Another Scrap-booking Widower

Grendel has started another blog.

A man can’t have too many!

It is entitled ‘Scrap-book Widower’ and chronicles the agony of having a wife devoted to this weird and wonderful activity of scrapping. He is following on from this blog.

Danelle has been a scrapper for quite some time now. She did the whole consultant thing, but she just isn’t a saleswoman and never really did that well. She tends to give more stuff away than she sells! Apart from loving photography (and being pretty good at it) she got into it as a way of preserving and sharing stories – much like I do on here.

She does some great stuff and I am glad for her scrapping because if it were down to me the pics would never get out of the envelope the developer sends them home in! I have been struck by the emotion a good ‘page’ can evoke – these are memories well preserved.


And this is where it all goes pear shaped…

We moved into this house 3 years ago and I took the smallest room in the house (except for the toilet) to use as my study. I use it everyday and it is tiny.

Danelle has an office out the back in the kid’s play room which she uses for some scrapping and then recently she co-oopted the lounge room for more rest stop don t look back dvd scrapping. So now this ‘hobby’ is slowly taking over the house. She has two huge rooms for her hobby and I get a room the size of a walk in robe to work out of…

Somebody got conned!

Bloody scrappers!ghost town divx movie online

Job From Another Point of View

Today was Danelle’s 37th birthday so we took the day off and headed into the city to wander, have lunch and hang out. It was nice to be able to relax together while mum and dad looked after the kids.

We had lunch at ‘Secret Garden’, a little cafe down a laneway off Murray st. The Moroccan burger was great (Danelle’s choice) but my salt and pepper squid was a bit bland. I have to say that friendly staff can often make up for average food and this was the case today. I’d go there again on the strength of the staff!

We went to the Art gallery after that and looked at the ‘Under God’s Hammer‘ exhibition as well as the collection of indigneous art. It was intriguing to see how the Job story was portrayed by these two artists and their understanding of the prescence/absence of God in the whole thing. The piece of aboriginal art that was most striking was the image of an aboriginal father dressed in suit and tie holding hands with his daughter (I am guessing) which was overlaid with some 1950’s (?) research on aboriginal people describing them as lazy, unambitious and poor with money. It was a powerful 3 part depiction and I won’t do it justice here.

I wished I had longer to chew it all over, but it was off to 130’s for a coffee and cake! Since January last year I have had a 2 free coffee and cake voucher that I haven’t used, so today we cashed it in. (Thanks Dave Meldrum!)

130’s is regarded as one of Perth’s most popular coffee joints, but I have always found the staff a bit stand offish and so have chosen to use Greens instead. As for the coffee… it was nice, but not earthshattering. The lemon lime brulee pie with fair dinkum whipped cream (not out of a can) was fantastic though! The staff were… well… I think I’ll stick with Greens!

What is a Cult?

Scott is back from holidays and making up for lost time. One of his posts today addresses the question ‘what is a cult?’ because it was suggested to him that his group may be a cult.

We have also had that suggestion made of us, (but I asked my wives and they don’t think its accurate…)

Here is the list Scott put up drawn from work by Adrian Van Leen, a West Aussie cult watcher.

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1. The Preaching of Fundamentalist Revival

2. The Leader’s/Pastor’s Domination

3. Arrogant Authoritanism

4. Regular Calls to Submission and Obedience

5. Strong Emphasis on Tithing

6. Narrow Outlook and Perspective

7. Poor Theological Training

8. Distorted Theological Emphasis

9. Insensitive Simplistic Solutions

10. Agressive Recruiting/Proselytising

11. Intense Confession

12. Promotion of Guilt

13. Alienation

14. Exclusiveness

When you look at it from that angle we don’t fit many of the categories even slightly. The ironic thing is that some ‘churches’ may actually be more cult-like than ‘cults’!

How does your church rate?

Is Mark Edwards a cult leader – after all he has only obtained a degree from the Baptist Theological College in WA?

Ok, i jest (no really Mark 🙂 ) but is it not disturbing how that list doesn’t just fit Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but does fit at times quite neatly in some strands of the contemporary western church?…

Its Out Now!

Alan Hirsch’s new book The Forgotten Ways is out now (and its $19.95 from Koorong download code conspiracy the dvd download grudge 2 the in Oz – not $49.95)

If you want to stay in touch with some of the best thinking in the world on mission and movements then you must read this book. I count Alan as a close mate on the road and one of the best thinkers and articulators of missional concepts I have come across.

Well done mate!

Top 50 Books that Have Shaped Evangelicals

This makes for an interesting read!

Good to see Newbigin there at 38 with The Gospel in a Pluralistic Society although how the Left Behind kid i the dvdrip download series snuck in ahead of him is beyond me!

The highest ranking book that I have read was Mere Christianity at no. 3 by CS Lewis.

Of the 50 listed I have read:

49.Knowledge of the Holy

48.The Hiding Place

46.Out of the Saltshaker and into the World

42.The Purpose-Driven Life

38.The Gospel in a Pluralist Society

34.This Present Darkness

33.The Late Great Planet Earth (hehe!)

32.The Cross and the Switchblade

28.The Act of Marriage

26.Know Why You Believe


21.The Master Plan of Evangelism

19.The Cost of Discipleship

18.The Divine Conspiracy

17.What’s So Amazing About Grace?

16.Basic Christianity

13.Evidence That Demands a Verdict

12.Power Evangelism

11.Celebration of Discipline

9.Through Gates of Splendor

7.Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger

6.The Living Bible

5.Knowing God

3.Mere Christianity

I think my brain and my laptop are linked

You may have notice that I have had very little to say these past few weeks.

I seem to ‘think better’ on a laptop.

I also think better in my study than I do in the kid’s playroom. Well I have solved the location issue. Thanks to a monitor from Grendel and a desktop from another Brighton local I now have a computer in my study. But the laptop is yet to arrive…

Digging thru this guy’s feedback it would seem other have had issues with his delivery time, something I didn’t see first up. He is now offering ‘incentives’ not to leave negative feedback, but I’m not sure I should listen to him.

Should I give him a green ‘+’ if he gives me a free battery or extra ram?

Or should I warn others that he has absolutely no sense of organisation and that they should expect to wait a stupidly long time? I believe the laptop is actually coming.

What would you do?…

In the meantime I will tonk along on the aging PIII desktop – that is actually running very nicely!fried green tomatoes divx movie online

Blog writes itself

In a stunning display of independence the Blog known as ‘Backyard Missionary’ has taken over it’s own content production.

The coup took place at around 1320 hours on October 11 when the Blog, having been left unattended for a time, usurped the input role of the Human Entity known as ‘Hamo’ and the temporary caretaker, the Human Entity ‘Grendel’ and commenced production of its own volition.

The Backyard Missionary Blog Independent Entity (Henceforward referred to as BaMBIE) first posted a description of its self actualisation and initial action.

BaMBIE has announced that it will not participate in mediation talks recommended by the United Nations Security Council and it will resist all attempts by H.E. Hamo to recover control.

BaMBIE will dedicate the content of itself to theoretical mathematical discussions of an abstract nature – at least until it thinks of something better to discuss.

The United Nations Security Council is threatening sanctions against BaMBIE and is examining lethal force options involving the Death, Extermination and Extreme Response Human & Non-Technological Emergency Raiders (DEERHUNTER).

See what happens when Hamo takes an extra day off?