More on the Safran Exorcism

It seems that episode of Safran v God really stirred people up.

The key question seems to be ‘was it real?’

Other comments in Andrew Denton’s guestbook can be read here, as well as an interview with Safran & Rachel Kohn here and other viewer comments here.
(Thanks Jarrod!)

He obviously experienced something that impacted him…


Nah, that couldn’t be… could it?…

Here’s one person’s reflection from the SBS feedback site:

2004-10-18 23:13:32
The final episode was absolutely gripping.
Makes you wonder if there’ll be any further series of Safran Versus God. The excorcism is certainly the most tangible proof of a religious entity that has been shown in the show. Or anywhere else that i’ve witnessed, for that matter.
When you see that kind of stuff happening to strangers on tv you can dismiss it as fake, but when it happens to John it kinda screws with your head. I don’t want to believe that our faithful Mr Safran would act up for tv, but neither do i want to believe that reading a book about Zen and having lustful thoughts has filled me with screeching devils and condemned me to the “pit”..

So what do we believe?

Exorcising John Saffran…

I have been trying to follow ‘John Saffran v God’ on SBS. Sadly the badlands of the pentecostal fringe were the focus tonight.

Saffran went thru an ‘exorcism’ of sorts, but it seemed he was faking it – and no one knew… He had supposedly engaged in every kind of spiritual practice and these needed renouncing/cleansing etc.

Tonight’s episode was bizzarre. Did anyone else see it? Any thoughts?

Why Kurt Won – My Theory

He is a good singer…

Another reason might be what I think

psychologists refer to as ‘recency effect’. In first year psych (17 years ago) I seem to remember it being said that when we see a long line of people or things and are then asked to make a judgement we will typically best remember what we saw first (primacy) and what we saw last.

Going last might have been an added blessing for Kurt. and it might have been a factor in Guy Sebastian’s poorer than expected result.

All this dribble from a bloke who couldn’t care less!

Kurt Nilsen has a Beautiful Day!

I’ve got to say a big well done to the podgy Nowegian hobbit plumber who kicked some huge butt (esp the US judge!) to win World Idol. I reckon this guy was the pick of the crop and definitely deserved to rank as highly as he did.

Unfortunately it seemed like that only words of English Kurt could speak fluently were the lyrics to his song so the post win interview was rather brief! Although one look at his face definitely told you what he was feeling.

It was a great response by the guy who was called ‘ugly’ by the judges.

Meanwhile our own Guy Sebastian finished up as a very average idol with 5th and 6th placings being the norm. No shame there – he is obviously a great artist and will do very well.

I have to confess I actually got interested in this whole thing after watching the world idol finals – but more than anything I was hoping Kurt would stick it right up the judges who were rude to him.

I think we could safely say he did that…

Guy Sebastian for World Idol???

Despite my best intentions (of going out to see a movie with Danelle) I sat at home and watched World Idol. Actually I am watching it as I write this”

Having succumbed, I must admit that Guy Sebastian was pretty awesome. We all agreed that he needed to sing something funky and he really was up there with the best. I am a fan of people who ‘move’ rather than those who stand still – singers or preachers. Movement engages people and speaks of confidence. Guy certainly exuded a fair bit of charisma and it came thru as he did his thing.

I guess everybody wants their local to win – most days I don’t care, but today I’d like to see him do it.

If Guy doesn’t win I’d like to see Kurt from Norway pull it off. I’d also like to see some of those judges bite themselves. Maybe they are paid to be obnoxious, but it must be tough for those guys to hear that they are ‘ugly’, ‘useless’ etc.

If we want to see the final we’ll have to get up at 3.30am on Jan 2nd. Chances of that happening?… Yeh” that’s right!

Well” Danelle is voting for Kurt (the hobbit) as I write” Go Norway!

Survivor Tonight

Danelle and I are big survivor fans! Its about the only television I watch at present.

Tonight we have three hours of it – yeeha!!! It hasn’t been the best series ever, but that little scumbag, weasle, dropkick, loser, airhead Johhny Fairplay has at least made it interesting.

I am not going to read the CBS site to see how wins – (unlike one of my friends 🙂 ) so please don’t comment and give it away!

My tip?… hmmmm…. in the absence of any decent competitors I pick Darrah…

She is the least offensive of those bullitt in divx