My review of The Shack with apologies to those who loved it…

I finished reading The Shack last night.

I got home late and read the final few chapters pretty quickly to get it over and done with. Sadly it wasn’t a book that resonated with me at all. I know it has been valuable to some, but I found the cringe factor was rather high as I listened in on the conversations and relationships between Mack, Papa, Jesus and Saraya.

I have been trying to reflect on what it was particularly that left me cold and I think it has something to do with the embodiment of all 3 persons of the trinity and the ‘pally’ way they got they on. The intimacy that the author was trying to depict just felt a tad too touchy feely for me.

I think it demystified the triune God and pretty much removed his transcendence, replacing it with complete immanence. I think the transcendent otherness of God is a vital aspect of who he is and in The Shack God became too much like an ideal version of humanity. I can handle Jesus as human because he is, but the other 2 just felt all weird…

Maybe I just have a particular view that actually needs rattling, but I wasn’t on the same page at all as the author.

The story of Mack and his daughter’s killing was pretty gut wrenching, but I think that’s just because I am a dad of a similar aged little girl. But it really wasn’t about the story… It was

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a work of theology and an attempt to portray God to us in a different way. For that it is commendable, but I just don’t think it worked. It was pretty ordinary prose and the theological explanations that were present throughout seemed laboured and forced, as if the author wanted to tell us stuff and this was his mechanism. Better just to write a piece of non-fiction I would say.

Was it heretical?…

I guess it does open itself to charges of modalism, but I am content to accept that any depictions of the trinity are going to be flawed, because the concept is beyond human understanding and expression. So I’m not beating up on the author for getting his trinintarian analogies wrong – heck we’ve been doing that all thru history!

I must admit I did do a double take when Mack spoke of how he ‘flies’ in his dreams and the description was as close to the concept of astral travel as I have come across. Perhaps it was just a ‘flying’ dream, or maybe this was a veiled reference to a practice we would question. Wayne Jacobsen who was involved with the writing of the book denies this has any basis in fact.

To be honest I don’t even have a lot of energy for this review… I would neither slam this book or praise it. I imagine it will simply get relegated to the guest room and take its place on the shelves along with all the other books I am unlikely to ever read again.

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Lots On

Lots on at the moment.

Between Forge WA, Forge National, various speaking engagements and a heap of reticulation work I seem to be in the midst of a busy period.

So I am not ignoring the conversation i started recently regarding how we shape out theology, but I am struggling to find headspace to engage properly with it. I don’t like it when others start conversations and then appear to walk away, but currently my brain is feeling weary.

Somehow I have also buggered up my back and barely got thru digging the 80m of trenches I had to today. Hopefully it will ease off soon because another day like today would not be fun.third man the download free

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iPhone iMpressions

After playing around with Phil’s

iPhone last week and finding it intriguing, I thought I’d explore getting one. The cost of changing over came to a grand $50.00… so as one who likes to explore new things I lauched out and upgraded on my current plan.

So now I have an iPhone…

I am not an apple junkie, but thought it time I had a look at least.

So far after 3 days here are my thoughts.

* It does look nice and it ‘feels’ good, but then so do plenty of other phones out there.

* I like the display and the quality of image it gives.

* No video camera is not a big deal, but still a bit dumb.

* I find the connectivity pretty ordinary. I got great net reception with my E65, but this one loses the 3G signal regularly and seems to be very slow to pick up and respond to our wireless signal. Not very impressed there. I have been told (by tech support) I need to switch off 3G when around a wireless signal as it makes it hard for the phone to know where to connect. Sounds like a ‘dumb-phone’ to me.

* On that I missed two calls today while at home because the phone lost the signal. My other phone never did that and it is the same carrier… weird or dodgy?

* I discovered ‘apps’ last night and that was fun. There are heaps of very cool and interesting things to waste heaps of time on! Quite impressed with that aspect of things. Now I have a spirit level on my phone…

* The much talked about battery life is definitely an issue. It is SHIT! I am lucky to get a day out of it and that is with the upgraded OS. Its a major reason to think twice I reckon.

* I thought it would have allowed you to store all sorts of files eg word, pdf etc, but it seems to be a media player and not much more. I thought I could store a bunch of docs and PPs and access them anytime but maybe not. 16Gigs will take a while to fill…

* The gps thru google is pretty cool and some of the similar apps are also pretty handy. Great to play with on the train when you are bored.

* My kids like this phone much better – in fact they are playing with it now… a good, but very expensive toy!

* I couldn’t see an app like ‘sailing clicker’ (for controlling powerpoint shows remotely) – which I guess there won’t be until Apple upgrades their bluetooth system.

* I am told they don’t scratch easily, but I’m guessing that if I keep it I will get a case of some kind as well as some accessories to keep it charged up.

Given they sell in ebay for around $900.00 I am not too worried. Its got another week to prove itself before it gets listed!

Oh – and with regards to how it functions as a phone?… Not bad but nothing amazing either.

Sorry I am less impressed than I should be Apple junkies. Maybe you can show me where I am missing something?

It feels a little like when a movie built up to be something amazing, but when you actually get to see it, you find it ok, but not much more…

How have others found it?…

Anyone else re-considering?

The Weather Got Us…

We were scheduled to head down to Busso this weekend to do some more camping, but the onset of cold wet and windy weather meant everyone baled. Danelle has also been sick all week so it was going to be tricky for us anyway.

So Friday night we watched 2 DVDs – the Painted Veil and some other crap cop thing – and today has been a veg day. The local kids are here playing, I have been reading and hanging out and tomorrow is looking similar before heading to Melbourne on Monday for our Forge National Team meetings.

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Camping Again

This weekend coming up will be another camping adventure for the friendly folks of Writtle St.

Our neighbours on either side as well as the 2 families across the road have signed us up to spend another weekend in Busselton, diving, skiing and probably drinking copious amounts of alcohol. (As much as I love a glass or two of red I am in a different league to these guys who regularly indulge until the wee hours.)

The weather is looking pretty dodgy, but I imagine it will be a goer either way so we may discover the waterproof (or other) qualities of our camper-trailer.

We have been blessed with some brilliant neighbours who are some of the most hospitable and engaging people I have ever met.

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Caught Napping

We had a very late night yesterday as we were up playing poker with a few families from the street. It was a fun evening – even for a non cards player. You learn a lot about people in a poker game.

In my tiredness today I went for an afternoon nap, then slept longer than I should have and now I can’t sleep tonight…

Don’t you hate that…

So I’ll stay up until 1am then wake up feeling like crap again tomorrow!

Maybe the glass of port I am sipping will serve as some kind of anesthetic and will see me nod off sooner…

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Easily Excited

By the look of Colin Barnett you’d think he had just been voted in with an overwhleming majority.

Reality is we don’t know who has won the WA state election, but this bloke is obviously weeing himself with joy that around 50% of the people have found him a less annoying option that the Labour crew.

Sad old world…

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Ok, so not a runner…

Well today confirmed all of our suspicions…

Sam is not going to break any world speed records in his lifetime.

He was in the last heat of the boys 50 m and you can tell by the lack of any other runners in sight where he came in this race!

Ellie (on the left in blue) ran fourth and was pretty pleased.

I am thinking of putting them both up for adoption.