bit came after two hours of surfing when the wind changed and the boat drifted into the impact zone.

We had anchored out to the right hand side in deep sand where waves don’t normally break. The anchor was not holding brilliantly which was ok while the wind was offshore – but when the wind turned onshore…

Well the boat started to drift in a little… and a little more! I looked up as I was paddling back out after wave to see the boat getting a little too close for comfort. I paddled over as fast as I could. (Its amazing the rush of energy you can get when you need it!)

As I got there a set was approaching and we were in its way. I hopped in and started to crank the motor.. the first swell hit before it was running, but we made it over the top… on the third attempt it started – just as I saw a wave breaking about 5 meters in front of us.

I made the decision to charge it and try and bust thru (dragging the anchor with me!) To try and turn aorund could have seen us get rolled.

I made it thru that one and over the next before there was a lull – whew!

The anchor is all bent out of shape as it got caught on a piece of reef while I was ‘charging’ at the waves.

Reminder to self – do not anchor on the right hander again when there is a decent swell and an onshore wind!

Days like Today

Its one of those days when as a person with ‘flexible working hours’I seem to be hearing God calling me to the beach!

I seem to be hearing that voice a lot this week…

Thing is I have a heap of stuff that simply won’t get done if I listen to that voice!

25% Complete

Today I completed my first term of school. After several weeks of literally hating it, I asked my prayer team to pray that I would find enjoyment in my work, because I was about to resign.

That same week I went from a 2/10 in terms of enjoyment to a 7/10.

I’m still not loving it, but I am no longer coming home grumpy and obnoxious!

I talked with the principal today about next year. She has been very gracious and has understood my struggle – even suggested she would be willing to keep going with AH next year if he was willing.

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Purple Patch

I’m right in the middle of one of those periods where some very signifcant connections are sparking, and ‘God’ things are happening. I can’t say any more than that, but it feels like much of the stuff we have been doing round here is catalysing and moving to a new level. I feel very encouraged and it seems every time I turn around there is something new happening and a relationship deepening.

Wish I could say more…

The Surf That Wasn’t…

This morning Loges and I headed out for a surf… which never happened…

We made the 10km boat trip up to Alkimos – saw 7 guys out in a very blown out wave and decided to head down to a different spot.

Along the way we got tangled in a cray rope and had to stop the motor. Which was fine, except… It didn’t start again… Despite every effort and every attempt after 20 minutes we couldn’t get the stupid thing to go!!

So… time to learn how to use a marine radio.

The good news is that within an hour a rescue boat was there to tow us back to the marina. In that hour or so we had a great conversation and rather than coming back feeling the morning was wasted I think we both felt like we had enjoyed the time out there.

Now… to fixing it!catch a fire download free

Imaginary Pets

These are wonderful creatures!

Recently Ellie has created this imaginary pink rabbit – whose name is… rabbit! I never had much to do with imaginary pets before now, but I’m actually quite a fan!

Imaginary pets mean imaginary feeding, imaginary poo, imaginary vet bills and when you’re sick of the little buggers you just unimagine them!

I am happy for Ellie to have an pet she wants as long as it is imaginary!

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