The WCA Blatant Rip Off – How Silly Will YOU Be This Year?


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beat me to the post on this one.

After the various discussions about conferences around the place we are soon to be hit with the Willow Creek Leadership Summit, but in what can only be described as the most absurd rip off I have come across (since last year’s WCA summit) these guys are going to slug you $179.00 to watch the conference on a DVD!!!

I would credit Bill Hybels with being one of the most influential communicators I have ever listened to. The man is simply brilliant, but who in their right mind is going to shell out that sort of cash to have someone press a button a machine.

If you want to do a conference by DVD then at least have the decency to charge people only for the cost of the auditorium.

I am not one for witch-hunts and exposes on so called corrupt ministers (no doubt some probably are) but this really deserves to be shamed out of existence.

Absolutely bloody appalling…


I had a friend gutsy enough to write to me and suggest this post was out of line because I hadn’t gone to the people concerned first (WCA) and asked what their reasons for the high cost were. He said also that it didn’t contribute anything to the body of Christ, but rather detracted from it because it wasn’t written with a loving spirit.

He’s right and I owe the WCA guys an apology for an uninformed rant. It was very poor form on my part and while my opinions on the cost of the conference may still stand, I regret having written this the way I did.

I figure a public stuff up warrants a public apology. So sorry to WCA and to anyone else who read it and found it unhelpful.

“Heretic McLaren Re-Imagines Hell”

What a charming title.

The not so gracious guardians of all things true continue to shirtfront anyone who chooses to question their own way of thinking.

I really am a bit tired of this offensive pig-headed, lame brained nonsense.

Adding to the problem is that I can’t ‘comment’ because I have been banned from the site. And the funny thing is all I did was politely disagree… I can get a lot fiestier, but all I did was suggest a different opinion may be valid. I wouldn’t mind getting banned for being a jerk, but surely disagreement is allowed in this world?…

Why dont you offer them your own helpful insights.

While the ‘theology nazis’ continue to assault the prophets the victim in all this is the quest for a better understanding of what the Bible teaches.

(Imagine the ‘soup Nazi’ from Seinfeld) “No Heaven for you! Come back 1000 years!”

Kill Non Christians

Hey what fun?!

You can play video games and kill a bunch of nasty pagans all at the same time.

Justin writes:

Left Behind: Eternal Forces comes out some time this year, and there aren’t a lot of details, but here’s the basic premise as I was able to infer from the website:

The rapture has happened, so all the Christians are gone

A bunch of people realize the error of their ways, and immediately become Christians after the rapture

For some reason, it becomes necessary to blast the unrepentant to bits and hasten the destruction of the world

Guns. Lots of guns.

The “Christian” world gets sicker and sicker…

On second thoughts

I woke this morning and realised I don’t want to buy into someone else’s argument like I did yesterday with the Driscoll / McClaren post.

While I am happy to give my opinion, (and still find the whole censorship thing absurd) I found myself actually enjoying the biffo more than I should. A bit sick I realise but there you go… Stuff like this doesn’t bring out the best in me, so I have removed the two posts and probably won’t have anything more to say about it.

Its a reminder to me how easy it is to type words online and give opinions but lose sight of the real people at the end of the line.

I hope Driscoll and McClaren can find a way forward that allows them to disagree, but doesn’t become the fiasco it is now. They are obviously people who have much that is valuable to say to the church.

And in the words of Gump ‘That’s all I have to say about that’.

What was he thinking?…

We had a great team retreat on the weekend just gone.

One of the highlights was staying at the Lancelin backpackers with all the travellers and tourists. On sunday night one of the long term travellers – an italian pizza cook – put on an all you can eat pizza night for a mere $7.00 a person.

We went from garlic bread to entree pizza, to main course to desert pizza. It must have been good because I didn’t make it to desert.

There were a few blemishes on the pizza cook’s ledger though. His sausage and potatoe pizza had a few of us laughing. Potatoe on pizza… I don’t think so! ‘What’ll be next?’ all giggled ‘peas and corn?’

Guess what?

Peas and corn do not belong on pizza.


Can you believe it?…

Today was one of those sensational winter days and it was the perfect opportunity for a surf. Paul rang up and we agreed to hit ‘The Spot’, a left hander in Yanchep.

When we got there it was nippy, but with only 4 guys out and a decent swell it was worth making the effort. Twenty minutes later after catching a wave I was paddling back out and duck dived to avoid some oncoming white water, only to dive straight onto a piece of rock…


I came up dripping blood into the water.

After my leg episode a few weeks back I realised that pain is not always proportional to the amount of damage done and being my face I obviously couldn’t see what I had done. I paddled back out, thinking maybe I’d just keep going. Why waste an uncrowded surf?

A passing surfer stopped and had a look and suggested I better head in, Paul came and had a look and we decided to call it a day.

I came home, frightened my wife and kids had a shower, took the mandatory photos and then followed another trip to the Dr…

No stitches this time – just those ‘steri-strip’ things to hold it all together. I’d taken a divot out of my nose so he couldn’t stitch it anyway!

This was my first accident in 31 years of surfing.

I’m going fishing tomorrow with one of my neighbours…


Hamo is spelt H-A-M-O.

H-A-M-O… not HAMMO!

Yes I know it does sound like a long ‘a’ vowel sound, but really, this is how it is spelt. (I know)

To all those spelling it with two ‘M’s, I am sorry – you are incorrect. I will no longer be responding to incorrectly spelt versions of this name in blog, email or speech… (I can pick it)

Ok – so the cricket is a bit boring and I am silly 🙂

Just another day…

Yesterday I went fishing with my brother. Pretty straightforward you’d think… and it was, until we came back to the marina and tried to get the boat back on the trailer.

As I normally do I hopped on the front of the trailer and began walking out to grab the boat and float it on. But I slipped and landed on my butt on the trailer bar. I also banged my leg. I thought it was just bruised until I looked closer and discovered that it had been cut open by a protruding bolt. It was a deep, nasty cut and looked fairly ‘meaty’.

Dsc00851 I felt a litle woozy and went over to chill out on the jetty for a few minutes while my brother and the guy in the next jetty tried to get the boat on… rather unsuccessfully… It is a big heavy boat and if you don’t know what you are doing it can be hard to set it up right.

The guys got it on as best they could and Steve went to drive the whole lot out of the water. I lay back to rest only to hear a rolling sound… The winch spring had just broken and the boat was rolling off the trailer. Thankfully we noticed before it landed on the concrete.

The guys tried again but it was skewed…

They tried to push the boat back off the trailer to realign it. In doing so the whole set up began to move backwards – boat and 4WD! While they looked rather dumfounded I had an adrenalin rush and charged across to get the foot on the brake before we submerged the car. Got there just in time…

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From there I thanked the other guy and told himto go home. I figured I was just going to have to get it on, so with a pair if trakky daks tied round the hole in my leg to stop the bleeding and now dressed only in jocks and t shirt began to try and manouver the boat onto the trailer.

We got there – not straight, but drivable… It’ll do…

We came home and took the mandatory photos and then I drove down to Joondalup hospital where I spent 3 hours waiting to get stitched up before heading home for dinner with friends. Its nice when you have people around who don’t mind if you fall asleep in their company 🙂 I lasted till 10.00 and then nodded off mid conversation only to wake up at 11.30 when they were going home. I didn’t feel too bad as Nick had gone to sleep too!

Unfortunately the day’s surfing with local Brighton kids, that was planned for tomorrow is now not going to happen.