Overload? (Or just a bad day?…)

Most days I love having my finger in about 5 pies at once!

Today I am feeling a little overwhelmed with the different hats I wear. I must confess to not feeling like I am in control like I should be.

My primary roles outside of home are:

Brighton team leader – I think we are doing ok
Forge WA Director – I think we are doing ok too
Soon to be Phys Ed Teacher – this scares me a bit as I still rarely even think about it. Hopefully I will get some passion up for it soon!
Ovesight of Church Planting for Baptist Churches – this is a voluntary role so I could ‘cruise’ in it – but that’s not me. I want to see us plant effective new churches so I am committed to this. I want to see this take off, but it gets the left overs of my energy and creativity.

Today though my head hurts… it feels like too divergent a playing field.

If I could make 22k and not teach I’d be interested…

Nothing is in a mess at present, but I am finding it hard to focus on 4 things at once.


We are here in Katanning staying with Danelle’s parents until Monday. It’s a little town of 4000 people about 3 hours south east of Perth. I’m here to speak with the local church leaders about one of their pastors doing a Forge

internship next year.

Hopefully they will agree that the experience will be valuable for him and support him in it. Although it is a ‘risky’ venture for an older conservative, established church as it will bring some serious change.

We’ll see”download where the heart is movie

Going Up Bush

I have another weekend up bush at a place called Katanning where we will stay with Danelle’s folks. We’re heading off tomorrow and coming back Monday.

In that time I’ll be kicking back and relaxing, as well as meeting with the Katanning Baptist leadership team and preaching there on Sunday morning. The associate pastor there is considering doing an internship with Forge daddy s little girls divx online so I am going to make sure the church and leadership team are both well aware of what it could mean if their pastor gets (more) serious about mission. It could mean quite a lot – from painful change to pastoral resignation to amazing freedom.

I wonder what will happen?

Apparently Sunday night is Carols by Candlelight – one of those events I’d happily miss – in fact I’d rather drown in a bucket of vomit… I’m not a big fan of carols!


There were a few great comments left last night – read Emma on Back to School download breakfast club the dvd and James on How Liquid is Church

And ml says Pretty soon all that our kids will be able to do, when outside, at school is sit on a bench (one made out of plastic mind you…dont want to get splinters) and take turns talking about the good ole days their parents talk about when they were in school and played kick ball, battle ball, and climb rusty steal octagons…….


Its been a while between decent surfs. This is what I am dreaming of.

The pic (click on it for a bigger version) was taken on a surf camp I ran for Scarborough High School boys when I was a phys ed teacher there.

It was one of the best days ever in the south west. A spot called Windmills – offshore all day and 4-5 foot. If you’re not a surfer then all that means nothing to you…

If you are… heaven!download deep end of the ocean the movie


Up at 6.30
Feed kids – Began reading Liquid Church
Took father in laws’ 4WD for a drive along the coast so I could pray- got bogged – prayed a lot – dug a lot too
Got out 30 mins later
Came home and kept reading LC – liking what I am reading
Simone, Josh & Brianna arrive – its a scrapbooking afternoon for the girls! Yeeha…
Fixed the Queen Mary – a big crack in the floor needed re-fibreglassing – actually did a good job of it
Went looking for neighbours to hang with
Came home – no one around
Went to shops to get ingredients for pizza for dinner
Pizza and shiraz for dinner
Read paper
Here I am…
Like you care!


Tonight I am going out with Danelle and the other Creative Memories consultants & husbands for dinner.

Danelle really gets into the whole creative memories photo album thing – and does a great job with it. She also sees it as a great way to connect with people and share life stories. I reckon it is ‘her thing’ to a tee.

Tonight we have a dinner with all the girls she knows and some of the husbands are coming too. I often find these things tiresome because I have to get to know new people just for a night, but I also look forward to them because they can lead to the most amazing conversations.

The last time I went to dinner with Danelle and friends saw me deep in conversation with a freemason and it was a great time. I’m not a great small talker (I can do it but rarely enjoy it) so I am praying that I might have some inspiring conversations tonight.