
This weekend I am off to join a group of 30 ‘older’ young singles as they go on a camp/retreat. The weekend is the dream of Kath & Sarah who have managed to pull it together and captured the imagination of young adults from all around the city.

In most of our churches those who are 25+ and not married can often find it difficult to make good connections and may even struggle with some loneliness. When most people are pairing off and having kids, to be ‘a single’ can be difficult.

My role is to be the person who provides some input on the ‘spiritual’ side of things, which for me is going to translate to doing some spiritual formation activities with them and helping them to reflect on their own journey with Jesus, how its going and where they are at.

I’ve called it ‘Stumbling Towards Jesus’, because so much of what we do is a ‘stumble’ and yet if we are heading in the right direction then the pace or way in which we get there is less of a concern.puffy chair the divx


I haven’t had a cold, flu or any kind of sickness for nearly two years. I was starting to feel like superman!

Sadly that changed over this weekend. On the way home from Kim’s place last night I started to feel my head clog and my throat itch. Then last night I spent half the night awake as my nose dripped into my throat. Today its just a stupid head cold that makes me want to laze around and sleep (partly cause I didn’t do that last night!)

So today has been very slow.

We went to the markets – a fairly ordinary experience – came home and slept. Tonight its a DVD and a snooze. That’s the beauty of holidays – nowhere to be and nothing you have to do.

We’re home tomorrow afternoon and then Monday AM I am spending the morning in Ellie’s class. We’ll see…

Now the Virtual Parallel Universe

TSK pointed out that there is now blogging software exlusively for Christians…

Like we needed to create another parallel universe to dive into! Christians separating themselves from society and huddling together is hardly what Jesus had in mind.

If nothing else it raises those great ‘who’s in and who’s out?’ questions. How do you decide if I am really a Christian? A confession of faith? A lifestyle check? Does my churchgoing ir/regularity affect my membership?

You can only join up by invite, so I may never get in…

Pity about that…

On a different note you could consider attending the church that bought the local pub and have now turned it into a worship centre… What did the locals reckon about that I wonder?…

They state their vision as that of being “a respected and high profile Christian communityon Auckland’s North Shore renowned for (yada yada yada usual vision stuff)



I am often intrigued when people make radical, bold statements and argue strongly for them.

Steve Timmis did this yesterday and I am still pondering his thoughts.

He stated ‘there is absolutely no biblical warrant for, nor actual need for larger church gatherings. In fact these are detrimental to the processes of discipleship and mission’. I heard him say this on Tuesday so on Wednesday I asked him the exact same question as I wanted to clarify what I heard him say. I wanted to make sure I didn’t misquote him or mishear him.

I didn’t.

Steve argued his case from a biblical point of view, not simply a pragmatic one.

He argued biblically that:

– the temple/house scenario of Acts ceased to exist after the diaspora.

– the church at Corinth etc were very likely smaller household gatherings.

– that the larger ‘church’ is an eschatalogical reality and we can wait for that.

Probably all fair statements.

On a more pragmatic level he suggested that:

– larger gatherings do not engage in discipleship as effectively (this is debatable because I don’t think this is a function of size but of leadership and culture)

– large church is resource intensive and costly. (no issue here – it is heavy on both people and financial resources)

– there is nothing that happens in ‘large church’ that cannot be done in small church. (ummm… I dunno…)

– that the vibe of a larger gathering can be obtained at a football match and is not necessarily related to the presence of God. (yep)

Hmmm… on a pragmatic level I am probably still unconvinced.

Although there is much that we would agree on, Steve actually comes from a somewhat different paradigm to those of us who are in the Forge network. He is much more focused on church enabling mission than mission leading to church. You can read his philosophy here download romeo is bleeding .

He is also a self confessed ‘calvinist’ and deeply committed to reformed theology. (which is interesting because most of the fruit – loop blogs (I refuse to link to them) who criticise and malign any alternative expression of church are of similar theological bent.

It is always refreshing to meet people who are well earthed theologically, but prepared to be radical in practice. There is so little in the way of fresh imagination when it comes to thinking thru how we operate as church, and way too much mindless imitation. Steve has chosen a different path, not because it is funky and new but because he believes it has currency theologically and practically.

His question still challenges me.

Is there anything that can be achieved in a large church gathering that cannot be accomplished in a smaller one and is the smaller group more likely to result in authentic discipleship.

Don’t let your biases (or your pay-check) rule your response!!

Moving Beyond the Personality Cult

Its so easy to do.

When you display a charismatic personality and a half decent communication gift you can ‘wow’ people, pull a crowd and before you know it have people ‘following you’ and cheering for you almost irrespective of who you are.

I was reminded of this over the last week as I spent some time with a survivor of my time in youth ministry at my old church. She was one from a non-Christian home, who came to Christ and is still going. She is rare. Most kids without Christian family give it away when the scene changes,the pastor moves on or they hit a hard patch. She hasn’t and has certainly earnt my respect on those grounds alone.

That youth ministry did rely too heavily on my own presence to give it energy. It was good while I had passion for the youth scene, but when my passion waned everything began to come unstuck. I couldn’t inspire people like I used to, because I didn’t have the same fire. And it was around here that I began to realise how much others depended on me to be the passionate one – the inspirer of others. The source…

I reckon its a danger for church planters also – to build a church focused on us download moulin rouge dvd download snow angels online living dying dvdrip – to be the centre of it all – the lynch pin – the ‘man’. Its a quick way to pull a crowd, which only tells you how dumb people are sometimes – how easily they are swayed by an up front presence – how much they long for someone (anyone?) to look like they are followable.

The challenge is not to dismiss the power of personality, but to use it with integrity – to lead people rather than drive them and love them rather than smile at them as you ‘work the room’ on a crowded Sunday.

I remember a retreat we had as an Upstream Team over 2 1/2 years ago. It will go down in history as a fairly unmemorable weekend. It wasn’t terrible – just kinda average – ho hum. I remember as it came to an end there was a distinct lack of passion in the room. I began to switch into ‘vision talk’ mode, but then just as quickly jumped back from there.

Its not that a vision is bad – or even that a ‘vision talk’ is bad in its place. But what I sensed then was a critical moment, when people could either look to me for energy and inspiration or could look to Jesus. Somehow I had the presence of mind not to wind up a ‘ra ra’ kind of talk, but I didn’t know why. It was only as I drove home that it dawned on me what I had (not) done. I won’t claim that I pointed people to Jesus. I didn’t. All I did was not point them to me.

Even so, we were able to reflect on this later, and it became a learning moment then, a realisation that we are not going to be a team dependent on Hamo for inspiration, but rather a bunch of people who try to look to Jesus for that.

Now that’s easier said than done, and I do believe that God does gift some of us as motivators and inspirers of others, but the huge challenge is to do that without then becoming ‘the centre’ in place of the one who really is and ought to be the centre.

Small challenge hey?!

Great Newbigin Quote

Thanks to Scott for this great quote from a great man!

“…These missionary experiments have until recently left untouched the position of the local congregation as the definitive form of the church, the place where the word is preached, the sacraments dispensed, and Godly discipline administered. These other activities have been seen as rather unecclesiastical or at best para-ecclesiastical activities which were the outworks of the church rather than its main structure, the scouting parties rather than the main column.

…We must ask, ‘is the church only truly the church when it is in camp, and not when it is on the march? Is mission not as truly churchly as congregation? Are these goings forth, these self-emptyings, these fallings into the ground, not as truly of the life of the church as the settled local congregation? Should these not also have at their heart the ministry, the word and the sacraments as truly and fully as the other? When we use the word ecclesiastical only for the settled and not for the experimental, only for the congregational and not for the apostolic, are we faithful to the bible? Or are we putting the traditions of men in place of the word of God?”

Here and There

As of today this blog will be given minimal attention for the next two weeks.

We are off to the south west, partly to have a holiday and partly to do some coaching of the rural youth pastors.

We will be in Margaret River until Friday when we shift across to Katanning until Monday and the we’ll finish up by heading down to Albany. We got the Margaret river accomodation very cheap because the owner asked us if we’d keep an eye on the schoolies in the other house on the same property! So in exchange for a cheap break we just need to make sure the kids behave themselves.

I just figure if they want to party long and hard until the early hours, we can let two small children loose in the back yard at 6.00am to make a hell of a racket…

Aussie Seeking Adventure

Ok – its sounds like an ad in the personals, but its not!

This is for those in the UK and or US/Canada.

I am interested in seeing what is happening around the world in places where people are genuinely asking questions about what it means to do mission and church in new ways. I am interested in meeting the people doing it and talking with those who are really grappling with new expressions of missiology and ecclesiology. They don’t have to be ‘big names’ and more than likely they won’t be.

It’d probably mean living rough and spending a few $$ to make it happen, but my question is this:

If you had 2 or 3 weeks to spend simply meeting with key missionary practitioners from the northern hemisphere who / where would you prioritise meeting with / going to? (You can say yourself if you want to 🙂 )

Give me your top 3 or 4 northern hemispherians / centres of energy who you reckon it would be worth me hanging out with or going to.

I am not that interested in attending funky worship events.

I know enough to know that you don’t go to ‘see what someone is doing’ because most often it doesn’t look very spectacular and you don’t observe relationships developing!

But I am interested in doing some useful learning and making some good connections with people be they from small communities or large ones.

Fire away!

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We watched the video tonight.

It was a movie you ‘feel’ more than you think about.

I’m still working out what I’m feeling, but I know it tapped into some of the reality of what it means to be human – search for meaning, the desire for redemption, the blurred lines between good and evil and the confusion that is so often this crazy life we live.

Were the characters good or bad or just ‘human’?

Its pretty raw.

Suggestion – Don’t watch it with your mother in law 🙂